Chapter twelve: Do not touch my coffee, heathen!

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⚠️Swearing due to Bakuboi 

I love murderous teens exploding me on a nice first day of school. Oh wait, trying to. "You know that won't work on me, right?" I questioned, dodging another punch fueled by an explosion and giving a spinning kick to the ribs. "THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN, EXTRA?!" The blonde roared. "Your quirk does nothing on me, plus I have trained for wayyyyyy longer than you." He seemed to be aiming for my mask. Thankfully, the only damage he could do was with his body. If I had not gotten shot in the shoulder that day, I doubt I would be able to dodge the explosions aimed to kill. Bakugo gave an evil grin before backing away slightly. "SHOCK ABSORPTION, RIGHT? WELL THEN, THERE'S A LIMIT TO HOW MUCH YOU CAN TAKE!" He gave a feral laugh. 

"Hey, Uraraka? You see the window three from the left, north? Go there and hold on tight. Tell Iida to do the same." Bakugo growled. "Ignoring me now?! Let's see how you like this!" He aimed his grenade shaped gauntlet right at me.

3rd POV

Now, in many other realities, All Might would call the match off only to be ignored, however, he is slightly curious, only seeming to care about the strange child, just like all the others. He wanted to see what would happen, mainly as the boy's quirk was put as "Take a guess." Aizawa knew it would be a defensive type, probably an emitter, but had decided to keep this to himself. Yet All Might was clueless, slightly irritated that someone would not tell him every little secret and thing about themself. After all, he saved everyone.. Right? Bakugo, irritated that some.. Extra dare ignore him, decided that enough was enough. He tore the pin from the grenade like support item and watched the amber and crimson flames flood the room with sun like light. Surely anyone at the receiving end of this would be incapacitated or dead. Or not. The entire class of 1A saw the explosion, shocked by how ruthless Bakugo was. When the smoke finally cleared, a figure was seen standing, eyes flashing orange, panting and huffing, a sheet of metal torn from a wall in front. "HERO TEAM WINS!" announced a slightly pissed All Might. Mizuniki had used the metal and his quirk protecting it to redirect the blast to the ceiling, hitting the room where Uraraka and Iida were in. Uraraka had used the smoke given off by the blast to sneak past Iida, who was holding on to a pillar and touch the bomb. You could have heard a pin drop. Izuku inhaled deeply before deactivating quirk void, his eyes went back to their normal green. They had won.


Izuku trudged home, rubbing his eyes as he went. It was funny seeing Bakugo again, after all this time, watching how he had not improved much since Aldera. He entered the supposedly abandoned building and climbed the old stairs to where he was staying. Sighing, he sat down on the mattress, the only furniture in the room. The floor, much like the bus on the beach once was, was covered in blueprints and metal scraps with the odd worm on a string. He began to change from the gray school uniform to his vigilante-ing outfit. He was in the mood to beat people up. He slunk out of the window, careful to not house suspicion. He flung himself across the rooftops, listening for any sound that may indicate a struggle. A high pitched wail floated to him, from a rather wide alleyway.


He ran to where he heard the sound, pulling out his bo staff. Falling from the roof to the ground, he tucked into a ball and rolled to a halt. Looking up, he saw.. Shisou? Being cornered by three middle schoolers. Mizu wondered what they were doing out so late, before realising that it was not that late and he was just really tired. "Greetings homosapiens. May I ask what the heck you are doing to Shinsou?" A cool, steely voice asked the boys. They shuddered. Shinsou however, rolled his eyes. "Took you long enough." Mizu kicked the nearest in the head, knocking him out. "I legit just got back from school bro, cut me some slack." The largest of the bunch, a kid named 'Ayuni Kitoya', quirk: pyrite, stepped forward, which looking back on it, was a bad mistake. "You know this freak?!", Pretending to be calm, he scoffed. "The only freak I see here is you, ma'am, so excuse my french but Fuck you." Mizu spat, slamming his face into the wall. Nobody insults his friends. Honestly, if someone insulted Kaminari or Shinsou via the internet, he would know and slap them through the screen. Back to the present, Mizu, now angry, finished off the school students, tying them up with duct tape and zip ties. He kicked them in the head for luck. "Come on, let's get you sorted." Mizu said, slapping on a post-it note that simply said 'Quirk discrimination and illegal quirk usage.', Both being true. Dragging Shinsou across to his house, he held out his hand for the key. He set the teen down and flicked on the lights. "When will your mum be back?" He spoke softly, as to not wake the neighbours. Sulking in a chair, Izuku remembered the actual first time he used quirk void.

It had been a hard day, the heat throbbing and glaring. Izuku saw a flash of black, heading towards the school. He thought nothing of it and went back inside, break being over. A few minutes after he sat down, an alarm sounded. The voice over the tannoy spoke of an intruder, asking one student to try to locate the person. Everybody glared at him. "He should go! Nobody would miss him!" a girl with blue hair yelled. "Yeah, freak, get out. You're just a burden." the quiet cries kept on coming. "If you want to be a hero, die like one!" "you're so weak he would probably just ignore you!" The teacher silenced the class, glaring at Izuku. "You should go. You're quirkless. Get out." He blinked before slowly walking out, fed up. After wandering around for a while, he found the man, needle in hand. As soon as he saw the pitiful, bruised figure, he laughed. "What's a weakling like you supposed to do?! Kick me?!" He scoffed before shoving the needle into his neck, pushing the plunger down, the red liquid slowly disappearing. It was then that the small, abandoned child found out the man's quirk. Implosion. He could make bubbles, usually no bigger than a fridge, and implode the contents. "Try this, kid!" The man growled, encasing the already broken form in a bubble before clicking for effect and imploding it. The child fell to the ground, damaged and bleeding. The intruder laughed and made a huge bubble, covering the school. Before he could detonate it, the boy stood, eyes seemingly glowing, before he placed his hands. One on the floor and one on the man, just as he clicked. The attempted murderer frowned, noticing the child's palm on him, eyes glowing and flashing red. The older male stepped back, slipping and falling, head slamming against the cold ground that a certain five year old spent too much of his time on. The seemingly quirkless boy had activated quirk void, encasing the entire building in it whilst touching the man, rendering his quirk useless. When the others found them, the intruder was arrested, the child ridiculed, humiliated for his bravery.

He flinched, pain of the memory still stinging. He wanted to help people, like nobody ever did him, to be a light in the dark, a beacon of hope, a calming entity. He wanted to be loved. Unbeknownst to him, he was loved, by a certain purple haired insomniac that was finally sleeping just steps away from him. He did not know that he was loved, he hadn't felt that emotion in so long it had rotted away. He had hope, finally, but he had no idea. "Do not touch my coffee, heathen!" He almost giggled in relief. He was not alone. A sleepy talking-in-sleep teen was with him, by his side no matter what. For the first time in years, he had hope.

A/N:Whew double update! How are you all? Sorry for the swearing but when I read stuff and it's starred out, it kind of ruins it for me. Do you get that? (1420 words)

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