Chapter twenty seven.. And a note.

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"BOTH OF THESE COMPETITORS HAVE WON TOP MARKS IN THIS FESTIVAL SO FAR!" Hizashi's voice echoed across the stadium, fueling the anticipation. "BUT THERE'S ONLY ROOM FOR ONE OF THESE GREATS IN THE RING! IT'S TODOROKI VERSUS MIDORIYA!" The short moment of silence seemed near deafening.


Todoroki immediately went for a front on attack, sending a wave of ice towards the agile teen. Dive rolling past it, the greenette activated his quirk. Strategy was key in this fight. Realistically, if he wasn't careful there was no way he would win. Todoroki grit his teeth as his ice failed to generate. Fist fighting was not one of his stronger points, but he'd trained in it before. In a small second of hesitation, Izuku had sent a fist to hit gut, throwing the milk 'n' ketchup boy backwards. Todoroki skidded to a halt, eyes wide with determination. Izuku  leapt up and over the taller boy, twisting upon landing and kicking the back of his knees, knocking him to the ground.

Todoroki bent his legs up, wrapping them around Izuku's neck and forcing him down whilst also pushing himself up. Izuku rotated onto his back and flipped back, regaining his standing position. A cold bead of sweat trickled down Todoroki's face as the fight continued. The two threw fists until one gained the upper hand. Izuku held Todoroki down, one hand on his head (pushing it into the ground), one leg across both of his and his waist pressing on Todoroki's. If to weren't obvious that the two had just finished a fight, it would probably send rather curious signals. "TODOROKI IS UNABLE TO CONTINUE, IZUKU MOVES ON!" 

From the stands, Bakugo was grinning like a maniac, Hitoshi doing the same. Letting out a heavy sigh, Izuku helped his opponent up, muttering a 'good game' before walking out. Roughly gritting his teeth, he hissed in annoyance. I'm getting soft. Weeks ago that would've been finished in seconds. Idiot. The mental berating went on and on until he finally found something to distract himself. 

The next match. 

Throwing a harsh right hook, Katsuki ignited his palm, sending a large explosion into Kirishima's face. Hardened skin defending the blow, he threw his own punch, dying the blonde's face with crimson blood. Teeth grinding against each other, Kirishima continued the fight, showing little mercy. even if it wasn't that important in the long run, they both were fully into the brawl. Out of seemingly nowhere, Iida emerged. Striking into conversation straight away, he stole Izuku's attention. 

Okay.. I just want to say, I'm so so sorry. This was my first fanfiction ever, and I think it's fair to say that it's done better than I ever expected. I began this with help of hyperfixation and references. It's funny to look back and think that it all started with a title and one random comment I made on a fanfic ages ago. The whole idea was like a double ended candle. It burned bright but died out fast. I had quite a few plans for this, I have to admit I'm pretty sad I didn't see this the whole way through. I'm not saying that this is discontinued, I'm just saying that it's on hiatus until I can find that spark again. 

I really don't want to force myself to write this, because it'll just go down badly. I've grown a decent amount since this began and I loved every second of it. I regret nothing but the fact that I lost interest. I'm going to try my hardest to improve and continue this no matter what. I can't, I never can, repay you all for all your support. Your comments make my day and every vote makes me smile. 

The issue is, however, that I'm only fourteen. I'm still a kid. I mess up, I learn and I grow each day. I despise the system that puts enough stress on students to make them want to take their own life. I hate the fact that school is based on how well you remember things, I hate how literal children are told they're stupid because they don't understand or have trash memory. The system is broken, and so are the results of it. I'm so tired of waking up every morning to dread what should be fun. Humans are supposed to love learning, but we despise it. It makes me sad that every day another life is lost and it could've been stopped. I love writing, I'm not going to lie, but I have no motivation or energy to continue with this for now. 

So what I'm trying to say is fuck the system, eat the rich and I'm sorry. 

Hi. I'm 17 now.  I'm posting this now because I hope that this message can help someone.

You are loved. You are appreciated. It gets better, I promise. If you need help, reach out to anyone, everyone. You're important and you are needed. Remember to be kind to people, and let kids be kids. I've grown up now, and I hope that you can do it too. 

To everyone who's struggling, I promise that someone out there cares for you, even if you haven't met them yet. YOU ARE ALL IMPORTANT!

I am so lucky I managed to get through my dark times, and I wish you all the same luck. 

I don't think I'll come back to this account, but if you even doubt for a second that you'll do something you'll regret, reach out; there are people who can help you.

I never thought I'd make it this far, but I belive that you can too

I end this chapter saying, you are loved. Be kind. Reach out to people, don't be afraid to ask for help!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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