Chapter twenty three: What the fishsticks!

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A rush of students burst through the narrow gate, pushing to get through. "The first filler..." Todoroki shot forwards, ice carpeting the ground around him, freezing most others in place. "YOWCH! I'M ALL FROZEN!! I CAN'T MOVE!!" "So cold!!" "That bastard!" Cries of protest rang out, understandably. "SLEEP-BAG MAN! ARE YOU READY FOR OUR LIVE COVERAGE AND COMMENTARY?!" Aizawa groaned at his boyfriend's behaviour. "Not voluntarily." Todoroki ignored them, along with the students. After a few seconds, people began to get free, using their quirks to break the ice, quite literally.

 "I AIN'T LETTING YOU GET AHEAD THAT EASY, HALF 'N' HALF!" Bakugo yelled, using his explosions to throw himself forwards. Tokoyami rose up, Ashido soon after,  acid dripping from her arms. Ojiro used his tail to smash the frost from his body, watching as Hitoshi was carried by others. "I expected it from our class, but... More made it past than I thought would." Todoroki mused. A chuckle came from the rat as he bounced himself into the air.. "Good thinking, staying two steps behind Todoroki . Now it's my turn! How about a taste of my killer-" The rat was cut of by a giant robot's punch, flinging him across the path. Nobody even looked in his direction.

 "Multiple targets acquired." Sero gasped. "The faux villains from the enterance exams?!" He cried. "EVERY OBSTACLE COURSE NEEDS OBSTACLES! STARTING WITH THE FIRST BARRIER, ROBOT INFERNO!" Mina gasped, "It's the zero pointers from the exam!" She wailed, splattering acid onto the floor in front, attempting to create a small ditch. "Seriously?! The hero course kids fought those?!" "Too many. There's no way past!!" Todoroki sighed. "So these are the faux villains they used for everyone else's test?" Todoroki mused, readying his ice. "Where'd they find the money for these?" Momo wheezed, out of breath already. Kinda wish they prepared something a little more threatening. Todoroki thought, "Especially because dear old dad is watching." He threw forward his hand, ice spiking out of the ground. It rose up and encased the robots, midstep. "He ran through, glancing behind. "He stopped them! He can get through that gap!" Some student with flat top spiky hair exclaimed. Todoroki sent a warning glare to them. "Bad idea. I froze them in pretty unstable positions," The robots shook and as if on command, collapsed behind his running figure. "So they'd fall." If Izuku had ten yen for every wail he heard, he would be well paid. And would probably ask people to wail so he got free money, but it's hypothetical. "1-A'S TODOROKI!! BUSTING THROUGH AND SABOTAGING THE OTHERS IN ONE MOVE!! THIS GUY'S COLD!" Izuku slid through a small gap underneath some of the fallen scraps, picking up a small blade-like pensized piece, along with a relatively long pole. Just in case... He grinned as he began to catch up, twirling the makeshift staff. 

Other students began to break through, carrying on with the race. Izuku, behind Todoroki but in front of many others, approached the next blockade. Tall spires of rock, emerging from a wide chasm with a lack of any light had mere ropes connecting them. Only The Rat God knew what lay at the bottom. Izuku grit his teeth and took a single step back before throwing himself forwards and across the void. He somehow managed to not only stay perfectly balanced, but maintain a relatively fast pace, keeping second place with impossible ease. Many spectators watched in confusion and awe as Izuku then decided to flip over an orange haired girl who was catching up rather fast. He then used his make-shift staff to boost his jump over the last gap and continued running. He had slipped into third now, behind Katsuki and Todoroki with Iida right on his tail. He was still calm, there was a fair distance still to go on the race, plus two more events, he had time. He approached the last obstacle, a rather easy one in his eyes. A large minefield stood in front of him, the placement of the explosives painfully obvious. He grinned and ran forwards, using the pole to dig into the ground behind him, disrupting the people chasing him and giving him a small boost. He quickly caught up to the two at the front, disrupting others who got close along the way. As they both past by a particular group of the mines, Izuku shouted out. "THIS FISH EMPTY!!" Shinsou, a while behind nearly choked on his insomnia. "YEET!!" Izuku yote his knife-like shard of metal towards the mines, which exploded on impact, throwing Katsuki and Todoroki backwards. He ran faster than before, overtaking them both. The two tried to gain back first place, but to no avail. Izuku finally emerged through the arch, victorious. 

A while away, in a more or less abandoned bar, Tomura was rather confused as he watched the show. "KUROGIRI!" He called, "What the heck is a 'Yeet'?" Kurogiri looked at him, eyes so done with the world. Why me?... Why must I be burdened with the weight of existence?

Sorry if you have to bleach your eyes after looking at my trash drawings to make up for the short chapter

Sorry if you have to bleach your eyes after looking at my trash drawings to make up for the short chapter

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"THE ONE WHO MADE IT BACK TO THE STADIUM FIRST IS NONE OTHER THAN IZUKU MIDORIYA!!" Hizashi screeched, almost slipping up with the name

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"THE ONE WHO MADE IT BACK TO THE STADIUM FIRST IS NONE OTHER THAN IZUKU MIDORIYA!!" Hizashi screeched, almost slipping up with the name. Izuku had wanted to keep his last name to honour his mother and father, to let their memory live on, but the fact that he used a fake name for a few weeks led to confusion more times than anyone would like to admit. 

In his emo cav- villain hideout, Tomura hummed. Is it possible that this was her son?

Aizawa tried to hide his pride, he really did, but he made the mistake of meeting his soon-to-be-husbano's eyes. They covered the microphone as the two spoke. "How long?" Hizashi asked, smirking. "A few more months." They leaned back, ignoring the confused looks sent their way for the lack of commentary. They ignored it and held up a large black piece of card, blocking the spectator's view of them kissing. Izuku just rolled his eyes and continued to creep up on Katsuki. The rather... vertically challenged teen jumped him. "BITCH, WHAT THE FISHSTICKS!!" He screeched as the greenette cackled.

A/N: I know this is way shorter than usual, but I was away for three days, so I lacked the time to write this. Sorry to disappoint and sorry it's late. However, if y'all decide to sing Welcome to the black parade in the comments again, BOII-

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