Chapter 18

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Riley's POV

After we were done at Blizzard Beach we headed back to the hotel to shower and change before going to Disney Springs. Mac seemed pretty bored being as this is mostly shopping. He is pretty good at hiding his feelings but it doesn't work on me. It's weird but I can look into his eyes and know almost exactly how he feels. Right now I can tell he's bored but just happy to be here with Mia and I. We decided to go to T-Rex Cafe for dinner and Mia loved it. The whole place was filled with dinosaurs and prehistoric decorations. After a while we head back to the hotel. Mia heads to bed and Mac and I lay there just staring at each other. "So how have you been feeling the past few days?" Mac asks me. "I've been a little nauseous here and there but not too bad. Kinda sucks that I can't go on all the rides but it's just fun seeing Mia having a good time." I say. "Tomorrow is Magic Kingdom. There should be more stuff you can go on there." He says. "I know. I love you Mac." I say. "I love you too." He says putting his arms around me.

The next morning we head to Magic Kingdom. Mac was right there are a lot more rides I can go on here. Mia and Mac went on some rides alone because I can't do roller coasters so things like Big Thunder Mountain and Seven Dwarfs Minetrain weren't options for me. We went on the people mover and I can tell how dorky Mac and Mia are. We also went on the Carousel of Progress which isn't really a carousel it's more of a rotating theater thing. Mia really liked it though and it was pretty cool inside compared to the heat outside. We got to see one of the daytime parades they do there and went on a lot of rides.

That night Mia was in total amazement with the fireworks. She definitely isn't scared of that kind of stuff. We decided to head back to the hotel cause we were all pretty tired. "I think we could bring the twins here when they get a little older. Obviously not right know because they wouldn't be able to do too much but like once there 5 or so." Mac says. "I agree. We should also bring Jack. He would love the Star Wars areas." I say smiling a bit thinking about how much Jack loved Star Wars. "He would love being able to act like Han Solo." Mia says. We all laugh a little. "He asked me once if I could have dinner with anyone dead or alive who would be then I asked him his answer and guess what he said." Mac says to Mia. "Gee I don't know maybe Han Solo." She says sarcastically.

The next day we head to Epcot for a little bit before we head home. After we got on the plane I decided to talk to Mia. "So what was your favorite part of the trip?" I ask. "I don't know. All of it." She says smiling. "I got Jack something and I wanna know what you think." I say pulling a small light saber out of my carry-on. "He's gonna love that." Mia says. "I know and it lights up so he's gonna be going all Star Wars nerd on us." I say. The rest of the plane ride we relaxed waiting to get home and see Jack, my mom and the twins.

Once the plane lands Jack picks us up from the airport. "So how was the trip?" He asks. "Amazing." Mia says. The whole ride home we told Jack about what we did. Once we got home we open the door and Izzy runs up to us. Noel just waves and smiles. "Momma!" Izzy says running at me. "Hey Izzy! Did you have fun with grandma and grandpa?" I ask. She nods but I can see tear stains on her face. "Did you miss us?" I ask her. She just nods and hugs me. "Have you and sissy been good for grandma and grandpa?" I ask. Izzy and Noel both nod and Jack walks over to see what Noel's doing. "Mac you should see what she's been up to." Jack says. We walk over and watch Noel take apart her toy car and put it back together again. "Omg she's a mini Mac." I say trying really hard not to laugh. I fail and Jack and I both start laughing.

After we unpack we decided to go to our favorite diner for dinner. This is one of the first times we have taken the twins to a restaurant. Noel doesn't worry me but Izzy does. We brought Noel's car and a few little toys for Izzy in hopes she won't get cranky. It went surprisingly well. There were a few times I had to take Izzy out of her highchair cause she wouldn't stop crying but other than that it went pretty well. We get back home and I put the twins to bed. I get Izzy to sleep and notice Noel sitting up staring at me with a few tears running down her face. I can somewhat understand how she doesn't cry out loud. I'm a pretty quiet crier but Noel is a little more quiet than me, if that's even possible. I pick her up and she hugs me as tight as she can. "You missed us this week huh?" I say already knowing what's wrong. "Yea." She says nodding. "It's okay. We're back now. Daddy, Mia and I are all fine okay?" I reassure her. She nods. She looks at me and sees that I'm not worried. She smiles and stops crying. I think for her seeing that Mac and I aren't worried reassures her everything's okay. I put her in her crib and she falls asleep.

I head back to the living room and Mia was talking to Jack about something. "Did you get them to sleep okay?" My mom asks. "Yea....." I say. Mac notices the way I say it and gives me the 'I'm gonna make you talk to me later' look. Thankfully he waits till everyone else heads to bed. "So what's bugging you?" He says. I give him the 'what are you talking about look'. "Riles the way you said yea earlier may have convinced your mom that your fine but it won't convince me. What's wrong? Obviously somethings bugging you about the twins." He says. "Sometimes I really hate the fact that you can read me like a book. But, your right, there is something bugging me. Earlier when I went to put the twins to bed Noel was crying again. The last time I caught her crying was when we came back from that mission out of town last month. I'm starting to think it's a little more than just missing us." I say. "You think it's seperation anxiety don't you." Mac says reading my mind. "I don't know. I just think maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to talk to the doctor about it next time they go in for a check up." I say. "Speaking of which when is their next one?" Mac asks. "This coming Friday. It's a morning one so hopefully Matty won't need us in early. Then I also have one for the baby the same day just a little later." I say. "I can't believe we're gonna have 3 kids." Mac says smiling at me. "Me too. I never thought I would be able to keep a stable relationship with our line of work much less start a family." I say. "Same. But, that's why I married you, because I knew no matter what we could handle it." He says.

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