Chapter fifteen: Underground Secret Jackrabbits

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"WHOAAA!" The entire class, excluding Todoroki and Izuku gasped. "There is a flood zone, landslide zone, conflagration zone and many more! Every disaster and accident you can imagine. I built this facility myself. I call it the "Unforeseen Simulation Joint!" Thirteen cheered, the pride in his voice bubbling. "Oh wow! It's Thirteen! He's a gentleman who does his best work in rescues!"" Uraraka gushed, the inner fangirl unleashed. "Thirteen." Aizawa greeted. "Where's All Might? I thought he was meeting us here?" The homeroom teacher continued, looking around. "About that, senpai... It seems he just about reached his limit during his morning commute." Thirteen replied, holding up three gloved fingers. "He's resting in the break room." Aizawa sighed "The height of irrationality." He conversed, rubbing his forehead. "So let it be. Let's get started."

Thirteen turned to the students. "Before we do, I have one or two points. Or three.. Four.." The students sweat dropped. "As I am certain you are aware, my quirk is called Black hole. It can suck in and tear apart anything. However, my power could easily kill. I've no doubt there are some among you with similar abilities." With the last statement, the class eyed Bakugo. "In our super-powered society, the use of quirks is heavily restricted and monitored. It may seem that this system is a stable one. But we must never forget that it only takes one wrong move with an uncontrollable quirk for people to die. (*Cough* Todoroki *cough*) During Aizawa's physical fitness test, you came to learn of your own hidden potential. Through All Might's battle training, you experienced the danger that your respective quirks can pose to others.This class will show you a new perspective! You will learn how to utilise your quirks to save lives. Your powers are not to inflict harm. I hope you leave here today with the understanding that you're meant to help people. That is all, thank you for listening."

The class clapped. "He's so awesome!" Uraraka squeaked, hands clasped into fists. "Great. First off-"

Aizawa cut himself off. Behind the teacher, a swirling mass of purple and black, marble like, almost, formed in front of the fountain, slowly growing, seeming to suck all the light and joy out of the huge building. Out of the misty substance came the head of a figure, untamed grey-blue hair drowning his head, gloved hands, so many hands, covered his body, fixed in place. The rest of his face was hidden, one of said hands placed on his face, excited blood red eyes staring at the seemingly innocent students. "HUDDLE UP (Like penguins) AND DON'T MOVE" Eraserhead yelled, adopting a fighting stance (Not Izuku, that's coming) "THIRTEEN! PROTECT THE STUDENTS!" He called, pulling down his yellow goggles, a gist from Hizashi. Kirishima opened his mouth to say something, but quickly shut it when he saw the glare he was receiving from Mizuniki. "DON'T MOVE!" Aizawa cried, flinging out his arms. "THOSE ARE VILLAINS!" The churning void like mass narrowed his yellow slits. "Thirteen and Eraserhead is it? According to the staff schedule I received the other day All Might should be here." Aizawa growled. "Of course. That whole incident was this scum's doing." The blue-grey haired man began to scratch his neck, irritating Izuku quite a bit. "If you're going to attack somewhere, with high probability you will get hurt, let the other do the hurting." He hissed, trying his best not to run down there and stop him. "Such a shame.. We come all this way to greet him, and he doesn't show? I wonder if some injured kids will bring him here?" He cackled, raising his arms, a ever-growing crowd of villains appearing behind him, brandishing weapons and quirks. "Sensei, aren't there intruder sensors?" Yaoyorozu questioned, slightly panicking. "Yes, of course there are!" Thirteen stuttered. Aizawa prepared to jump into the group, eyes deep red. "Aizawa-sensei. Remember, you aren't alone in this." Izuku called, receiving a nod as a response. The class watched as the criminals froze, quirks failing. 

Izuku's POV (I know it's been so long)

