Chapter 4

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Riley's POV

I honestly don't know what day it is at this point. Every time my dad comes in he either physically or mentally abuses me. Usually by the time he's done I'm either unconscious or on the verge of a complete mental breakdown. What if they don't come for me? What if Mac is killed? Then I remember something. Before leaving I put my coms in but kept them turned off. I did it in case Matty needed us but this is good it could help me. My dad opens the door at that thought. "So my dear Riley have you thought about my proposal?" He asks. My dad wants me to spend the rest of my life with him in this hole in the wall of a room. He says if I agree each day he will give me more and more freedom. Wait. I have to agree I have an idea. "Yea. I don't want to do this but I have no other option so I except." I say trying to act defeated. "Good. Glad to see you came to your senses. I'll keep my promise." He says coming behind me in the chair I'm in. He release my right hand. "Everyday I see you behave you'll get a new freedom. Until then you will live in this room. Think about what you did to me." He says. He leaves the room and I wait till he's gone and quickly reach to my coms and turn them on. The plan is hopefully someone will notice something abnormal and look at my coms. Since our coms send up locations they should be able to locate me and hopefully get me out of here. I'm glad my dad gave me my right hand because on my wrist is a bold M and R with a heart around it. It's the only thing keeping me sane right now.

Mac's POV

I waste no time getting Jack. I walk out on the deck and Jack tries to act tough even though I know he is dying on the inside. "Jack Riley's not dead." I say. "What do you mea- your in denial. Mac I know you don't wanna except it bu-" Jack starts. "No, Jack you don't understand." I pull my sleeve up and show him my left wrist. "Okay I don't follow." Jack says. "Riley and I started doing this me on my left her on her right. When we found her body she didn't have the heart on her wrist. She should have had it because I watched her redraw it yesterday before we left." I say. "Okay so then if she isn't dead how do you explain everything?" Jack asks. I think for a minute. "I don't know I just know that the body we found wasn't hers." I say. "Mac that's a pretty big-" He's cut off by a phone call from Matty. "I know you two are in mourning right now but I need you two at the Phoenix now!" Matty says. We waste no time heading there.

We walk into the war room and Matty immediately pulls up a news article. "Today at around 5 this article was put out." She says. "Her dad escaped prison. So help me I'm gonna kill that man!" Jack says. "That's it!" I say. Everyone looks at me confused. "Riley's not dead she was kidnapped probably by her dad. He must have gotten a friend to get surgery to look like Riley then stage a suicide. She's not dead!" I say. Everyone looks at me a little skeptical. I explain to them about our wrists and Bozer brings up a good point. "Ok so if she has been kidnapped we still don't have a way of tracking her. Since it happened at night she wouldn't have had any electronics on her." Bozer points out. "Yes she would. I know how we can track her." Leanna says. We look at her and she goes on. "Before you two left to take Mia to Disney I saw her sneak her coms out of the war room she turned them off but if she can turn them on we have a chance at finding her." Leanna says. "Riley is smart enough she would already have figured out a way to turn them on." I say. "I got it!" Bozer says. "It says she's in the middle of the woods just outside San Francisco." Bozer says. "What are we waiting for let's go!" Jack says. We come up with a plan and head to Riley's location. If he hurt her I'm gonna kill him.

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