Chapter twenty six: The Karen Games

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"THE FIRST MATCH! THE CURIOUSLY QUIET IZUKU MIDORIYA, VERSUS PRETTY MUCH THE ONLY GUY HE TALKS TO, HITOSHI SHINSOU!" Yamada could almost feel the glares from Denki and Katsuki burning through the stadium. "THE RULES ARE SIMPLE! WIN BY KNOCKING YOUR OPPONENT OUT OF THE RING, IMMOBILISING THEM OR GETTING THEM TO SAY 'I GIVE UP'! WITH FRIEND AGAINST FRIEND, LET'S GET THIS STARTED!" The two awkwardly faced each other. Izuku smirked, raising both his arms; the t-pose. Hitoshi mimicked the movement and they circled one another, occasionally quacking a 'yeet', 'this fish empty' and 'Thanks for checking in, I'm still a piece of garbage', all picked up by the audience who were sitting in confuzzled silence. A few 'The sun is a deadly laser's' came from the more cultured of the viewers. 

The two boys had planned the battle out already. Meme off for starters, leading to the actual fight. Instead of fist on fist fighting, they decided to go for a  different approach. 

Izuku cleared his throat. "We're no strangers to love," 

Hitoshi picked it up. "You know the rules and so do I,"

And so, the real fight began, the combat they revised harder for than I did for all my tests-

"A full commitments what I'm thinking of,"

"You wouldn't get this from any other guy," Hitoshi felt his voice crack slightly under the sheer pressure of his mind going blank on the lyrics.

"I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling," The greenette smirked, he knew his victory was soon to come.

"Gotta make you understand,"

"Never gonna give you up," Izuku took a single step forwards, not needing a future related quirk to know the turnout of the fight.

"Never gonna let you down,"

"Never gonna run around and desert you,"

"Never gonna make you cry," The taller teen felt a bead of sweat form at his brow.

"Never gonna say goodbye,"

"Never gonna tell- any lies-" 

Izuku let out a bark of laughter. It was at this moment, Hitoshi knew he fucked up. However, being the admirable loser, he gracefully (with his lonk leggs) stepped out of bounds.

Hizashi let out a single clap, just a tap of his hands and the entire crowd followed. Some random guy began to speak up about disrespecting all who fought seriously for the place, but was shut up by a certain peridot haired hero, look completed with a gas mask and orange bandanna. (lol I seE YOU IN THE CROWD, JOKE!!) 

The second battle was an expected disappointment. Sero knew he didn't stand a chance, yet still came at the battle head first, determined to at least try. His focused demeanour was shattered by Todoroki's ice, freezing him in his place, along with a good quarter of the stadium. A few cheers were thrown from the sympathetic crowd in aid of his sore loss, bringing a small smile to his disheartened face. Returning to the stands, the tape wielder was given a few sorrowful pats on the back, bubbling a small sense of happiness inside his heart. 

In some distant and unknown universe, the crowd would see the next fight as horrible and inhuman or cruel, however that universe didn't have the Karen games. A long time ago, every Karen, homophobic, antisemestist, racist, islamaphobic, transphobic, biphobic, panphobic and polyphobic person was thrown into an arena. The idea was so they could learn to be better people, but their heads were so far up their own arses that they killed each other until nobody remained. The good old days. However, this resulted in a much kinder, accepting society, with abuse rates at a decreasing low. Not to mention the fact the rapists were given life in jail, resulting in a much more pleasant world. This greatly effected the fact that sexist comments were brought down, meaning that no idiots would cry to go easy on Uraraka.

This brings us to our next fight, Katsuki Bakugo versus Ochako Uraraka. Katsuki lunged forwards as soon as the match was started, aiming for a right hook. Uraraka wrapped her arm around his own, shoving an elbow into his back. He kicked back, hitting her shins and forcing her to let go. She let out a brief grunt of pain before hastily spinning to face him. Using his explosions to propel him towards the brunette, he landed an uppercut to her torso, right below the ribs, quickly followed up with a knifehand thrust. Uraraka leapt back to launch into a side piercing kick as an uno reverse card, right to the gut.

 As Katsuki constantly used his quirk, breaking chunks off of the ground, Uraraka managed to lay her fingers on all of them, about two at a time. By about fifteen minutes, there was a cloud of rocks and stones hovering above the fight, unnoticed by the male. That was when Uraraka decided to deactivate her quirk. Maybe if she'd waited a bit longer, or masked the movement more he wouldn't've seen it coming. But for what ever reason, he managed to dodge every last rock. Uraraka would've fought on, but the toll was taken and she slowly slumped down, resulting in the winner to be none other than the demon of 1A, Katsuki.

"You were amazing!" Izuku gushed, looking the caramel haired teen in the eyes, sincerity flooding his stare. "Really? I think I could've fought a tad longer." Izuku cushioned her face in his hands. "You did amazing, okay? In my battle, I didn't even fight! It was more focusing on the mental side of things, improving memory under stress and pressuring situations, and I think you did amazing under such circumstances. You did fantastic." Uraraka gave a soft smile, tinged with bittersweet sadness. "Thanks." 

As the break was taking place, Izuku wen the to check up on Todoroki. Unfortunately, he found him being confronted by his 'father'. The greenette quickly stepped in. "Enji." Blazing cyan eyes bore holes into his face, but he didn't mind. He'd seen worse. Todoroki wasted no time in stepping behind the boy. "What is so important that you had to interrupt my conversation?" He growled, malice dropping from his voice. "Well, Enji, the fact that you managed to fail even the most simple tasks seems to blow my mind. How is it that every time we meet, you seem to be even more stupid than prior? If you can't even succeed to be humane, you'll never be number one. Maybe before trying to be the best hero, try to be the best father, or at least a decent human being. If you'll excuse me, I have more pressing matters to attend to. Not that educating a bonehead is the most useful waste of my time." And with that he left, milk 'n' ketchup following compliantly. 

That left the man engulfed in flames to think. 

When had his goals of helping turn to being the best? When did saving people become a competition? When had his values become so warped? Where did he lose track? Where was it that he lost all that made him human?

A/N: I am so so sorry for the sudden hiatus. This was probably a one off chapter as well. I still have a spark, the dying embers of motivation left for this, so we can hope. Recently, (Very recently) I have been diagnosed with autism. It does make sense, but the whole idea was out of the blue. It is probably going to hit me hard, so I'm sorry if this chapter didn't live up to your hopes. All of your support makes my day and every vote makes me smile. I love all of you and you've made my life better. Thank you for everything you've done, included the constant support. See you hopefully soon, PanFish out xx

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