Chapter 13

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Mac's POV

Once we get to the party Riley has me take the twins so she can get the cake. Noel is babbling some gibberish to Izzy who is ignoring it for the most part. Mia nominates herself to take care of Izzy and Noel. The funny part is we have a surprise for her she doesn't even know about. We re-planned a trip to Disney but this time it's gonna be longer. It's not for another week so we thought we'd wait to tell her the night of the wedding. "Where did the twins go?" Riley asks me. "Mia took them to play in the backyard." I say. "Thanks for coming guys." Bozer says. "We wouldn't miss it Boz." I say. "Are your mom and Jack coming?" He asks Riley. "Yea they said they might be a little bit behind us." She says. "Leave it to Jack to be late." He says. We all laugh a little. Jack has been notorious for being late.

A little later on Riley disappeared. I was gonna look for her when Bozer asked me to help him get stuff set up for the reveal. By the time we got it set up Riley had reappeared. Then it's time for the reveal. Leanna and Bozer cut the cake and it's blue. "It's a boy!" Bozer says running around. Everyone was laughing. Eventually Izzy starts getting tired and when she gets tired she gets cranky. We decide to head home so the girls can go to bed.

The next morning Riley and I head to the hall for Jack and her mom's wedding to help decorate. Riley, her mom, Leanna and I all start decorating and getting stuff ready so we don't have to do it in the morning before the ceremony. Multiple times while we were decorating I would notice Riley disappear. I just brush it off. After several hours of decorating we head home. When we get home I pull Riley aside. "You okay? There were multiple times today I looked up and you weren't there." I ask a little worried. "Yea. I'm fine I was just getting more decorations from bins." She says.

The next morning Riley and her mom get the twins ready the Jack and I head to the church for the wedding. When the ceremony starts Noel and Izzy walk down the aisle as the flower girls. They were both in pale pink dresses. They looked identical except for the hair style which Riley wasn't planning on but Noel didn't want to have her hair all fancy. Then Mia and Riley walk down as the maids of honor. I swear I couldn't breathe looking at Riley. She was wearing the same dress she wore on that mission when we had to crash a wedding. The black one with pink at the bottom. She looked amazing. Mia was wearing the same dress but in a smaller size. After vows were exchanged and Jack and Riley's mom were officially married we head to the hall.

Jack comes up to me and Riley. "I'm so glad I get to be your real dad now. I love you honey." He says hugging Riley. "Me too Jack." She says with tears in her eyes. He just hugs me. Nothing was said but we both understood what the hug was for. I was now pretty much his real son. We spent the entire day celebrating and I've never seen Riley more happy in my life. We head home and we put the twins to bed. Once they're asleep we sit Mia down. "So we wanted to give you a surprise." Riley says handing Mia an envelope. She opens it and looks up at us in disbelief. "Am I actually gonna be able to have fun this time?" She asks. "Yes. I promise you I won't get kidnapped again." Riley says. "Thank you." She says hugging us both. Not too long after that she heads to bed. Riley and I sat on the couch for a while watching tv. "Mac?" "Hm?" "You remember how you asked me yesterday if I was okay?" She asks. I nod. "I wasn't a hundred percent honest and Mia's not the only one who gets a surprise tonight." She says holding up something. "Your pregnant?" I ask making sure I'm not dreaming. She nods and I can't help but smile like and idiot. "I love you Riles." I say hugging her. "I love you too Mac." She says. We just sat there for a while talking about how we felt like we were ready for this. "You know I should be use to it but watching you walk down the aisle today I about passed out cause I couldn't breathe." I say. She smiles and blushes a little. "Thanks." She says. We watched tv for a bit cuddling on the couch then we decided to go to bed.

The next morning I woke up with Riley still asleep. I would have tried to wake her but her head was pinning my shoulder to the bed and my arm was wrapped around her almost like a half hug. I carefully move trying not to fully wake her, just to wake her enough to move her head. It works and she moves a little, but it's enough for me to get free. I walk into the kitchen and see Jack standing there staring at a picture frame. "Jack?" I say obviously startling him. "Oh hey Mac. Didn't know you were awake." He says to explain why he jumped. "What you lookin at?" I ask. "It's a picture of Riley, her mom, and I when she was about 10. It just seems crazy to think she's already twice that age and has two kids of her own." He says. "You mean 3?" I say for a second not realizing what had come out of my mouth. "Mia doesn't count. That's her sister." He says. "Yea your right." I say relieved that he didn't pick up on that. That was close Mac.

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