Chapter one: A snap and it's gone

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 3rd POV

Izuku Midoriya would say he was a normal kid. He was rather small in size, but apart from that and those impossible freckles, he was pretty average. Well, on the outside. His brain was always in use, be it analyzing heroes and villains quirks or studying for the next maths test, there was no doubt about it. He was smart. 

However this all changed on his fourth birthday. He and his mother, an angel in herself, made their way to the quirk doctor. They stepped inside and the room was buzzing with excited children showing off their amazing abilities. Nether the less, Izuku was nervous.

"Sorry to say this ma'am but your child is quirkless." The quirk specialist looked slightly bored by all this. "It is rare in this day and age but you see here?" He indicated to an x-ray of the child's foot "These two joints here are most common in the quirkless."

Izuku's POV

As we got ready to leave, my shock only slightly faded, the doctor slid a carefully folded piece of paper into my hand and held a finger to his lips. I nodded and followed my mother to the exit. 

"D-do you hate me n-now?" I asked, in fear for the answer. She stopped. Inko was a force to be reckoned with when in a bad mood. She crouched down before me, held my face and looked into my deep green eyes. "Honey, I will never, ever, ever hate you no matter what happens." She pondered for a while. "Unless you get too many piercings" She chuckled. A grin lit up my face and I tumbled into her caring arms. This. This was perfect. 


Inko's POV

I will always love my son, he's always so positive and happy. I hope the school is good to him. They better be..

"Mum! We're here!" He chuckled in a sing-song voice. I picked out the key from my pocket and inserted it into the lock. I stepped inside and placed my coat on the hanger. As usual, our house looked like a bomb had gone off in a hero merchandise store. I noticed Izuku clutching a folded piece of paper. He realized what I was staring at and shyly handed it to me. I carefully unfolded it and glanced at the note. "You are not quirkless. They are watching, stay calm and you'll stay alive." My eyes widened and I hugged Izuku, unwilling to tell him that 'they are watching'. "Y-you have a quirk!" I whispered. "But we'll see it later! I promise it will come soon."


Izuku's POV

Mum made me promise not to tell anyone about my quirk 'cause I could be in danger so I'm registered as 'Quirkless'. I hope Kacchan will become a hero with me! Mum says that she will get me self defense classes since I can't use mine. I step into class with my head slightly tilted. Kacchan is sitting in the middle of the class with a rather large crowd consisting of our classmates surrounding him. Small explosions sparked in his hands. I joined them and watched in awe. He'll be the best hero ever! Class began and everyone went to their seats and so started the lesson. I blinked, bored. I knew all of this stuff already, heck I even knew how to build and program a complex robot.

 As the clock struck break time I immediately went over to Kacchan. "Wow, your quirk is so cool!" I gushed "Think of all the possibilities! You could practically fly with it and create huge smokescreens and use one hand as a distraction whilst attacking with the other and use it to increase your throwing ability and- " I became ecstatic with excitement and began to mutter from all the things he could do. "Hey, Deku," Kacchan stopped me. "Yes?"
"What's your quirk?". I had no idea how to respond. "I- uh-h... Kacchan.. I-i'm quirkless" I suddenly became rather interested in the grass, shifting my weight nervously. He looked shocked at first. Then his eyes lit up like he had a great idea. Knowing him, he probably had. "Then you can be my sidekick! We can save people together and I can protect you!" I looked up, surprised. This was not the reaction I was expecting. I grinned. So far so good!


3rd POV

Izuku trembled as (I don't know the actual names of any students in the school so please don't hate mee) Gaki Iijime-kko stepped forwards and slammed a fist right next to his head. He backed up against the wall out side the school and tried to get out relatively unscathed. Emphasis on the 'Tried'.

He stumbled his way back home, just wanting to see mum's face, her smile. People passing by gave him a wide berth, as if he was homeless (Oh boii we are coming to that) and, to be perfectly honest, he probably looked it. He could feel the blood dripping from his obviously broken nose, at least five scratches on his arms, ruining his not-so-cheap uniform and a dull throbbing from his right leg. Today was better than usual but to be truthful, that wasn't saying much.

He was almost home when he saw something out of the ordinary: A villain fight! He rushed close, pushing his way through the crowds, eager to see the contrasting hero. A flash of blue and yellow adorned his vision. All Might! He hastily shifted his bag from his back and scrambled around until his fingers grasped the target. He flipped his notebook open and slid his finger on the right page and began to write. Needless to say, All Might thrashed the villain, slipped cuffs on and tried to rid himself of reporters.

Satisfied with his gains, Izuku slunk off to find his way home, or, a more promising fight. He only really analysed the quirks of villains that escaped as to be of use in their finding. He began to mutter as he walked, earning looks from the closest passerby. He somehow subconsciously managed to find his way home. Tomorrow was his birthday. That'll be fun. He could hardly wait to see the looks on his parent's faces when they saw his gift to them. His house was a fair few meters from the others on his street, with a large pylon chain near by. He hopped his way to the entrance of his home. He made his way in and rushed up to his room before anyone could see his face. He knew for a fact that Kacchan often was located in his house. The poor Iijime-kko wouldn't stand a chance. He hastily cleaned up his face, arms and torso. Of course, Iijime-kko had to have a spike quirk.  He did his best to fix his nose and slipped on a long sleeved hoodie. 

Izuku's POV

I was woken to a loud thud rolling across the street. I quickly got changed into my favorite green hoodie, a t-shirt which read "Mizu neko"(Water cat), black thermal trousers and my lucky red shoes. 

I fell out of my room, almost tumbling down the stairs, and checked it out. I slowly opened the front door, quickly stepping out as the little breath I had rushed out of my ten year old body. A villain with a noticeable size quirk was pummeling my dad (Hisashi) into the electric pylon. He was slowly being pushed back against it, determined to protect those he loved. The pylon was creaking and groaning under the strain, ready to topple. It began to tilt and the villain made a break for it, using the opportunity to escape without a care for the house in the path of the falling structure. The said pylon was slowly falling towards my home, the wires taunt. A dreadful snapping filled the air as the wires tore one by one, the race against time began. I rushed to my mum's room and shook her awake, panicking. "Mum, I'm scared!" I began to cry, wishing to wake up from the non-existent nightmare. She quickly realized what was happening, grabbed my hand and tried to run.

Unbeknownst to the mother and child, the last wire had broken, leaving the pylon falling towards the house. Hisashi was still by the base of the structure, knocked out. The last thing I saw was mum push me out of the way as it crushed her, the loud buzzing of electricity rushing through my system and the last thought in my mind before it all went black: How curious that all I had for ten years.. all it takes is a snap and it's gone...

A day later, the villain was arrested for the manslaughter of Hisashi Midoriya, Inko Midoriya and the suspected death of the ten year old child, Izuku Midoriya, who lay, undisturbed hidden in the rubble. After all, who would look for the quirkless kid.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the story, there will be other parts to come, I just like cliffhangers (MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) sorry if you didn't. Stay safe, fishlings!

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