Chapter 2

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Mac's POV

We get to Orlando around 8 pm and head to the resort. We were staying at Caribbean Beach which was heavily influenced by the Caribbean but also by the movie the little mermaid. We had dinner in the food court at the hotel and headed up to the room. There were two beds, a bathroom and a small closet. Mia was absolutely in love with the hotel. We decided not to go anywhere tonight as we had just got off of a plane and a bus ride. We are gonna be here for 3 days and each day we are going to a different park. We are gonna double up two days but there is a very good reason for that. Here is what our schedule looked like:

Saturday: Hollywood studios in the morning then Animal Kingdom that night. Since Animal Kingdom closes early we are gonna come back to the hotel and walk around
Sunday: early Disney springs (this is mostly gonna be me following the girls being as it's all shopping.) then head to Epcot.
Monday: Magic Kingdom.

We are planning to leave on Tuesday morning and Mia goes back to school on Wednesday. Mia gets a shower then we all head to bed. After a while I hear Mia fall asleep meanwhile I feel Riley moving around. I can tell she is trying not to move to much and wake me up. I turn over and rub her back. She looks at me confused. "I thought you were asleep." She whispers. "Not yet. What's up?" I ask knowing she has something on her mind. "What do you mean?" She asks. "Riles you know what I'm talking about. What's bugging you?" I ask. "Just nerves. I can't help it Mac. I keep thinking what if something happens to my mom or Jack or the twins while we're gone? What is something happens to us here? What if there is an emergency at the Phoenix?" She whispers. "Riles, nothing's gonna happen. You and I both know Jack won't let anything happen to your mom or the twins. As far as the Phoenix Matty would call us if something bad happened. Okay?" She nods. Eventually we both fall asleep and everything seemed fine.

Riley's POV

I fall asleep but I feel guilty because what I told Mac was a lie. I'm not worried about stuff at home I'm worried about our safety here. From the time we were at the airport to us coming into our room I felt like we were being followed. That's ridiculous right? Then suddenly I wake up from my light sleep and hear something with the door. Then it opens. I slowly turn to see who it could be but before I can make any noise they put something over my mouth and nose and I'm out.

When I wake up I find myself in a room with cement walls and a single lightbulb. This feels like a horror movie. Then it hits me. A smell I know. I was chloroformed. I don't know where I am but I know when Mac realizes I'm missing he'll come looking. Then two people enter the room. "Who are you?!" I ask. "Oh dear Riley you know who I am." I start feeling sick at the sound of my dad's voice. "They'll come for me! They'll come for me and you know it!" I say. "No they won't because I've set my distraction. Covered my tracks." He says. He walks over to a laptop on a table. Then I see the most horrifying thing. "They'll figure out it's a dummy." I say calm as I can be in that moment. "Oh but Riley dear. That's not a dummy. Amazing what a little plastic surgery can do." He says. "Who is that?!" I ask. "One of my colleagues volunteered to put themselves as tribute. She got plastic surgery to look exactly like you then staged a suicide." He says smiling a little. "You make me sick." I say. "Maybe but nothing is gonna be more rewarding than my plan. Once Mac tells your friends about this tragedy Mia will be lost. She won't have any blood family. Eventually I will get Mac killed then Mia will run back to me." He says. I can't help it tears escape my eyes. Not a lot just a few. "Until then let's have a little fun shall we?" He says. He walks towards me and smacks me then kicks me in the stomach. After he's satisfied he leaves leaving the live feed of "me" for me to watch.

Mia wakes up first and walks into the bathroom where "I" am. I see Mia's face be covered by sheer terror. She screams. "Mac! Help it's Riley!" She says trying to see if my decoy has a pulse. "Mac I think she's dead!" Mia says crying. "No. No no no no no!" He says rushing over to "me". He starts performing CPR and tells Mia to start looking for a defibrillator. When she doesn't find one she comes back crying and apologizing that she couldn't find one. Mac just hugs her and calls for an ambulance. When the ambulance gets there they pronounce me dead. I can't stop watching through my tears. Mia is nonstop crying and Mac is trying not to let it hit him. They walk out of frame and I can't help but think how broken Mac is gonna feel when it hits him.

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