"I hate pro heroes.." The guy called Tenko murmured, still scratching his damned neck. My hand twitched. "Hurry up and evacuate!" Tenya screeched. The black unnamed mass slunk forwards. "I won't allow that." A shocked hush rippled through the students. "Greetings. We are the League of Villains. Forgive our audacity," He glanced behind him to the seeming ringleader. "But today we've come here to UA high school, this bastion of heroism, to end the life of All Might, the symbol of peace." Whispered comments spread, denying the statement. My clapping disrupted this, slow and sarcastic. "Thank the gods! At least one of you has manners! Kurogiri, is it? Can you please tell that... That handy man to stop scratching his neck? 'Cause if you don't I will." I stepped forwards, classmates looking at me like a psycho. Kami-chan was not-so-subtly shaking his head no. The 'Kurogiri' guy looked slightly taken aback. "Apologies, but my role remains unchanged. You may be students, but you are the best of the best. Begone" He began to cover us all in the misty substance. As I appeared above the water, the first thing that came to my mind was rather simple. 'Thot.' I began to fall, regretting not using my quirk. Shifting my shape into one similar to that of an arrow, ready to brace for impact. Before I hit the water, a pink ribbon like tongue wrapped around my waist, dragging me to safety. I  glanced at my saviour. A deep green haired girl with large eyes and a bent over stance was retracting her tongue from a minuscule boy with purple orbs for hair. "Uh.. Hi?" The boy looked at me for a second, then carried on staring at the clearly uncomfortable girl. Cries and jeers could be heard below and after looking over the edge of the boat we landed on, I was met with the sight of criminals, all quirks water based. "Alright then. Guess we have to fight." I said, a bit too cheerfully. I had no idea such a small creature could spin around so fast. "WHAT?!" He screeched, making me and the girl, Asui,  flinch. "We have to fight. There is no easy way around it. We can cower and hide until they climb up and kill us, wait for them to attack, or fight. The probability of us winning, taking our quirks into account, is actually pretty high. I know everything I need to about everyone here, but if you could explain your quirks in further detail, it would help." I paused, giving them time to respond. "My quirk is called frog. I can basically do anything a frog can. I can jump really high, stick to walls. My tongue can only go 20 metres, kero. The rest isn't that useful." She placed her finger on her lip and waited for the boy to speak. "My hair is really sticky," He pulled of a sphere and stuck it to the boat. " A new one'll grow in the old one's place, but if I take too many, I'll start bleeding." Damn. Nothing I didn't know already. "Well, I can see one clear way out. I'll be a distraction and draw them all together and you throw your... Hair into the water to stick them in place." I was sure this would work. "Won't you get stuck too though? Kero?" Asui asked. I huffed. "Nah, I'll be fine!" I laughed. I slid my legs over the side of thn boat and gave a mock salute. Dropping into the water, I wondered if my whole vigilante-ing was enough training. Meh, too late now! I hit the water, frothing and foaming at where I entered. A smirk made it's way onto my face. Showtime.

3rd POV

Izuku realised something. Years and years ago, hair dye would UA been made of chemicals and many other things. Now, in a supernatural  (I can almost hear the fandom) world, they were created via quirks. And when Izuku activated quirk void, all effects of that faded, leaving his emerald green locks for the world to see. He was grateful that he made sure he had a hood. He thrashed and floundered, making sure to attract all attention within seconds, he was surrounded. He could barely see through the swirling mass of bodies. A purple orb slowly drifted down, followed by a flurry of others, leaving only one person untouched. Izuku let out a cackle, seeming to forget that he was underwater, rose to the surface, and hacked his guts up. Had the situation not been so dire, Asui may have laughed. The three of them made their way to the shallows, making sure all the intruders were dealt with. They saw Iida escape, much to the annoyance of the leader. Aizawa was still fighting, no surprise, as the villains were vast in numbers. Meanwhile, in the landslide zone, a certain ketchup and milk child was freezing all who opposed him, leaving no one free. The mountain zone had Kaminari, Yaoyorozu and Jiro dropped into it, who were holding their own, totally not using the electricity outlet as a stun gun. Totally. Jiro repeatedly plugged her earphone jacks into her shoes, magnifying her heartbeat whilst Yaoyorozu created weapons. The girls hid under an insulated blanket as Denki send out enough volts to fry everyone in sight. Jiro was so not blushing at being so close to the could be model. Aizawa had taken out most of the nearby cannon fodder and was starting to close in on Tomura. Izuku sighed. "They could have named this 'Underground Secret Jackrabbits' if they made it underground... and put jackrabbits in it... there goes my last brain cell!" Asui looked at the boy in a quizzical way,  questioning his mental stability. On a more serious front, Tomura had just had a realisation. He grinned. "Twenty three seconds." He hissed,much to the alarm of Aizawa, leaving the students who heard to question, what was so important about twenty three seconds? Oh how little they knew...

A/N: This is a little off topic, but there is a really good fanfiction that I'm reading, bnha of course, but almost nobody is reading it!! It is called 'cool motive, still murder' by Toaster_mafia. Sorry for the cliffhangers, there will be an update tomorrow as well!

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