Chapter eighteen: The gecko revolution (Part two)

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A/N: The reason this is a part two, is that I wanted these chapters linked as the  aftermath and adoption war has just begun and I really really wanted to have it as one but I didn't have the time to write it out. (Totally not because I completely forgot to put the phrase in the previous chapter)

Tsukauchi made his was to the infirmary, Izuku trailing behind muttering. The detective had begun a string of internal dialog telling himself many different things, like 'How reckless this damned child was' and how 'The UA teachers would fight to adopt him' or 'How frustrating it is to try not to squish his poofy cheeks and steal all his coffee' Yeah, he was questioning his sanity. He heard a chuckle from behind him, turned around and found the boy poking at one of his many open wounds. Needless to say, Tsukauchi wasted no time in slapping the hand away. The scowl he received in return was worth pure gold. 

The two arrived, Izuku still throwing a frown towards the older man. Shuzenji opened the door, the room already occupied with a few others, and sighed. Keeping her mouth shut, she led the injured boy to the furthest bed and set him down. Tsukauchi sat besides him, head in hands. Rubbing his face, the detective raised his head. "So, why'd you do it?" He asked, looking at Izuku. "What? I do a lot of things that are questionable, you have to be more specific." He seemed quite comfortable, but looks can, very obviously, be deceiving. "Why'd you help them?" Izuku scoffed. "I barely did anything, they stood up for themselves. And they are my classmates. If I go around rescuing random people, what kind of person would I be if left them?" He deadpanned, blinking in slight confusion. Izuku winced as he re-adjusted his position. "Well this is awkward." He sweat dropped, rolling his eyes. It had been a long day and Izuku was not ready to deal with anyone or their problems, so at the sight and sound of somebody entering, he promptly fainted. 

Tsukauchi's POV

Nope. Nothing. Nothing could have prepared me for this. The infamous vigilante known as 'Mizu Neko' was metaphorically under our noses for way too long. The overwhelming urge to slam my face into a wall repetitively was soon going to overtake me and result in a few less brain cells. We were just sitting there awkwardly, not a word being uttered. I swear to satan, if I had not heard the footsteps approaching the door, I would have probably done something I would regret. The kid's eyes widened and after a millisecond of concentration, he passed out. I would have applauded, but the figure in the doorway would question it and that is social interaction. Ew. I looked up at the heart attack inducing homo sapien and glared. "You, good sir, should be recovering. No- Don't you dare give me that look, Shota." Aizawa sighed. "So, what do you know about the student?" The glare he threw back was so full of distaste the I could've (and would've) opened my own distaste shop, complete with cats. Heck, I could probably make a whole chain of shops. "Goes by Kyuno Mizuniki, fourteen, orphan, lives alone -not for long-" That was  where I cut him off with an incredulous laugh. "You're telling me that you are willing to go against Nezu in order to adopt this child?!" I could almost feel the temptation to interrupt me rolling off him in waves. "Who said anything about the rat god?! Or adopting him? If anyone were to adopt him, excluding the rat god and me, it would be you. You are unable to deny that you two are quite similar, personality wise." Aizawa retorted, fatherly instincts on full alert. "Ha! No. He can faint on command. Command I tell you! If only I possessed such power."

 The snort from the 'unconscious' boy was rather noticeable with the silence, brought by the fact that one could possess such a skill. Aizawa peered past me. "He doesn't look very unconscious to me." I rolled my eyes. "Mizuniki. You have more than a little explaining to do." The kid mumbled something intelligible under his breath which I wisely chose to ignore. "So, how long do I just sit here and regret my life decisions?" Holding back a snort, I checked my totally existent watch. "Until recovery girl comes back. We can't exactly interview you like this, can we?" He looked down on his body, occasionally uttering numbers. "But I'm not that badly hurt? I can still walk.. ish.." Was this child trying to make the teachers fight to adopt him? "Okay Midoriya. I'm going to call you that now, so deal with it. You were literally punched into a wall. And partially disintegrated. And you asked for permission to use your quirk in the middle of a villain attack." If I were drinking tea, I would have spat it out. "You did what?!" I screeched, glaring at the Midoriya child. "Aizawa. If you do win the upcoming adoption war, you better wrap him in so much bubble wrap that he can't move. Or I will." I was not usually one to threaten others, but when it came to childeren, oh boy. "You know, I'm pretty sure that Monoma and Shinsou over there -by the way, young man, I have several questions and threats for you- are questioning your sanity." Surely enough, the two other students were watching the exchange with amusement and confusion. I would ask how he knew their names, but out of the blue came the squeak of door hinges and a trail of slightly bouncy footsteps towards us. Turning around, I wish I hadn't. Right in front of me was him. The rat god with a cat headed sidekick, Sansa. "Cats like geckos, right? I see loads of pictures where they catch them. Does Sansa like them? Did they leave him?" The greenette let out a gasp. "Like some sort of gecko revolution!" I facepalmed. This was going to be a long day.

Okay, so this has been requested. You know who you are. Earlier, I mentioned Izuku in heels and live to regret it. Here you go.

"Hey, Izuku! You ever tried high heels?" Izuku cocked his head, curious. "No, why do you ask?" His eyes widened and a smirk melted onto his face. "Have you?" Hiding his slightly red blush, Shinsou carried on, determined. "I bet you would fall over as soon as you put them on." Letting out a mock gasp, Izuku placed a hand on his chest in fake offence. "I beg your pardon! I'm sure I could last a few seconds!" Said boy gaped, poking a finger at the other's chest. The purplenette grinned. "You'll never know unless you try." Now, Izuku was never one to step down from a challenge, this one included. Shinsou was aware of this factor. Very aware, so aware in fact that out of seemingly nowhere, he pulled out mauve heels, straps adorning the front like the grin on his face. Izuku squinted. "You planned this, didn't you?" He accused, pointing the all knowing finger at the boy. Unable to respond, Shinsou just carried on rolling around laughing like a hyena. Izuku fumed. "Fine, fine. Have it your way." He huffed, pulling on the shoes. Standing up in triumph, he smiled and fell over. This did not help Shinsou at all. He wheezed again, low on oxygen. Izuku was not one to give up either, se he carried on trying and failing for a good ten minutes. Finally, he lasted a minute. Yeah, Shinsou almost died from laughing multiple times. By the end of it, Izuku just wanted to curl up next to his 'friend' and sleep. When he did, his nightmares were plagued by high heels and a lack of blister plasters. Aka, hell.


 Shota burst into the infirmary, eyes ablaze. "I sMeLl PrObLeM cHiLd!" He screeched.

"He doesn't look very unconscious to me." Tsukauchi pulled out a baseball bat. "How about now?"

Right in front of me was him. Shrek. "DoNkEy!"

In apologies for what you will read next, have a cat with a lizard.

In apologies for what you will read next, have a cat with a lizard

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A/N: Sorry that this is short and trash (like me). I most likely will not be able to get a chapter out next week as I have a stoopid cAmP. Thanks if you are enjoying this *awkward silence* if you have any questions or anything, feel free to ask! If you see a mistake, please point it out! Most of the time it is just because my phone is mean and presses randomly on the screen and holds for like, thirty seconds at a time or just my fat fingers slipping of the keyboard. If you wanna contact me outside of wattpad, have have Pinterest with the same name and picture and am often found playing minecraft  on hypixel. Sorry, stay safe, sayonara, fishlings.

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