Chapter 11

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Mac's POV

After Mia made us watch a movie called "Onward" she heads to bed. "So how are you?" I ask Riley. "Good. I just I am sorry about last night. I know you just were scared for me." She says. "No it was my fault. I ignored my logic and let the fear take over. I do believe you can handle yourself." I say. She just smiles. "Mac?" "Hm." "Will you work with me? Like on fighting?" She asks. "Of course but you have to teach me how to cook." I say. "Deal." She says laughing a little. "I love you Riley." "I love you too, Mac." She says.

The next morning we get up and Riley let's me watch her make breakfast. "The number one thing to remember about eggs is you want the clear stuff to turn white. Also you don't want liquidy eggs cause that means there not done." She says. "And eggs are the easier part?" I say. "Yea cause they are one of the hardest to burn. Pancakes are very easy to burn if your not watching them." She says. I never knew how hard cooking actually was. "Do you wanna try to make one?" She asks. I nod and she hands me the spatula. She pours the scrambled egg in the pan. Eventually I notice the edges getting tough. "Do I flip it now?" I ask. She nods and shows me how to slide the spatula under the egg so it won't break. When I successfully flip it I can't help but smile. "I did it." I say. "Yea. You didn't do to bad." She says laughing a little. Once it's done we finish making breakfast then we eat.

We spend most of the day with Riley's mom and Jack cleaning out the basement. Riley, her mom, and Jack all take turns watching the twins. At this point it's me, Riley and her mom. The basement is kind of just used for storage. Old photo albums and stuff from when I was a kid. Most of today we spent cleaning and figuring out what to do with the couch that's down here. The only time anyone really comes down here is when Riley or I need to be alone. "It's a bit dusty down here." Riley says coughing a little. "Yea just wait till you see what's in these bins." I say pulling the bins of my old stuff out. I start going through them with Riley. "Is that you as a baby?" She asks trying not to laugh at a picture of my covered in spaghetti sauce. "No." I lie. "I know when your lying, Angus." She says. "Ok Riley." I say. We go through the photo albums and eventually find space upstairs for them. We get to the last bin and I find something that makes me stop what I'm doing. "Mac?" Riley says noticing I'm not moving anything. She walks over and sees what I'm looking at. It's a picture of my mom in a frame. She's holding me smiling at my dad. Riley just hugs me from behind putting her chin on my shoulder. After a minute I take a deep breath and move it aside but the the back of the frame pops loose and something falls out. It's a piece of paper. I unfold it carefully and find a letter.

Dear Angus,

I know someday you will see this and will have some questions as to why there is a note in this picture frame. I just wanted you to know what happened to me. I just wanted to help make the future for you better. With climate change it's getting harder and harder to think about what kind of world we are leaving for your generation. I didn't intend for this to get as far out of hand as it has gotten but now I'm being hunted by the U.S. government. I'm very sorry that you will have had to grow up without a mother but maybe it's for the best. I haven't been the best parent in the world. I just wanted to tell you I love you and nothing will ever change that. Even if I can't be there physically I hope you grow into the smart kind boy I know you are.

Love, Mom

I just fold the letter and put it back in the frame. Once we get the rest of the basement cleaned we head upstairs. "So tomorrow we can start moving your guys stuff in." Riley said. Jack and I make plans to meet up the next morning so we can move stuff like dressers and the bed using my truck. We spent most of the day playing with Mia and the twins. We were all laughing and having fun when Jack gets a phone call. He takes it outside and all the sudden I see him stand there in shock. Obviously whatever the phone call was about it wasn't good. I walk outside and he just turns to me. "I'll tell him. Thanks Matty. You take care." He says hanging up. "What does she need us in the Phoenix?" I ask. "No um..... Mac Matty said Caige......" he doesn't finish his sentence. "Caige what?" I ask. "She was murdered." He says. I can't help but stand there like Jack in shock. "Who?" I ask. "One of the dealer's friends found out that she was on to the whole thing and ratted them out. When he heard about the dealer being taken into custody he took matters into his own hands. The FBI is handling the case." He says. Caige was like my sister and I don't think it really hit me yet. I just head inside and Jack follows. He stops me in the hall. "Are you gonna tell Riley or do you want me to?" Jack asks. "I'm gonna tell her later after the kids are in bed." I say. He nods and we head back to the living room.

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