Chapter thirteen: Shota, do not kill the child.

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A/N: Before we start, a shoutout to Nekosauce and Alyssarondon

Izuku stood, arms crossed and blocking the exit. "Come on! I just want to leave!" A figure whined. "No. Not before I get answers." He responded, glaring right back. "Oh for god's sake!" He cried. "I don't know!" A stare was met with this response.

"Oh my fishsticks! I am just asking what you want your nickname to be! It's not that hard! I told you already!" Shinsou stepped forward. " It is! If I later on decide I hate it, there's no going back! Just call me Hitoshi!" This curious conversation had been going on for about five minutes now. "But that's boring! We've known each other for ages and you want me to call you Hitoshi?! Oh hell no!" Shinsou rubbed his forehead, his headache yelling at him, not giving up. "Oh I know! If I take away the 'Hit' and replace it with a 'y' We get Yoshi! Like the Mario player!" Shinsou's head shot up. "I swear to Satan that if you start calling me Yoshi, I will rip your hand off and slap you with it." Izuku giggled. "Yoshi-chan! Yoshi-chan!" Shinsou would not be caught dead saying it, but it was a cute name.

"Yoshi-chan? Do you want to meet my other friend? You might like him! He's like a better me!" Izuku did not hear the words Shinsou muttered under his breath that day. But author-chan did. 'There is no such thing as something better than you'. What Izuku did hear, was the second statement. "Sure. Just buy me coffee." And so it was decided that the vine master and insomniac would meet. I would say that it was an event that changed the future, but that would be a lie.

"So he got you too, huh, Shinsou."

"This morning. You?"

"HAH! Pathetic. Day the results for UA came out. What course you in?"

"General education."

"You going to go for hero via sports festival?"


A sudden slurping sound cut through the awkward exchange. The silence was noticeable. Shinsou and Kaminari turned to look at the oblivious masked purplenette. Noting the stare he was receiving, he looked up. "What?" The lack of a response confuzzled him. "What?! Kami-chan, Yoshi-chan, please say something." He was practically begging, making the two wonder if he was mentally okay. The answer was no. After a few more seconds of staring, they continued the exchange.

Meanwhile, back at UA, a certain principal was sipping his tea, sifting through the student's files. There were a few that struck him as odd. A few had little tags, notes if you must, narrating any abuse, peer pressure, quirk discrimination and way too many other problems to count. Our furry little dog mouse bear friend was curious about the origins of them. There was, however, one file with no 'tags' on it, and a lack of information that caught his attention. "Kyuno Mizuniki, huh." He could not help the scoff that escaped his lips at the 'Take a guess' with a smiley face located in the quirk box. "All Might said something about shock absorption? I'm sure there's more to it. The address is rumored to be abandoned, yet some have claimed to see him go in. A fake address, perhaps. But why?" The door slammed open, startling all the teachers (Nezu, Sejiro (I typed his name into google translate and it means "Regrettable furnace, or if you press 'switch' enough, "Disappointing furnace" Snipe, Nemuri and Maijima.) "UGH!" A frustrated cry came from a certain sleep deprived teacher as he sat down at his desk, slamming his head into the table. (Mood) "Damn Aizawa, what's on your tail?" Aizawa groaned in response. "Problem child. Two of them." Nemuri rolled her eyes playfully. "Who is it this time?" She asked, handing coffee to Aizawa's outstretched hand.

He downed it in one gulp, slamming the empty cup on his now dented desk.(R.I.P) "Mizuniki and that son of Satan Neko vigilante. They're too alike, I swear!" Aizawa would not admit it to many, but he had grown quite protective of the 'Mizu Neko'. "Tell me about this 'Mizuniki', Aizawa, if you would." Nezu leaned forward with the question, eager for the response. "A while back, I saw this kid with a mask bleeding. It turned out, he had been shot in one shoulder the day before, stabbed in the other a few minutes ago and also stabbed in the arm. In two days! It's the same guy. He admitted to having to stitch himself up before, without pain meds and refused to take any. He barely ever flinched when I pulled out the serrated blade and a bullet, he knew where I lived and has pissed All Might off! He asked me to erase his quirk, to see what would happen. He has one alright, but I couldn't erase it! Plus, All Might met him before, and irritated him then to. And don't get me started on the scars I saw trying to help him!" Many of the teachers there were shocked. Two (Sejiro and Snipe) were shocked by the emotion his voice held, the pure, sheer anger and worry, the others the luck of the child. Nezu was intrigued. He wanted to meet this child. The very thing Aizawa had tried to avoid, was now unavoidable.

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