Chapter 17

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Mac's POV

Mia and I walk closer to the snake enclosure. "I feel bad. I didn't know Rye rye had a fear of snakes." Mia says. "She doesn't tell people cause she doesn't want them to see her as a weak or scared person. I don't know why anyone would think that though. I mean she risks her life on a weekly if not daily basis. I would be more scared of that then snakes." I explain. "I like snakes. I think their cool." Mia says. "This is how you and Riles differ. One of the few things you guys dont have in common." I say. She smiles and continues to stare at the snakes. After a few minutes we meet Riley back where you can't see the snakes. Mia walks ahead of us a little and I take the opportunity to talk to Riley. "Riles?" "Hm?" "Are you okay? Mia felt bad cause she didn't know about your fear of snakes." I say. "I'm fine." She says and there's a few seconds of silence. "Mac? You didn't tell her the reason why did you?" She asks me hoping the answer is no. "No. That's for you to tell her when your ready. By the way you do know that she isn't gonna see you as a scared or weak person just cause you have a fear of snakes right?" I say making sure she knows her sister of all people wouldn't judge her on that. She just nods. "I've known for a while and I don't see you any differently then I did when we first met." I say hoping she'll gain the confidence to talk to people about this. "I know. You never have judged me. That's why I married you." She says. We both smile and I put and arm around her.

After we finish spending time at Animal Kingdom we head to Magic Kingdom to watch fireworks and ride some rides. "Can we go on Splash Mountain?" Mia asks. I look at the ride she's pointing to. "Um sure." I say not wanting to ruin the fun. This ride is a log flume ride that has a 50 foot drop. I have a really bad fear of heights but this can't be too bad. Right? The ride was going great till we got to the drop. Going down I thought this was the end. I think I screamed so loud people at the front of the park could hear us. When we get off we look at th picture and Mia points out that we have identical faces. "Yea except yours was out of joy and mine was out of sheer terror." I say. She just smiles and giggles. "Mac we all know how much you hate heights. It's not exactly a secret." Mia says. I see Riley trying not to laugh out of the corner of my eye. "I wouldn't be laughing if I were you." I say warning her. She just rolls her eyes and smiles at me. "Was it really that bad?" She asks. "Yes your lucky you couldn't go on it." I say. She just continues smiling.

After a bit we head back to the hotel and get ready for bed. "Are you gonna talk to her?" I ask Riley. "I think so. I'm just nervous still." She says. "Look at me." I say turning her head to face me, "She is still gonna see you as the hacking queen you are. Nothing is going to change how she sees you even this okay?" She nods and Mia comes out of the bathroom. I get a shower and hear them talking for a while. When I come out I can't find them. Then I see that the door is opened. I walk outside the room and look for them. My adrenaline kicks in and I start thinking all the what if's. What their hurt? What if they got kidnapped? What if they were pulled into some kind of trap? What if they're dead? I decide to walk back in and look for any clues in the room after running around the hotel to look for them. I walk open the door to our room and their both standing there smiling evil grins. "Where were you?" Mia asks. "Got ya." Riley says smirking. I grab Riley and start tickling her. Mia runs knowing she's next.

The next morning we head to Hollywood studios which is a huge deal for Star Wars fans like me. Riley and I watched Star Wars a lot when we had free time. It's the one thing that Jack likes watching with us that's Disney. Riley and I always joke about Jack making a good Chewbacca. We went on a lot of Star Wars themed rides and watched a show they do in the park that's based on Star Wars. Mia loved Hollywood studios cause they have a lot of stuff on how animated movies were made and CGI stuff. We went to one of the shops and she found a little pascal stuffed animal. She bought it with money she saved up from her birthday then we continued our day. As we were walking out of the park we were talking about all the stuff we did. "What was your favorite ride?" Riley asks Mia and I. "I liked the Runaway railway ride." Mia says. "I liked the Star Wars stuff. Jack would love that area." I say. "I liked the Star Wars area too." Riley says. We all got on the bus and Mia fell asleep on my shoulder on the bus.

The next morning we head to Blizzard Beach which is a water park in Disney. It's supposed to be like a ski resort theme. We walk in and head to the changing rooms. Once we're all changed we start walking to rides we want to go on. "I found one Mac would like." Mia says sarcastically pointing to a vertical slide that was higher than I was willing to go. "There's one up there that's a family raft one. Do you want to go on it?" Riley asks. I shrug and Mia nods. "We have to take the ski lift to get to it but it shouldn't be too bad." Riles says. All I could think is if something goes wrong this won't end well. I think Riley noticed I was thinking about how things could go wrong. "Relax. Nothings gonna happen. Okay?" She says wrapping her arms around my arm. We get on the ski lift and I have to admit it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We go on the raft ride and it was really fun.

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