Chapter eleven: Yeet yeet self delete

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Izuku's POV

Honestly, that was one hell of a day. Ah yes, I love near death experiences in the morning! At least I'm going to see the vine master at school in a few days. I should have asked for his phone number, but that might sound a bit creepy. 'Hi I just met you, and this is crazy, but give me your phone number so we can meme about' Yeah, no.

Apart from meeting All Might and having him do the whole projection thing, and getting stabbed twice and held hostage by gross slime, yesterday was pretty good! I can not help but think about that Shigaraki guy, well I guess that's normal when the dude disintegrated me. Though I bet that was a fake name. Shame I didn't have my quirk then. Or before they did everything they did to me. GuEsS i'Ll DiE tHeN. Honestly, whenever I get a friend, I have to constantly resist the urge to hug them forever and never let them go. But then I would lose everyone close to me all over again.

I yawned, stretching up before slumping down. Rubbing my head, I picked up my now ringing phone, with 'Something just like this' blaring from it. Shinsou. "SUP, BRO? WANNA HANG?!" I blinked, wondering how much sleep and coffee this guy had had. "SHUT UP! Christ and holy mother of Satan, chill! Damn! But yes. I'm coming over!" I hang up. I slipped on a green and purple t-shirt, the harlequin dissolving into violet, covered by an emerald hoodie decorated with cat ears sticking out. After putting on my black jeans, I jumped into my favorite red bulky trainers. I pulled on my white and pink cat mask, covering the bottom half of my face, and the scar. I just needed one more thing... I chucked a worm-on-a-string in my hoodie pouch and shut the door behind me. Perfection. Now let's beat his arse in Mario Kart.

Needless to say, I beat his arse in Mario Kart. As Kirby, I was indestructible. The day ended with my accidentally falling asleep on Shinsou's sore loser self, fading into him like the very shirt I wore. I was totally not blushing when I woke up.

3rd POV

Midoriya fell asleep on Shinsou, both entwined like the fates had planned. Midoriya snuggled into the warmth, Aka, Hitoshi, who was still awake. Very awake. He stared at the greenette's face, taking in every detail that he could see. He slowly peeled back the boy's mask, greeted by the scar he wished never happened. He would have counted his freckles, but there were only eight, placed in a diamond formation. The teen's mouth was ever so slightly open, releasing an exhale every now and again, rhythmic and calming. Shinsou would not admit in for a while now, but the boy was adorable. The purple haired insomniac sighed wishfully, a light pink dusting his face like the glitter would have if Izuku had brought it. He could not help but fall head over heels for the vigilante. If Hitoshi Shinsou met this boy at any other time, he would love him just as much. In real time, Shinsou had been watching Izuku sleep like a stalker for five minutes. After admiring his obvious yet oblivious crush, he curled up beside him, holding him close, mask on a side table. And that was how they finished the day.


Izuku's POV

Holy mother of fishsticks. This is it. This is actually it. I strode forwards, determined as ever, purple hair swinging, making me look like Shinsou's twin (Oh boy, Todoroki is going to have a field day) and promptly, tripped over. I landed face first, somehow, my nose remained unbroken. "Oww...." I whined, yes I could jump across buildings with no problem, sometimes dodge bullets, but I still trip over my own feet. The traitors. I slowly peeled myself off the floor like gum. That's alive. And purple. And a vigilante. I made my way to class 1A, totally not getting very, very, very, lost on the way. I pushed open the door, knowing at least two people I know would be there. "Please remove your feet from that desk! Such an action is insulting to those who came to U.A. prior to us, in addition to the craftsmen who made the desk!" Oh.. Oh.. "Like I care. What middle school are you from, you extra?" Mother of fishsticks, do the gods hate me (Yes, yes we do). Kacchan. "I-I'm from Somei private academy. My name is Tenya Iida." That makes sense! That's why he looks so familiar. Ingenium's lil' bro! Man I love that guy, he's so fun and chill. The two continued to argue. Literal toddlers.

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