Chapter seventeen: The gecko revolution

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A/N: By the way, I'm making Tomura slightly less kill-everyone-in-sight-mwa-ha-ha-ha-ish and I am aware of the spelling mistake last chapter, where I meant to write 'gift from Hizashi' but managed to mess up and write 'gist from Hizashi', I will not correct this as it gives a small victory for TastyFrenchFries and I don't want to ruin that for them. Sorry! Have a chapter.

Rolling his eyes, Izuku lunged out of the way. He was in no state to stand, let alone fight. He knew that if he used his quirk even once, he would pass out, and he prefers not to do that in the middle of fights. Had he had the time to look around, the boy would have seen Aizawa trying to stop his fellow teacher, Ashido kneeling besides Thirteen and the Landslide zone frozen. Of course, he was too busy trying to avoid All Might and the Nomu, two literal powerhouses. "GODDAMN IT ALL MIGHT! I'M YOUR STUDENT!" He cried, dodging another lightning fast punch. "None of my students have that colour hair. You are an impostor." He replied, avoiding another Nomu attack.

Izuku stopped for a second, which was hard as he was still being assaulted. "You are judging me on hair colour. Seriously? Christ, you're as dumb as I though." He looked the hero dead in the eyes before ducking and leaping out of the fight, leaving the two OP entities to their brawl. All Might then grabbed the Nomu from behind, right under his arms and leant back, slamming him into the ground. When the dust cleared, they all saw that Kurogiri had opened a warp gate, letting the Nomu dig his claws into All Might's sides. Half way through the gate, he snarled, baring his shattered glass-like teeth.

The Nomu slowly began to drag the teacher through the portal. "You see, It's Nomu's job to get around that blinding speed of yours and hold you down, and it's my job to close the warp gate on you while you're halfway through and immobilised. Thereby cutting you in two." Kurogiri was still as polite as ever, even when addressing murder. Before anyone could move, Bakugo burst forwards, lighting up an explosion at Kurogiri. "Get the hell outta here!" He yelled, slamming him to the ground. Ice began to crawl across the floor until it encased the Nomu, just stopping before reaching the symbol of peace. "So I heard you people are here to kill All Might." Todoroki stated, voice as cold as the ice, stepping forwards. "Crap! I almost had him.." Kirishima groaned, ready to fight. "You're not all that, you misty shit!" Bakugo growled, explosions popping in his palms. Ignoring the interruptions, Todoroki continued. "But scum like you could never kill the symbol of peace." Izuku begged to differ, but now was possibly not the time.

All Might prised the claws out of his abdomen and leapt to his feet. Kurogiri narrowed his eyes. "You've pinned down our way out.. Well, this is a problem." Shigaraki sighed, going to scratch his neck before noticing the glare Izuku was giving him and lowering his hand again. "You slipped up, you shit! And it's just like I thought."Bakugo snarled, keeping his hand in place. "The parts you can turn into that foggy warp gate are limited! And you're using that misty shit to hide your real body, yeah?! Am I right?!" Izuku mentally facepalmed at the pure rashness of his childhood friend. "Don't move. If I decide you're doing anything fishy, I'll blow you straight (Unlike you) to kingdom come!!" Kirishima glanced at him, a questioning look in his gaze. "That's not very hero-like, dude.." Bakugo did what he always does when people judge him and he can not currently blow them to bits. He ignored him.

"Not only have you beaten our level, but you're at full health. Today's kids are really something. Our league of villains should be ashamed." Tomura's voice was dry and scratchy, like his hands. Stupid scratchy hands. Easy to say, Izuku wanted to put gloves on him. Really badly. "Nomu. Take out the explosive brat. We need our escape rout back." Of course, Tomura secretly cared for the warper, but nobody needs to know that. Back on topic, the Nomu began to break free from the ice, forcing its'self through one side of the portal and standing up. Half of it's body was gone, muscle fibres visible before new limbs burst through, slamming it's foot to the floor.

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