Chapter nineteen: Son of a fishstick, answer me!

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Slamming his head back into his pillow, Izuku groaned. "Midoriya, we all know who you are now so just go with The Rat God." Izuku shook his head. "But I don't want tooo" Nezu, slightly happy that they all referred to him by his proper title, just kept on grinning. "You know what?" All attention turned to Aizawa, even Shinsou and Monoma (Who were still very confused). "If you do not get up in three seconds, I will drag you to the office." Thinking about the deal, Izuku shrugged and slumped back down into his cushioned kingdom.

Aizawa sighed and picked up the surprising light boy, making sure not to put pressure on any injuries. "I thought you said you were going to drag me." Rolling his eyes, the teacher responded. "As much as I want to, you are still injured. Dragging you across a less than clean  floor is illogical in such a situation. After all, I've tried so hard to keep you alive. It would be a shame, and illogical, to put all that work to waste." Silently sulking, Izuku folded his arms. "Illogical this, illogical that. Psh, take a break." He muttered, pouting in disapproval.
Never in his life had Aizawa been more tempted to drop someone. And that was saying something, after all, he had once been forced to hold Ms. Joke. (But she wasn't injured, so he did) 

After a painfully long journey to the office, flanked by The Rat God, they sat down. "Right, let's get this over with." Nezu chirped, clasping his hands together as he finally managed to get onto his slightly too tall seat.  

"Well, it seems we have quite the predicament here." Nezu chuckled, making Aizawa shudder. He knew his place below The Rat God. Not that he would admit it, but Nezu was actually pretty surprised that Mizu attended his school, having only found out moments before. "That's to be expected. It's not every day that you find out your student is a vigilante. At least I hope not." Izuku mirthed dryly. "Indeed. If it were anyone else, you would be suspected of being a traitor, expelled and brought to the police. Seeing as you have made it very clear that you are far from the side of villains," The minds of all the room occupants were brought to the Glitter Purge Incident. Not a pretty memory. "Some have suggested masking your stay as some sort of a redemption, a rehab if you must." Nezu replied, slightly anger hidden at the thought of the one who would oppose all options. "Cool, cool, cool, nice, nice, nice. But why? Plus, when did you even have time for this. It's been a few hours at most..."

For one of the first times in the conversation, Nezu felt like he was back in control, the upper hand with more power. "It is no secret that you are more than a promising student, your record states that much, so why throw you away? As for the time thing, when you learn to adapt for a world you were not made for, you get quicker at making decisions." The overwhelming amount of recognition in the student's eyes towards the last statement was enough to set off alarm bells. "You know, I've been wondering. How did you just up and leave an active crime scene and end up being a well known vigilante?" The grim chuckle in response sent shivers down the surprisingly quiet Aizawa. "Easy. They announced that they gave up the search almost a year ago. Bullshit." Nezu quirked an eyebrow. "They never even looked. Left my mother's corpse there until later, not so much as a body bag." Izuku licked his gradually drying lips as he continued. "Then I just got up and left. After all, who gives a shit about the quirkless kid." Mother of Satan, if Izuku wasn't in the middle of telling two pros about his life story, he would have whipped out a phone and shot way too many pictures of the shocked faces. "It's quite obvious that you do have a quirk though? Why would anyone think you were quirkless, more so, when did you find out you weren't?" Rolling his eyes at the change of subject, Izuku retold his whole bank robbing incident. As soon as he finished, The Rat God spoke up. "Well, seeing as you will be continuing lessons, after All Might is informed for noticeable reasons, may you inform us where you live? We'll need to check up on you regularly. And your guardian's information will also be required." Izuku let out a nervous laugh. "About that..." Less than impressed, Aizawa raised an eyebrow (by this rate, all the eyebrows will be able to break free from their face bonds and take over the world)

A/N: I just dropped my phone and cracked the screen and an currently drowning and wallowing in self hate. Sorry for the interruption. (11:56am Saturday July 25 2020)

Nezu copied Aizawa's action, interest piqued. Noting the flying eyebrows, Izuku scowled. "So I'm living alone. Big deal, what're you going to do, adopt me?!" He scoffed before finally noticing the lack of a response. His eyes widened. "Son of a fishstick. Tsukauchi wasn't joking." He rubbed his head, sighing and ignoring the rock, paper, scissors tournament taking place before him. Just as they were about to put down a hand, All Might burst in. "Well," Izuku said dryly. "Look what the cat dragged in." As if on cue, Sansa  - a cat headed officer who was up to date with memes -  appeared in the hall way, huffing and panting, splattering excuses. Aizawa glanced at the paw in front of him, then back at his fist. The tiny, furry scissor symbol was clear to see. Aizawa let out a laugh of victory before addressing the hero. "What?" He questioned, a tinge of joy still located in his voice. "That boy. Expell him. He's a dangerous villain. Don't trust him." All Might hissed, pointing an accusing finger at the green headed boy. Nezu's eyes crinkled up in distaste. "Actually, he is a vigilante, not a villain. So please, know your facts before pointing fingers, literally. Not to mention that he is far from dangerous." He spat, ignoring the offended look he got from said vigilante in regards to the last statement.

Sansa looked as if he wanted to push through or slap the hero. Both would have been fine.

"Anyway, All Might, you would probably have to fight Aizawa here if you wanted me expelled. He just won the adoption rock, paper, scissors battle against Nezu. Oh! Nezu will probably want to talk to you about the fact that you changed the outcome." He stated, face as blank as a waffle.

So not very blank.

Sansa took the opportunity to pass through, bowing in apology to the room's occupants.

His eyes held a slight sparkle when he looked at the student, as if he wanted to play with his hair. Then again, there was not a single person in the school that didn't.

Sansa shook his head, bell ringing as he snapped back to reality, leaving behind a floofy hair filled dream. Letting out a slight pur of satisfaction, he pushed the deflated hErO out of the room and back down the hall.

"Apologies for the interruption." Nezu muttered, barely holding back his murderous rage.

"Where were we?" Izuku stayed silent, gently swinging his legs back and forth. Aizawa let a concerned look take over his face as he properly assessed the damage inflicted on his student for the first time. "We'll finish this later," Aizawa let his face fall back to neutral. "He still has to be checked over for damage." As soon as he finished talking, he picked up his student  (who turned around and stuck his tongue out at The Rat God) and left. Gritting his teeth into a smile, Nezu crushed his teacup with his tiny paws and left. Broken shards still coated a section of the table, warm tea dripping down onto the carpet.

Aizawa sighed as he watched The Rat God leave. Izuku was currently sound asleep. Before the meeting, Nezu had explained the boy's quirk, a curious glint in his eye. Glancing fondly at his almost child, he proceeded to shake him awake violently. "WAKE THE FUCK UP, PROBLEM CHILD! RECOVERY GIRL STILL NEEDS TO HEAL YOU!"
"W-what?" Izuku kept into a fighting position, fists raised. "Who needs fighting?" He tried to clear his bleary eyes, barely making out the figure of his almost-father before him. "Son of a fishstick, answer me!" He couldn't take it anymore. Aizawa promptly burst out laughing.

A/N: Look who didn't make it on time. Yes, this is not the longest chapter ever, yes, this is bad, but oh well, I'm sorry. Sorry that it is slightly late. (Things will speed up soon, I promise) Stay safe, fishlings!

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