Chapter 23

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Time jump to September
Mac's POV

Today is our busy appointment day. We have a follow up for Noel and an ultrasound to determine the gender of the baby. We head out to our busy day and get to the follow up for Noel. "So have you guys seen any progression at all?" The doctor asks. "Not really I mean she's starting to progress more with her speech and stuff but as far as the seperation anxiety there really hasn't been any progression that we've seen." Riley says. "Okay. I'm gonna recommend you to a daycare that is dedicated to kids like her. The goal is for them to be so busy they won't have time to be sad. Like you said with her progression in her speech I'm not too worried about her going into this program." He says handing us some papers. We talk more about it and ended up putting her in this program. They start off with one day a week then progressively add more days until you have 5 a week. We stop at a diner to eat and meet up with Jack and Mia. We're gonna drop Noel off with Jack then Mia wanted to come with us to the other appointment.

Once we get to the next appointment they take us back and Mia is beyond excited. We see the baby and the doctor checked all the vitals and stuff. "Well good news they are very healthy. Did you want to know the gender or did you want it in an envelope or something?" The nurse asks. "Can you put it in an envelope please?" Riley asks. "Of course I'll be right back." She walks out and Mia is way too excited. "I'm so excited that's my new cousin." She says. "Yea mom said she's gonna get the stuff for the baby shower tonight so we have it for Monday." Riley says. "She does realize it's Tuesday and she has lots of time to plan." I say. "Yea but like Mia she's extremely excited." Riley says smiling. The nurse walks back in and hands Riley the envelope then we head home.

While we were on the way home I see Riley drop her phone out of the corner of my eye. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Leanna's having the baby!" Riley says. "That's great! Let me guess Bozer's freaking out?" I said knowing the answer. "I just got about 20 different concerned and excited emojis so yes." Riley says. We get home and tell Jack and he just holds up his phone. There were a good 10 texts of just emojis from Bozer. We all can't help but laugh. We make dinner and decided to eat out on the back patio. The twins love being out there. Noel often goes over to the side and stares out at the world. She's very smart and always wants to learn more which is a good thing.

A little later we were all talking around the fire and Riley gets a phone call. "Really?! Yea we'll try and stop by tomorrow." She says, "Okay. Yea get some rest. Bye." She hangs up and comes sit back down smiling. "What was that about?" Jack asked. "Leanna had the baby. Visiting hours open at 7 so I told them we'd come visit tomorrow before working on stuff at the Phoenix." She says. We all eventually head to bed and Riley just stares at me. We just lay there for a few minutes not speaking. "Mac?" "Yea?" "I love you. I swear it's partly the hormones but I just feel the need to tell you that." She says. I watch as a tear escapes. Riley doesn't really get mood swings. "I love you too Riles. That's why I married you. I think this isn't mood swings so much as it is everything going on around us. Life has been moving pretty fast and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't noticed it. I think you just realized it all at once." I say. She nods and smiles at me. I wrap my arms around her and both fall asleep.

The next morning we wake up and head to the hospital to visit Bozer and Leanna. "Hey." Leanna says as we walk in. "Hey how you doing?" Riley asks her. "Tired but other than that I'm fine." She says smiling. "So do you guys have a name for him yet?" Jack asks. "Meet Oliver Leo Martin." Bozer says. "I like it." I say smiling at the name. "Yea we gave him Olly as a nickname." Leanna says. We all talk for a bit and catch up on what happened the last two days. "So when will you guys be able to go home?" Jack asks. "Tomorrow if everything goes as planned." Leanna says. "If you guys need any help Jack and I are available to help. Riley's gonna be helping her mom get ready for the baby shower." I say. We talk for a little longer then we head to the Phoenix. "Blondie, Riley, Dalton, Bomb girl. Nice to see you guys." Matty says. "Sorry we were visiting Leanna and Boz." I say. "It's fine they called me last night and introduced me to Olly." She says. We all get to work.

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