Chapter sixteen: Son of a-

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"So you're the boss?" Aizawa hissed, dodging the attacks Tomura threw at him. "Twenty four seconds.." Tomura grabbed the scarf whipped at his face before Aizawa ripped it back and elbowed him in the stomach. "Seventeen seconds." Shigaraki smirked, taking hold of the elbow with all five fingers, disintegrating the first few layers of skin. "It's hard to tell when you're scampering around, but there are moments where your hair falls in front of your eyes. Every time you finish a given move. And your max duration's getting shorter and shorter." He glared at the teacher. "Don't overdo it now, Eraserhead." Aizawa let out a 'Tch' And tore his arm from the criminal's grasp. "Your quirk, it's not good in long, ground battles, huh?" Tomura continued. 

By now, Asui was having to hold back her classmate from jumping forwards. "This is kinda different from your usual work, yeah? You specialise in quirk sneak attacks. Yet you jumped right into this fight. Hoping to make the kids feel safe? So cool, so cool." 

What Tomura was about to say next, we would never know, as a poor frog girl had finally lost her grip on our hooded protagonist. "Glad to see someone who agrees!" He snarled, pulling the slightly injured eraser hero out of combat, subtly pushing him towards said girl. "You come into my school, attack my teacher." Tomura had to hold back a laugh, the kid had guts and was blessed with a decent sense of humour. "Oh, did I forget to tell you?" The student tilted his covered head. "We literally just started talking.." He muttered. "I'm not the final boss." Tomura gave a thin smile. Such a shame a talented teen had to go. Izuku took one took at the bird like creature and let out a laugh, startling anyone who heard. After all, the thing was so hideous, a beak like head, brain exposed and teeth like shattered glass, muscles coating it's entire body and an overall navy colour. "Nomu. You know what to do." Tomura had a slightly distasteful undertone to his voice as he gave the command. 

The Nomu charged forwards, not giving a second for the greenette to think or dodge. The Nomu grabbed Izuku by the head and threw him to the ground with a thud before picking him up and dangling him by the neck. The teen glanced at his teacher. "Permission to use quirk?" He questioned, getting both curious and disapproving looks from the surrounding people. Aizawa sighed before nodding. Izuku grinned and activated quirk void. The Nomu shrunk, mutated and twisted until it looked vaguely human. Kurogiri froze, Tomura soon after. Knocking two fingers into a pressure point and knocking the unknown entity out, Izuku was dropped to the ground and rolled to a stop. He bounced right back onto his feet, facing the leader. 

"That all you got, Tenko?" He asked, no ill will. Tomura just gaped, both in shock that his trump card had been defeated so easily and that this student knew his name. However, he slightly recognised the voice... He charged forwards, hands slightly outstretched. Blocking the attack, Izuku threw his own punch "Oh, sorry. You said you were.. Tomura! Tomura Shigaraki, was it?" That caught the older man's attention. "You.. You not only have combat experience, but know my name.. Now, usually, this would mean nothing, but I had a meeting.." Dodge. "With a certain vigilante.." Punch. Block. (What is this? Minecraft?!) "But of course, you would know that, wouldn't you, Mizu Neko?" He questioned, catching the fist thrown at his and attempting to decay the hand. When this failed, he kept hold and tugged, almost pulling him to the floor. Almost. He regained his balance and gave a turning kick, which Tomura dodged. "Guess I'm in trouble when this is over then, huh." Izuku muttered. 

Aizawa was watching the exchange in complete and utter confusion. His masked student was an infamous vigilante? That meant 'Kyuno Mizuniki' was a fake name and his actual name was known. Well shucks. Back to Tomura, he was honestly intrigued by the child. A UA student and a vigilante? "So.. What exactly is your quirk?" He hissed, ducking again. "Nothing special, just quirk void." He replied, swerving out of the way of a lunge. Asui was trying to stop her teacher from rushing in, thankfully succeeding this time. She began to drag him away, trusting her classmate. "Quirk void? Sounds fancy.. Mind telling me what it does?" Another dodge. Izuku suddenly stopped. Tomura rushed forwards and placed all five fingers on his arm. The skin began peeling off before shortly stopping. "That. And I'd appreciate you leaving my arm alone. I got stabbed a few weeks ago and it's still healing." He retaliated, plucking the hand off. Tomura raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

"Tomura Shigaraki." Tomura turned to face the misty man. "Kurogiri. Is Thirteen unconscious?" He nodded. "He's incapacitated but.. There were some students I couldn't warp away. And one of them escaped." Shigaraki shook his head and sighed. 

He began to scratch his neck. Reaching out to stop him, Izuku pulled his hands back down. "For the love of Satan, please stop doing that. I'm sure a certain warp gate over there would love to put a dog cone on you if you continue." Said warp gate looked away in guilt. "You know, most people don't care about the villains that much." Without waiting for a response, he addressed Kurogiri again. "We won't stand a chance against dozens of pros. It's game over, man. It's game over for now. We're leaving." He stated, swivelling around. 

Take in mind, after Aizawa was safe, Asui had slunk back for a rat she left behind. 

"L-leaving? Did he just say they're leaving?" The rat asked, trying to stay below the radar. "We're saved! Yes!" He jumped up onto Asui's.. Chest and getting shoved underwater for his crimes. Izuku was trying so hard not to look at them and give their surprisingly still hidden location out of mind of the intruders. "But before we do that.. Let's leave a few injured kids." He said, a smile plastered on his face. He lunged towards the frog girl and placed all five fingers on her shoulder, Izuku behind him, hands on the floor.

Nothing happened, Asui was still intact. "You know.. I've n-never tried to defend so many people before.." Izuku stuttered, wavering in a crouched pose. "Maybe protecting the entire USJ was a bit of an overkill. Handy man, you know I can spread my quirk across anything I touch?" The older male turned around, shock written over his face. Izuku was shaking, barely still awake. "Of course, the drawbacks are a pain to deal with, but o-others come first." A smile graced his face. Tomura was slightly relieved, he could at least say that he tried, after all, a highly trained vigilante was a force to be reckoned with. As he was about to leave, the doors burst open. The Nomu, now back to 'normal' and shaken awake, slowly rose and let out a shriek. "FEAR NOT!" Izuku sighed, even in his half awake condition, he still hated the 'hero'. "A-all Might!" The rat squealed. "I AM HERE!" He yelled, making sure China heard him this time.

Izuku facepalmed. "Well look what the cat dragged in." He murmured, slightly catching the wavering attention of Shigaraki. All Might was there. And he was not smiling. "Son of a- Can I not catch a break? Christ, my luck took a swan dive off a cliff like my mental health." Izuku sighed, adopting a fighting stance. His hair was no longer dyed, meaning in All Might's tiny mind, he would be a threat. "Looks like it's three on three then." All Might charged.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I am working on the next one already, so sorry! Apologies for the slight cliffhanger.

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