Chapter 16

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Riley's POV

Mac is the one person that makes me relax. No one calms me like he does. I wake up and see Mac staring at me. "How long have you been staring at me?" I ask smiling a little. "Um..... about a half hour." He says looking at the clock next to him. "What time is it?" I ask sitting up. "9." He replies. I nod and get ready. Mac does the same then we go to the kitchen to make breakfast. "What do you want to try and make today?" I ask. "I don't know. You pick." He says. I hate being left to make decisions. Not only am I somewhat indecisive but also I'm always nervous people aren't gonna like what I pick. "How about pancakes? They aren't too hard." I say. Mac nods and grabs the mix out of the cabinet. Once we make the mix I help Mac make the pancakes. I quickly realize Mac has been learning a lot. At one point I step back and let him do a few himself. He successfully made 4 pancakes in that time. "You've made good progress." I say. He smiles. "I've had a great teacher." He says. I smile and we finish getting breakfast ready.

After breakfast my mom and Jack go to the park for a little bit to be alone. "So Mia you need to pack for the trip tomorrow." I say. "Can you help me? I don't know what days I need what." She says. I nod and let Mac play with the twins. "Ok so we are gonna be there for a week. You need 2 swimsuits, 7 outfits, and a few pairs of pajamas. You may also want to pack flip flops for the pool." I say. She puts everything in her suitcase. "Ok what else?" She asks. "Toothbrush and stuff, pads just in case, and hair supplies so ponytails and a hairbrush." I say. She gathers all the stuff and adds it to the suitcase. "Okay now you need to pack your carry-on so grab a backpack and fill it with stuff you need on the plane." I say. After a little bit she has everything packed. "Okay your all done." I say. She goes back to playing with the twins and Mac and I pack our stuff.

After everyone was packed we ate dinner then headed to bed because we had an early flight in the morning. At 4:30 Mia, Mac and I wake up and get ready to head to the airport. Once we get through security and board the plane it's 7. Mia sleeps for about an hour of the flight. We land at 12 and head to our hotel. Same resort we went to before but a different section of the resort. We walk in and Mia claims one of the beds. We unpack a little then head to the pool. This is what our schedule for the week looks like.

Saturday or Today: pool then Magic Kingdom at night
Sunday: Epcot
Monday: Animal Kingdom in the morning and Magic Kingdom at night
Tuesday: Hollywood studios
Wednesday: Blizzard beach (a water park at Disney) in the morning then Disney Springs
Thursday: Magic Kingdom
Friday: Epcot and then fly home

We come back from the pool and change into clothes for Magic Kingdom. It's starting to get late and we stop for ice cream at one of the shops. Mia loved Magic Kingdom because of the giant castle in the center. We stay for the electrical light parade then head to the hotel still jet lagged. The next morning I wake up to Mac and Mia both getting ready. "Good morning sleepyhead." Mac says giving me a kiss on the cheek. "When did you two get up?" I ask. "30 minutes ago." Mia says. I smile and get ready. We get on the bus going from our resort to Epcot. Mia's really excited and Mac won't admit it but he is too. This park is a lot of science and geography. They have some areas that are based on certain countries like America, France, Germany, etc. and they have a lot of science stuff. Mia pulls us on a ride called Spaceship Earth and I have to admit it wasn't too bad. It mostly talked about the history of our planet and species. After a few more rides we head towards some of the countries. "So what's your favorite country?" I ask once we finish going to all the different sections. "I liked Germany." Mia says. I just laugh and roll my eyes. "What?" She asks. "You are so much like Mac and me mixed it's not funny." I say. She still looked confused. "My favorite country is Germany. That's why I learned German." Mac says. Mia just smiles and we enjoy the rest of the day at the park.

The next day we got up early and went to Animal Kingdom in hopes it wouldn't be unbearably hot. "Let's go to this section." Mia says. We follow her and to be honest I don't know where we're headed cause I didn't look at the sign. As soon as I realize which section we're in I stop. I regret not looking at the sign. "Rye rye?" Mia says noticing I stopped. "If you want I'll take her over there so you don't have to. I know you don't like snakes." Mac says. "Rye rye is afraid of snakes?" Mia asks a little shocked. "It's a long story." I say. I let Mac take Mia closer. When I was little my class went on a field trip to a day camp thing. I was assigned to a group with some of my friends and we were playing in the woods having a good time. Then one of them got bit by a snake. A poisonous snake. I remember how hard it was watching them being taken to the hospital. The kid barely survived and wasn't allowed to come back to school for 2 months. Ever since then I've had a somewhat irrational fear of snakes. I mean I risk my life on a daily basis but snakes scare me more than that.

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