Chapter 1

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Riley's POV

It's been 5 months since the wedding. Mia is off for Valentine's Day weekend. Mac and I wanted to do something special with just her for Valentines. Since the twins were born she has been such a big help. We haven't been able to spend much time with her between the twins and the Phoenix but we are gonna dedicate a whole weekend to spending time with her. It's currently Friday and Mac and I were getting things ready at home for my mom and Jack. While we are gone they agreed to watch the twins. Honestly Jack and my mom have been loving spending time with their grandkids. "Mia gets out of school in an hour and everything here is ready." Mac says. "Great, now we just need to pack the last minute stuff get her stuff packed and load the car." I say. "I'll pack our last minute stuff you can pack Mia's stuff. I wouldn't know what to pack for her." Mac says a bit embarrassed. "It's fine she's a preteen girl I know what to pack." I say. Mia had just recently turned 11 and she is becoming more and more responsible. I start packing her clothes that she wears around a lot and pack her swimsuit. After I pack her clothes I head to the bathroom to get her toothbrush and stuff. I stop for a minute. She is 11 and she still hasn't gotten her period. She is active but I was 10 when I got mine. I make a mental note to pack extra supplies in case she starts while we are on vacation. I walk into our room and to our bathroom. "What are you looking for? I already got your tooth brush and stuff." Mac asks. "Um..... it's better if you don't ask." I say walking back out with a zipper pouch of supplies. Mac looks at me confused while I put the bag in Mia's suitcase. I just smile walking over to him. "Don't worry about it Mac." I say before kissing him. He smiles at me. "Did you get everything packed?" I ask. "Almost just one more thing." He says picking up a handful of paper clips. "You never know when you'll need these." He says. I just laugh and roll my eyes. "You know you love my nerdiness." He says. "Which is why I married you." I say. We start packing everything into the car and the twins wake up from their nap. "I got it." I say as Mac and I hear them crying. I walk in and see Izzy crying and Noel calmly staring at her. "Shh. It's okay Izzy." I say. Noel continues to stare at me and Izzy. Once Izzy calms down I change both of their diapers and let them play on a play mat we got them. I've noticed that Izzy is very imaginative and loves to just play around but Noel is more calm and reserved. She tends to stay in one area and play with one toy almost examining it instead of playing. At that moment I hear the doorbell ring and Mac goes to answer it. My mom comes into the nursery and I hug her. "Hey, how are the twins doing?" She asks me. "Good Izzy is playing with her stuffed bear and a race car meanwhile Noel is examining her little car." I say. "You know I see a lot of Mac in Noel but also a lot of you." My mom says. I look at her confused. I understand the Mac part because Noel is always trying to figure out how things work but how does my mom see me in her? "What do you mean you see a lot of me in her?" I ask. "You weren't always confident and outgoing. You used to barely cry when you were little and would always talk to your stuff animals but as soon as anyone came in you would stop. You were actually fairly shy." My mom says. I smile a little. "Anyway how is everything with you and Jack?" I say. "We're doing great we started wedding planning last week. Not that we are anywhere near done but we are getting there." My mom says. "Well thanks for watching the twins." I say. "No problem I love spending time with my grand babies." I hug her and I walk outside to where Jack and Mac are talking. "Hey Rye. I still can't believe you two have your own kids." Jack says. "I know it's crazy. They're already 6 months old." I say. "Well you'll just have to have more kids at the rate their growing." Jack says. "Not right now. I want to wait at least until the twins are a year old. Besides we are trying to focus more on Mia hence this trip." I say. We say goodbye and head to Mia's school to pick her up.

We get to the school and Mia gets in the car throwing her backpack in the back. I put a blanket over the suitcases so she wouldn't notice them. "Hey Mia how was school?" I ask. "Great Addy introduced me to Jenna and Harper and we became a friend group." She says. "Well thats good. We have a surprise for you." I say as Mac starts driving. "Okay?" Mia says. As soon as she realizes we aren't headed home she starts asking me where we are going. "You'll find out when we get to our first stop." I say. She finally gives up and starts working on her homework. She only had Math and German so it's not too much. We finally get to the airport and Mia starts freaking out. She seems excited but I can also tell she is very nervous. I pull her aside after we get through security. "You okay?" I ask her. "I'm just scared. I haven't been on a plane since you got me away from dad. That's the only time I had ever been on a plane and it still gives me nightmares." She says. I never thought about the fact that Mia had bad memories of planes. "Well this time there shouldn't be any police waiting for us to land okay. And trust me your gonna love where we are going." I say. She looks at me wanting to know. "Let's go to the gate then I'll tell you." I say. We head to the gate and sit and wait since we had 30 minutes till we could board. "Where are we going?" Mia asks. "We are going to Disney World." I say. Her eyes light up and she starts jumping up and down. "I've never been to Disney World. I've always wanted to go there." She says. My first memory of going to Disney was when I was little with my mom and Jack. Mia has seen a lot of Disney movies and her favorite is Rapunzel. She really like Pascal the little lizard or gecko or whatever. Mac and I just sit there talking to Mia about the trip. Things were looking good.

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