Chapter three: Peripheral vision

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A/N Hey nonexistent readers who probably just miss-clicked! Hope you are good in these times!

                                                                                      Izuku's POV

Ouch. Last night did not go as planned. Seeing as they took some of my blood, they probably know who I am. Welp, there goes rock solid disguise I had. Knowing Nezu, he probably had a stupid plan like I dunno, maybe kidnap him and force him to go to UA? Meh, guess I'll surprise him and attend the entrance exams... I mean, when I'm old enough of course. Only four more years. (Is this foreshadowing?!)

In the distance the principle of UA,  Nezu, sneezed. "Oh, somebody must be talking about me!" He said cheerfully and 'sipped' (*Cough* drowned himself in *cough*) his tea.

I snapped out of my thoughts and lifted up my shirt to see how bad the damage was. About three centimetres deep, thirty long and one wide. It'll heal. Probably. Now, time to work on my latest project, after all, I think we all agree that a gift may be in order. After patrol, obviously. I hastily wrapped up my chest and tugged my hoodie over it. Much better. I grabbed my electric scarf thing and began to head out. Stepping carefully along the dump, I saw a figure in the distance, on a tall, tall building. Time to be a vigilante. 

Shinsou's POV

Finally. The end was so close I could feel the ghostly arms of death around me. I gently slid off my shoes and placed them neatly next to my note. It was oddly calm. Looking straight ahead, I took a step forwards and let gravity take hold. Suddenly, my body snapped up, suspended, just.. hanging. Slowly, I began to move up. Once I was at the top again, I looked to see who my so called savior was. A kid. A kid wearing a black-no was that.. green hoodie and a bright mask. The mask had a smile lighting up the screen (personally I love using my imagination to think how the mask would look so, it looks however you want) bright green eyes stared back, almost glowing. My vision began to dim, in and out of focus. Then, nothing. 

I sat up fast, unsure of anything. "Oh, you're awake!" A cheerful face poked out from behind a wall and the owner followed. "I was pretty worried, I mean, that was quite a fall there!" The first thing I noticed about this person was their size. They were small. Like, real small. I started to look around, see any possible exits. Damn. Only one and the person was blocking it. "Where am I? Who are you?" My head was spinning and the room was doing backflips. "Ahh sorry, probably should have started with that.." the person chuckled. He slid down his hood to reveal.. fluffy green hair? His face, well the part that was not currently covered by a mask, was that of a teen, not the adult I was expecting. "You can call me Mizu, most people do, this is my humble abode." The guy offered him a hand but he was still in shock. Mizu? The Mizu? The vigilante that goes round doing good and beating people up? "Wh-why did you save me?" I managed to stutter. He looked slightly taken aback by that."Why wouldn't I? I can tell that you are not treated well, probably because of your quirk, right?" To be perfectly truthful, I was surprised. "So what?" I muttered. The boy tried to reply but the mask decided to run out of power. Mizu looked slightly miffed by this, and sighed. He began to take his mask off, leaving me shocked. Mizu trusted me with his identity? The feeling went away and worry took it's place. The boy's face... A large scar covered his left cheek, so deep you could see his teeth, like it had been torn from him.( Like Ticci Toby, but worse) "How the heck-" the other boy waved his hand "pylon, long story, anyway, the more pressing matter, your quirk.". I prepared to leave, Mizu had let his guard down and would probably attack him or kick him out once I said. "Brainwashing" There was silence for a second before the older kid's face lit up like a light bulb. "That's so cool! You can do so many things! Like crowd control and you can limit damage so much plus help out people who may jump! Whoever thinks this is a bad quirk has to get a reality check. I can help with that! I have my.... methods" I raised one eyebrow and Mizu rolled his eyes "Okay, okay true some involve maybe some knives and threatening but they're rather effective". I straightened up (As straight as he could ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) Nobody had ever cared about him that much. The thought of someone giving a damn put a faint smile on his face. "Oh.. would you look at that" Mizu mumbled. Look at what? The time? He looked down at something. I followed his gaze and was met with a spreading red stain, spilled across the vigilante's torso. "Christ! You need someone to look at that!" My heart was pounding. How was he standing?! This was not good. Panic clutched at my chest. I began to look around, seeing if there was something, anything that could help. Mizu himself, did not look scared. "How are you not panicking?! You are bleeding out!" I screeched. He muttered something on the lines of 'Not the first time' and I started pulling at my hair. I closed my eyes and covered my face. The next thing I knew was nothing but darkness.

Izuku's POV

Damned kid, fainting on me again! HOW? He literally just woke up! Jesus. Kids these days. I grabbed the nearest bandage and wrapped it around my chest. Boom, problem solved. I then brushed a gloved hand through my untidy hair and began to work on the project. Said project was for the one and only Eraserhead, for him to use in training his class this year. I guess you could say it was a joke. A gun that fired only gummybears, yeah, not very serious. I had just finished up when the kid began to stir, again. He sat up and began to look around before sighing and getting ready to leave. "H-hey, you seemed really affected by being told you had a villain's quirk, does that mean you want to be a hero?" Oh fluffy fishes. This was awkward. He looked me right in the eye and replied "Yeah, I'm aiming for UA. Go ahead, tell me I can't make it." At this moment he looked so so broken, so used to having his dreams shot down over and over. No way was I going to shoot them down again, not even with my gummybear gun. "But the thing is, you can, you just need to train physically so you can get directly into the hero course, and I know someone who is more than willing to help.*Cough* Me*cough*" He tilted his head whilst rummaging around in his jean pockets. Looking for... a weapon? no.. Was that a flip phone?! "'Aight, first thing's first we need to fix this." I vaguely gestured at him, or what I could see of the boy with my peripheral vision. He looked baffled."Fix what?" I grinned, and if I do say so myself, the Cheshire cat would be jealous. 


A/N: Hey heteros homos and all beyond and between, how are y'all? Okay. so we know that this is trash *cough*like me*cough* and I just wanna say.. Stay safe and Have a good life, fishlings!

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