Chapter nine: Dodging bullets

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Izuku's POV

I shoved my phone into my pocket and glanced at Aizawa. "Well, we going to secret hero's funhouse or what?" I asked, one eyebrow slightly raised. "You mentioned a bullet? What happened and where is it?" 

"Oh yeah, got held hostage and shot in the shoulder, yah know, the one I was not stabbed in. I think it's still in there." I replied, poking around the place it was before getting my hand swatted down. "And you didn't mention this because?" I shrugged. "Guess I forgot. Oh we're getting close! You better not make me go to a hospital or I will flip out." 
I threatened, poking a finger at him. If the situation were different, he may have smiled. "Should I be concerned about how you know where I live?" He deadpanned. "Perhaps. If you make an enemy of me, you may find glitter everywhere. Yes, this is a warning" I responded with my signature Cheshire cat grin.

3rd POV

It took a few more minutes to reach his house. For a certain black haired insomniac it felt like hours. Though, if he said that he would probably have to deal with watching his back for about forever. He unlocked the door and 'welcomed' (Read: shoved) him in. Izuku sat on a chair at a surprisingly tidy table. "Sooooooooooooooooo, what's going to happen now?" He questioned, anxiety acting up. "The heck do you think?! I'm going to fix you up so I can get rid of you." Aizawa grumbled, pulling out a first aid kit from under the stairs.

Aizawa's POV

Honest to gods, I have so many questions about how bad this child's luck is. Getting shot and stabbed in two days, must have broken a mirror or something. And probably got cut breaking it. Just who was this kid? "Hello? Grumpy scarf guy? You there?" I blinked and was unfortunately brought back to reality. Great. "So, do you want to take off your shirt or do I cut it?" I questioned in my prized monotone voice. "I like this shirt intact, surprisingly so option one." He swung his legs, the universal sign of boredom. I slid his shirt off as he was unable to do it himself, the knife was a slight problem for that. I faced his back, looking at the wound I grabbed the knife, careful to do as little damage as possible. "Oh, by the way, I am like, ninety percent sure the blade is serrated! Just thought I'd let you know!" He chimed. I removed my hand immediately and slapped his head. "You could have started with that you idiot! I could have made that so much worse! Gah! How am I supposed to do this?!" I hissed, glaring at him whilst he blinked. "Oh, I googled that wayyyyy back, for imformation, if I remember, which I do, you pull it out at a thirty eightish degree angle with the pointy bit facing the ceiling." He hummed. I followed his directions *cough* orders *cough* and held a cloth to the incision before wrapping it around his torso tightly. I slapped his hand away again when I noticed him poking his other shoulder. "Oh yeah, the bullet is definitely still in there. Gods I'm glad I sleep on my front.." He muttered whilst I questioned how he was still alive. I grabbed the pair of tweezers and dug out the bullet with a single flinch from the child. After putting another bandage on that wound, I continued to his arm. A deep bloodied injury stared back at me. 

The incision was about five centimeters deep, thankfully avoiding the bone. Looking at the damage, the attacker probably pulled it out carelessly like the idiot he is. "You know, you should have bled out from the gunshot alone." I stated, avoiding his gaze. He huffed. "Well I'm sorry. Anyway, I would have been fine, I'm sixty percent sure the bullet was blocking my blood flow so it would not be too much of a problem. I was perfectly fine until someone decided to jump me for money I do not have." He hummed. I rolled my eyes,already half done with the antibiotics. "I'm going to need to stitch both of the stab wounds up. Would you prefer morphine? Or some regional anesthesia?" He looked up from his lap, his head tilted like a curious cat. "Why would I need that? Just sew it up. That's what I usually do anyway.."

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