Chapter fourteen: Sped boi

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"What do you want to know?"

"Where are you living?"

Izuku furrowed his eyebrows.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"We need to make sure you're safe."

"I gave you an address, did I not?"

"We sent people round. There was no response."

Izuku cursed under his breath.

"I was probably out, I go to the cafe a lot."


Izuku had no idea what was so interesting, but was mentally sweating buckets.

"Anything else?"

"Afraid so. Aizawa told me he found you a while back with two stab wounds and a bullet in your shoulder, refusing to go to hospital. How did you get injured?"

"Held hostage for the gunshot and an attempted mugging the day after."

"I'm guessing there's something else you wanted me for?"

"Yes. The curious issue of your quirk.All Might seems to think that it is a type of shock absorber. Why might that be?"

"Because Bakugo thought that when I told him that his explosions do not work on me."

"Would you mind telling me what it is? It can be kept confidential if you wish, it seems to be interesting."

"If I tell you, can I use it in case of an emergency, this is, after all, the most famous school in Japan, so the probability of a villain attack is pretty high, no matter the security."

"I am afraid not, it would count as favoritism."

"Makes sense, I guess. What do you want to know about it?"

"The name first, if you may."

Nezu leaned forwards and clasped his paws together in anticipation.

"Quirk void."

"What does it do?"

"Whenever I look at someone, I see their name, quirk, strength, weakness, place most visited, diseases and side effects. It can appear through walls, which is rather irritating and makes many things hard. I can slightly control it so it's limited to a country, but it gets in the way a lot. That's the passive side of it. Quirk void means that when it is active, no quirks work on me. I can spread it to others and objects, but I try not to 'cause they might panic. It is usually active when I am unconscious,but if I pass out from overuse, it won't be active in my sleep So yeah."

Nezu was intrigued, nothing like this had ever been recorded and the possibilities were near endless. "I trust this meeting will remain secret?" Izuku asked, standing up and shaking Nezu's paw. "Of course, Mizuniki." Rolling his eyes, Izuku responded. "Call me Kyuno." And left.

Lunch was busy, people flooding everywhere. It was only the second week of school, and Izuku had made no new friends, to the disappointment of Uraraka, Mina and Toru, and the disapproval of Denki. Shinsou was just proud. Out of the blue, a shrill alarm sounded, forcing all students to cover their ears and begin to run for the exit, shouting about the level three security being broken. Izuku crouched in a corner, memories flashing across his eyes, the taunting insults thrown at his face, red spider lilies carpeting his desk, the sound of rubble collapsing around him. His breathing sped up, heart pounding, hyperventilating. 

One student, who would never thought he would have to do this, walked over. Unbeknownst to him, Shinsou was following, being pushed and shoved.

Todoroki sat besides the boy, hearing muffled snippets of insults. He knew the boy was having a panic attack and rubbed his back, trying to soothe him. "It's okay Mizuniki, you're safe here." He said, stiffly. A purple haired figure finally managed to crawl his way through, elbowing someone in the face for pushing him, and made his way over to the boys. "Hey, Kyuno? Oh gods. He's having flashbacks again. Hey, Kyu, It's me, Shinsou, okay? I need you to listen to my voice," Izuku gave no response. "Okay, milk and ketchup, you need to leave. No offense, but I know what he needs. Please." Todoroki hesitantly obliged, stepping away, but staying within earshot. "Okay, Izu? I need you to breathe. You're not there and they can't hurt you anymore, okay?" Izuku's eyes cleared slightly. "Y-Yoshi-chan?" He whimpered. Todoroki wondered why the insomniac called him 'Izu', after all, his name was Kyuno, right?

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