Chapter ten: Fruckle frickle you are now a pickle

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Izuku's POV

I begin to head in the direction that the bottle fell, irritated that AlL mIgHt didn't notice the lack of the gross pollution that did not understand personal space. Coming from the space it landed was way too much sound. I had noticed that my shirt had a growing red stain on, from where All Might had hit me with that icky manhole cover. Like bro, learn how to not hit other people. Sure I may admire him, but he tends to one, shout every. Single. Frikken. Thing! And two, he punches first and and asks later, causing a load of damage. A huge crowd was surrounding a place, loud explosions coming from it. Wanting it to shut up and go away, I pushed through the stoopid crowd to see if I thought it was that nasty slime thing again. I mentally cried. I just wanted to see my results... Yeah, the slime was so getting it.

I walked forwards, purple hair floofing about. "Okay, you know if you wanted a body to hide in, maybe still going after one guy when everybody here knows what he looks like was a dumb move." I said, still walking towards the annoying moron. He angled Kacchan's arms towards me firing an explosion. "Outstanding move. Now I'm going to do what's called a pro gamer move."  I activated quirk void and slammed a punch into the now solid slime guy. Reaching out, I grabbed Kacchan's hand and dragged him out. With one more punch, the slime boi was knocked out. Holy mother of fishsticks I just realised.. My quirk named itself. 

I groaned. 

Shower thoughts should stay in the shower where they belong. 

Whilst I was thinking about my quirk, the pros were praising Kacchan for his 'Amazing quirk'. Some had come over to me. Before I showed up, they had been going on about how they didn't have the right quirk, although they were just being closed minded. 

"There was absolutely no reason to put yourself in danger!" The hero called the soothing name of 'Death arms' shouted. I gave him a sideways glance, not really being bothered by someone so arrogant. "Do you have a death wish or something?!" I rolled my eyes. This again about being suicidal?

"One, yes and two, I did more than you guys did, standing around watching like the quirk-centered little brats you are. Did you forget how to use your brain or have you never needed to as you only take on villains with quirks you will have no trouble beating. Christ! Put others before yourself for once in your life! You're a hero, so act like it!" I said, ignoring the dumbfounded looks I got. I would say he gaped like a fish, but fish probably have more brain cells than him. I began to walk off, the crowd parting in my way like I was infected. 

Well, that was an adventure with a few near - death experiences. Mondays, am I right?


Honestly, I was regretting my decision to apply for UA. It was for a joke, but then I got in. Cursed body and brain making me unable to fail. This was why I was now getting coffee that I really didn't need at half past eleven at night. The only other peresonate in the shop was the barista, who was looking at my bootiful coffee like it was possessed. I took a deep sip. "Oh boy, how much I am going to regret this and hate myself in the morning, so, my average day." I muttered, talking to myself as who apart from the blonde barista was there? Said barista turned towards me, a slight grin on his face. 'Well fishsticks, he heard me.' He giggled, pulling out a chair and workbook. "Of course I heard you, this place has a peculiar echo." He chuckled. I blushed in embarrassment, hiding my face in my coffee, totally not trying to drown myself. "Mwahahaha! Even with death you cannot escape the power of the Denki!" He cackled, noticing the attempts. 

You know, this guy ain't half bad. I gestured to the seat opposite me and he.. he.. he literally waltzed over, spinning and everything. 

He ended by slumping down in the chair, tossing his book on the table. I glanced at it and groaned. "Oh I hate that book! The ending is so emotional and I ruined it with my tears. I know authors like killing characters off and all, but there is such thing as an overkill." I raved, noticing the intrigued look I was getting from the so called 'Denki'. "I know, right! Rick had to go and kill off Leo, I love this series and all but reading has always been a struggle for me, with my constant energy and killing off one of the seven was just cruel! You could say" The eccentric teen raised an eyebrow, "The author is a dam meanie!" I giggled. "Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well" I bowed, extending a hand. "Kyuno Mizuniki at your service, meme lord and nerd." He slapped my hand into a shake, curtsying. "Denki Kaminari, Pikachu wannabe, vine master and fellow nerd. Need to learn English or improve your Japanese? I'm your guy!" We sat back down and began to interrogate each other with questions like: 

"Quirk?" Quirk void and electrification. 

"Favourite colour?" Cyan and blue. 

"Best book?" Skulduggery Pleasant and Percy Jackson. 

"Preferred pronouns?" He, him and he, him.

 "Do you have a crush?"

 This one brought me confusion. "What the heckity heck is a crush?" I questioned. He stared at me for a second before answering. "Well, a crush is someone who you can not get out of your head, like a great book, and when you're around them, you want to impress them or get all emotional. It's kinda annoying, you know? I've never had one, I'm pretty sure I'm ace, the ace of spades 'cause if you mess with my memes or friends and that's what I'm going to use on you." Now that I had been blessed with the knowledge, Shinsou totally not being brought to my mind, I decided. "Well, my friend, I'm afraid you will not be my friend for long!" I stated, slightly sad about the distraught look on his face. "Because bim, bam you are now my fam bro. Nice to meet you mr.ace, I am mr.pan, if you mess with anything I give a damn about, I will smack you in the face with one. What school you going to?" I smiled. Before the accident this never would have happened.. They made sure of that. "I just got my acceptance letter for UA" I grinned wider, not any grin, but my Cheshire Cat grin. "Hope to see you there! 1A I'm guessing, by your quirk and totally not the fact I can now see the letter poking out of your shirt pocket." He laughed and glanced at the time. "Oh shoot, sorry got to go or I'll be late back, I better see you there, is it okay if I call you Niki-chan? (Say nee-kee)Because you kinda look like a 'Chan', you're in 1A too right, you said 'hope to see you there' after noticing my letter, suggesting you got into the same class!" He began to pack his stuff up. "Of course, Kami-Chan! I see you're smarter that you let on, but before you go," He turned and looked at me. "You can breathe and that is unacceptable!" I waved my hand in an over the top gesture. "Fruckle frickle, you are now a pickle!" I said, a proud look on my face as I had come up with that in three seconds. He looked me in the eyes, a mock betrayed look and fell on the floor muttering "Pickle.... Pickle! PICKLEEEE!!!" I wheezed and bent down, soon after dragged to the floor with him, both of us gasping for air at the randomness of everything.

And that was how my night went.

A/N: Whew, tenth chapter out. I've decided to put the author's notes at the end so it's easy to skip. Sorry for the timing, I wasn't going to finish this, until I got  i n s p i r e d. Hope you all are well and enjoyed this! Stay safe, my fishlings!

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