Chapter 14

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Riley's POV

I wake up to the sound of people talking. I realize Mac's already up so I get dressed and ready then head to the kitchen where Mac and Jack are talking. I look over to the living room and see Mia playing with Izzy and Noel sitting in the corner doing her own thing. "Hey beautiful. Did you sleep well last night?" Mac asks me. "Yea. Did you get the girls ready?" I ask. "Yea I figured I'd let you sleep in." Mac says. "Where's mom?" I ask. "She went to the store for a few things." Jack says.

After breakfast my mom got home and Mac took this opportunity to pull me into the hallway. "So when are we gonna tell them about number 3? I almost told Jack on accident but luckily he didn't catch it." Mac says. "I was thinking we tell them today. I picked something up the other day." I say heading to the twins room. Mac follows me and I pull out two shirts that say big sister on them. "So what we change them into that and wait for them to figure it out?" Mac asks. "Yep. I have a feeling Mia or Jack will get it first." I say. Mac just smiles and we go get the twins. I change Izzy while he changes Noel. Once we are done we let them go back to playing. After about 3 minutes Jack stares at me and points to Noel and Izzy. "What are those?" He asks. "Your grandchildren." I say holding back a laugh the best I can. "No I mean what their wearing." He says. "What does it look like?" I ask smiling. "Omg. Mac!" He says looking at Mac with a 'seriously' expression. We all laugh for a bit then my mom and Mia walk in the room. "What are you all laughing about?" Mia asks. "Jack just said something that made us laugh." I say giving him the 'play along' look. He understands and just acts as if he said something that was actually funny for once. "Jack can actually be funny and not just make dad jokes." Mia says. We all laugh knowing she's right Jack has terrible dad jokes. Mia goes to play with Izzy and looks at her shirt then looks over at Noel noticing the shirts. "Rye rye! Why didn't you tell me?!" She says looking at me smiling. "Hey I just told Mac last night." I say holding up my hands in a fake surrender. My mom just looks at Mia and I confused. "What are you two talking about?" She asks. "Rye rye is gonna have another baby." Mia says pointing at the twin's shirts. "I'm gonna have 3 grand babies?" Mom asks looking at me. I just smile and nod. She hugs me and Mia can't sit still.

Later Mac and I were making dinner. He has been getting progressively better at cooking and he's been helping me get better at fighting. "So we aren't gonna be able to really do anymore training are we?" Mac says. "The doctor said I could do some exercise, like my normal amount, but not any excessive stuff." I stay. He nods and continues helping me make dinner. After dinner Mac and I take the twins into their room. "You two are gonna have a new little sibling." I say looking at them. Izzy looks confused but Noel gets it. I explain to Izzy what that means and she just nods unamused. Noel is smiling as big as I've ever seen her smile. We get them to bed and head back to the living room. Mia and Jack are talking about weird things Mac and I have had to do on missions. "You never told me you two had to act like a couple before." Mia says. "Yea probably cause thats before they were really dating. They had as much chemistry back then as they have now." Jack says. Mac and I smile and I roll my eyes. "Oh have you heard of the time when they went undercover in a casino and Mac-" Jack starts. "Jack!" I stop him. "What?" He asks. "Don't you finish that story or your gonna explain all the details of that mission and a topic I really don't think you wanna discuss with her." I say. He was going to tell her about the mission where Mac was handcuffed to a bed and we had to pretend like we lost the key. All of this was so I could hack the hotel's security system. "Fine. I think that's enough stories for now." Jack says. Mia heads to bed and my mom and Jack head downstairs. I sit next to Mac on the couch and he puts his arms around me. "So, overall how have you been feeling symptom wise?" Mac asks. "Okay. I've been a bit nauseous here and there and the smell of cinnamon makes me wanna throw up but other than that I've been fine." I say. He kisses the top of my head and I curl almost into a ball next to him. "So Mia is gonna come to the Phoenix with us tomorrow?" Mac asks. "That's the plan. I think Matty will like her. She's smart, mature, knows what she's talking about, and Matty just really likes to have more girls to side with her on arguments against Jack." I say. We both laugh knowing the part about Jack was 100 percent true. "Yea Jack just doesn't know when to shut his mouth." Mac says still smiling. He looks at me and stares. "What?" I ask. "How did I get this lucky? How do I still get goosebumps when you look or smile at me? How did we get so lucky?" He asks. "Honestly I've been asking myself those thing for the past few years." I say smiling. Eventually we head to bed and get ready for tomorrow.

The next morning we get up and get Mia ready. Once we ate breakfast and Jack joined us we headed to the Phoenix. "Hey Matty." Jack says. "Dalton, Blondie, Riley, and don't have a nickname for you yet." Matty says pointing to Mia. "I don't really have a nickname." Mia says a little shy. "That's okay we'll find one for you." Matty says smiling. "Hey how come I'm just Dalton?!" Jack asks offended. "Because frankly your always getting on my nerves and I know it would annoy you." Matty says. Jack just shakes his head choosing to shut his mouth for once. A few minutes later Bozer and Leanna show up. "So we have a new mission for you guys. There is supposedly going to be a bomb made of Americium sold to the highest bidder at a late night party. I'm not going to send all of you on the field so those who are going are, Mac, Jack, and Bozer. Riley you aren't really needed on the field so you and Mia will stay here." She says. "So we are going to buy a bomb made of Americium and give it to the US government so they can safely destroy it?" Leanna asks. "Yep. Everyone clear on their jobs?" Matty asks. We all nod and she tells us to get ready. "Oh Riley can I talk to you for a sec?" Matty asks. "Sure." I say a little confused. "So when are are you going to officially tell us?" She asks. "What are you talking about?" I ask genuinely confused. "I'm talking about the new addition." She says. It hits me but I try not to let it show on my face that I was in shock. "I don't what your talking about." I say. "Riley." She says giving me the stare. "Fine. I don't know yet. We just told Jack and Mia last night. Probably after this mission." I say. She lets me go get ready after congratulating me and I head to the computer room.

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