Chapter twenty one: I got me a date

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Izuku could swear that Aizawa was trying to give the entire class a heart attack. Seriously though. 

The next day back started pretty normally, Iida yelling at all the room's occupants. 

"Everyone! Morning homeroom's about to begin! To your seats!" Sero -along with others- shook his head. "We're sitting. You're the only one up." He sighed. The door slowly opened, a tired and sleepy looking ravenette emerging from the corridor. "Morning." He had a few plasters stuck to his face and hands. No-one could fight that many criminals and get out unscathed. "Why didn't Recovery Girl heal you up?" Denki questioned. "My personal decisions are not of your concern. Besides, your fight is far from over." A thin blanket of panic encased the students. Mutters began to flood the room, irritating Aizawa until he slammed a hand onto his more than slightly abused desk.

 "U.A.'s sports festival is fast approaching." A few huffs of relief sounded out. Izuku could nearly hear the slightly slowing heartbeats from his classmates. "That's so totally ordinary!" The subsided panic was still noticeable in Mina's voice. Yeah, Izuku was slightly suspicious that Aizawa was someone in disguise trying to evidencelessly assassinate them all. That was until he gave the same smile that he did when he won the adoption rock, paper, scissors battle with Nezu. Nobody could fake that grin. A few mutters of disbelief flew around, catching the teacher's attention. "It's necessary to demonstrate that U.A's crisis management protocols are sound. That's the thinking, apparently. Compared to past years, there'll be five times the police presence. Anyhow, out sports festival is the greatest opportunity you'll ever get. It's not an event that can be cancelled over a few villains." More quiet outbursts circulated the room, quickly silenced. "Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events. The Olympics were once the world's sports festival. The whole country would be whipped into a frenzy over them, but as you know, that tradition shrunk in scale to a shell of it's former self. And as far as Japan's concerned, what's taken place of the Olympics is the U.A. sports festival." Yaoyorozu chose this moment to chime in, hand slightly raised. "The national top heroes will be watching, right? They'll be there as scouts." Denki was the next to join in on the let's-interrupt-Aizawa train. "They'll be  looking to hire us as sidekicks after we graduate. That's how it's done. And a lot of those sidekicks never manage to go solo. They're sidekicks forever." Jiro chuckled, making Yaoyorozu's (God of fishsticks knows how she heard her.(Girlfriend superhearing, active!)) heart skip a beat, not unnoticed by Izuku. "That'll be you, Dunceface." 

Izuku sighed, leaning back in his chair. "The sports festival is such a bother! I know that it gives others a chance to join our class and all, but do we have to give away all our tic tacs to watching villains for a simple mock battle?" He whined. 

Shinsou looked up from his computer and ran a hand through his gravity-defying lavender hair. "You're just pissed that you'll be watched carefully as a student under rehab. Geez, Izu, maybe you should get better at hiding your identity. And not getting stabbed." He turned his gaze back to his computer and continued writing. Izuku leaned over the wooden bunk-bed railing to catch a glimpse of what his 'FrIeNd' was doing. "What are you working on anyway? You've been typing for ages" He whinged, using his position to mess with the insomniac's curls.

 Ignoring his distraction, Hitoshi went back to work. Izuku swung slightly as he began to platte the older boy's hair, paying no heed for the occasional hiss he got in retaliation. "Hey, do you think I should talk to that Gravity Girl we met at the entrance exams? She seems nice." Shinsou sighed. "You mean to tell me that you've not done so much as to approach her?!" Izuku booped him. "People are scary." Shinsou tilted his head slightly in agreement before the greenette yanked it back in place. 

"We should go somewhere sometime. Together."

 Shinsou was not the best with emotions, but he knew that what he felt immediately after saying the last word of that sentence was regret. That was until a happy chirp came from his shortass friend. "Of course! Since you suggested it, you choose the place and I pay!" Shinsou turned around so he could see the smile Izuku gave him, a light dusting of pink rising to his cheeks. "But-" Izuku shushed him. "I used to hack a load, don't worry about it!" Shinsou decided to take the distraction with open arms. "What'd you hack that gave you that much money?" Izuku gave a small chuckle. "I just took down some of the dark web, tracing kidnappings and abuse cases and such. Made sure the criminal got what they deserved and that the victim was saved. Nothing too hard." He patted Shinsou on the head lightly before full on ruffling it. His hair was almost as fluffy as the cat with memory foam fur that Izuku loved to play with at Aizawa's place. "You know, I've heard the teachers mentioning a 'Glitter Purge Incident'. What's that all about?" Izuku chuckled and let go of Shinsou's hair. "Oh, boy."

'Twas a dark and stormy night, many criminals were out and terrorising. Oh what a coincidence that it was the anniversary of Hisashi and Inko's deaths. Mizu was on high alert, ready for whatever anyone threw at him. He twirled his people hitte- Staff and crouched down. "You got the stuff?" A gruff voice growled, looking side to side cautiously. The other man scoffed. "What do you think." He pulled out a small transparent bag. Before he could pass it over, Mizu struck. He lept down, swinging his staff sideways, connecting with the back of the dealer's neck, careful not to cause any serious damage. He spun around, facing the other man and gave him an axe kick across the chest, throwing him into the wall. Before he could regain his senses, he was forced onto the ground, hands tied with quirk resistant rope. Mizu gave a large smirk, holding a black jar up and opening it. "Night night!" He chuckled, pulling out a small orb and throwing it at the man. Red glitter and smoke burst from it, swirling and rolling. The smoke contained airborne sedatives, knocking the criminal out. The glitter purge had begun. All around the city, shrieks sounded out for a whole week. Some were from the criminals that were attacked, others from the people finding them covered in red and unmoving. Every criminal was covered head to toe in crimson glitter, smooth as sand. Many civilians shuddered at the though of having to get rid of that. Over one hundred lawbreakers were found, by far a record, leaving Mizu out of commission for a few days after. Those not glitter-bombed that week found themselves much more cautious.

"So yeah." Shinsou was shaking. "Jesus! How long did it take to wash out?" Izuku cackled. "Three days for each person." Shinsou was borderline proud. Izuku had somehow made his way down from the top bunk, giving Hitoshi the perfect opportunity to slap him over the head. "Ow! What was that for?!" Izuku screeched, rubbing said head. "Being so reckless! Take care of your self!" Izuku stuck out his tongue. "You can't make me do anything!" Was the last thing he said before slithering off the bed and sliding on his back into the wall. Hitoshi laughed, a slight blush resting on his cheeks. "So, about earlier. When do you wanna hang?" Izuku thought for a moment. "After the sports festival, like a cool down!" He squealed, sitting up. Hitoshi smirked, waving a hand in front of his face swiftly. "Whatever." He smiled. Kinda like a date... "We can go to that new cat cafe out of town! Oh, it's going to be so fun!" Izuku was jumping up and down like crazy, not giving a second to rest. Izuku looked at the time. "Aww, I gotta go before Aizawa kills me and sacrifices my body to Hizashi as a wedding gift." Shinsou blinked. "Wha-" But Izuku had jumped out the window. He sighed. "See you later, I guess."

Izuku flub open the front door, startling Aizawa. "Hey, adoptive parent of mine. I got me a date."

A/N: Oh my fishsticks!!! We got our first fanart!!!! It is bootiful!!! 

Just look at it!!! I love it so much!!!!!! This masterpiece was created by none other then the fabulous Pantone_518!!! 

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Just look at it!!! I love it so much!!!!!! This masterpiece was created by none other then the fabulous Pantone_518!!! 


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