Chapter 15

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Mac's POV

After I finish getting ready I walk over to Riley. She kisses me then rests her forehead against mine. "Promise me you'll come back in one piece. The last thing we need is for our 3rd kid to not meet their dad." She whispers just loud enough for me to hear. "I can't promise but I want you to know I love you." I say. "I love you too Mac." She says. We hug then I head onto the jet. "So is Americium like not too bad or like we gon' die type bad?" Jack asks. "I mean it's radioactive and they're putting it in a bomb. What do you think?" I say sarcastically. "So we gon' die if we don't get this bomb. Great." He says sitting next to me. We fly to the party then head in. I turn my coms on and I hear Riley's voice in my ear. "Ok guys the seller is dressed in a purple suit. He's got black hair and a sharp mustache." She says. "Are you describing a real person or Hitler?" Jack asks half sarcastically. "Jack I know you can't see it over coms but I just rolled my eyes." Riley and I both say in sync. "Mac stop. There is a door to your right that will lead you to the bathroom. From there you can go through a secret passage that goes from a false wall in the bathroom to the room where they're keeping the bomb." She says. I walk in and feel the wall. Once I find the false part I open the passage and start the journey through it. It opens up into a big room and I see one giant problem. "Uh guys." I say. "Mac whats wrong?" Riley asks. "We got a big problem. The bomb has already been sold and is being launched straight at the Phoenix." I say. Then realization hits me and I loose my ability to talk for what felt like minutes. "You all need to get out of there now!" I say heading back through the passage. Once Jack, Bozer and I get back to the jet we head to a private airport near the Phoenix. Through coms we here Riley and Matty getting everyone out of the building. "Ok guys everyone's out. Riley is trying to hack the bomb but just in case we are headed a safe distance away and I'm going to call the governor to tell him to do an emergency evacuation of the area. Don't head back to the Phoenix." Matty says. Over coms all I can focus on is the sound of Riley typing faster than humanly possible.

Once we land we meet Riley and Matty at our house which is far enough away. "Matty it's impossible. I hacked the bomb but I can't reroute it's impossible there's no answer." She says panicking. I slap her hand and she stares at me. "You were spiraling I had to snap you out of it." I explain. She just nods. "Can I see it? I think I have an idea." Mia says. Riley let's her see the computer and after a second Mia types almost as fast as Riley was earlier. Within minutes she reroutes the bomb into the ocean. "How. Did. You. Do. That?" Jack asks shocked. "I learned how to code. From there it's easy." Mia says. "I think I just got a nickname for you." Matty says. "Bomb girl." Mia smiles now having a nickname and feeling like part of this weird family. Matty talks to Riley about something before leaving and I see her smile.

After everyone left Jack, Riley and I were left upstairs with Mia after dinner. "You had probably one of the best first missions as a member of the Phoenix." Jack says. "Yea I still can't believe you stopped a bomb headed towards the Phoenix." I say, "I mean I knew you were smart but that was above Riley's level." Riley just smiles and nods. Mia sits next to Riley while we watch tv and I see Riley put an arm around Mia holding her in a half hug. It's always amazed me as an only child how close siblings are and how things that take years of knowing someone are somehow instinctive. When you first meet someone you don't usually hug them or sit next to them with an arm around them, but somehow with siblings something just clicks. I know I'm the "genius" but this is something science can't really explain that well. After a while we all head to bed and Riley and I lay there. I hear her let out a deep breath probably thinking I'm asleep. "You okay?" I ask. She turns over a little surprised I'm still awake. "Yea just a little restless. I need to get at least some sleep if we are gonna pack tomorrow and leave early the day after." She says a little frustrated. I wrap my arms around her. Within a few minutes her and I both fall asleep.

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