1: My Life is a Nightmare

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Chapter one:



My alarm clock rang and I was already groaning. I tried to grab whatever I had on my bed or nightstand to turn it off. I hit it once, then another to find the snooze button and finally, it stopped ringing. I didn't know what I grabbed, but it made it quiet, and that was all that mattered.

I dropped the object and smiled to the sound of silence as I drifted off to sleep again.

"Y/N?" Dad called from downstairs. My face twisted in annoyance. "You up, honey? Liz is downstairs, making breakfast! Better come down now, or I'll eat all of the bacon!"

I sniffed. I could smell the aroma from downstairs. That was enough motivation to wake me up. I wasn't happy, but my dad telling me he was going to eat all of the bacon is considered a felony for me.

I got dressed, and brushed my hair, grabbed my homework, and placed it in my backpack and hurried downstairs. I was going to brush my teeth after breakfast.

"Good morning," I said, sitting down at the table. I saw my plate and Liz walked over with the pan and she slid eggs and a slice or two of bacon on my plate! Yum. Dad grinned at me as I chewed on a slice and then I pouted. "Taking all of the bacon, huh?"

He and Liz laughed. Liz joined us after grabbing herself some orange juice from the fridge.

"He had to get you up somehow, Y/N." She said, smiling at me. "I can't get you up even if I wanted to. You've always been like this since we adopted you."

I playfully mocked both of them. "So, got any plans for after school?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she said, finishing up her egg. "My Decathlon team has a meeting to do, and I have to get things ready for Homecoming as well."

"Isn't that in a few weeks or so?" Not that I'm interested or anything. She smiled and nodded. "You need any help?"

"I will be decorating the school soon if you want to join me. You'll be able to get out of some classes because I'm in charge of this committee, and-"

"Done." I said.

"That was fast," Dad said, "You wanna help your sister? Thought you'd be coming straight home to sleep some more."

"Funny, dad." I rolled my eyes and he laughed. "Anything to pass by the day, and well, I was kinda hoping Liz would be able to introduce me to someone."

Dad looked at me then Liz and then back to me again. He was surprised. "Oh yeah? Is it a boy?"

My cheeks burned a little bit. "Oh man, look at the time, I should get going. Thanks, Liz for making breakfast, I'll make some next time, and thanks dad for my hormones." I put the dishes in the sink and then I accidentally ran into Mrs. Doris on the way out of the kitchen. I apologized and hurried upstairs to brush my teeth, and I had to take in all of the humility while doing so.

"What was that about?" Mrs. Doris Toomes asked, coming in from the hallway. "Is Y/N alright?"

Dad shrugged and they both looked at Liz for clarification. Liz had her mouth open in shock, then she smiled and shook her head. "I better get ready for school too. Don't worry, I'll make sure she gets there on time."


Liz drove me to school, and I was in deep thought.

I guess I should explain how they adopted me.

I was adopted into her family when I was really young, maybe around 10 years old. My dad, Adrian Toomes was a really nice guy who actually treated me like a father. He was supposed to go down early today with his crew to help clean up after what happened in the Battle of New York.

Mrs. Doris Toomes already loved me when I was super skeptical of them and she immediately took me in her care. I was super skinny when they adopted me and they thought I was going to need more intensive care in the hospital.

Liz was my best friend, even though I wished she was my actual sister. She never really preferred being called Elizabeth.

They found out from the adoption papers that I was just abused as a child, and left alone in my room all the time. I was told I was "good for nothing, with no future to hold" when I felt I was the smartest kid in the world already, and my former parents just kinda assumed I wasn't the brightest. I ended up having PTSD every night thinking about it and crying in my sleep.

Anyways, as much as I'd rather take the bus and deal with all the hooligans, I had no other choice.

She looked at me and I was staring out the window. "Y/N." She said. I looked at her. Her hair was down today, and she wore the same white blouse from last week. She must've really liked that top. "Do you want to stay around with me during the Decathlon meeting?"

"Why do you ask?"

Please don't say it, please don't say it- Those words repeated in my head in fear of my confession.

"It's totally obvious." She smiled. "You and Peter Parker."

I grumbled in my mind.

I stared at her in shock. I pulled my hoodie over my head. "You can bury me in my grave now," I said, narrowing my eyes. "My soul has left my body."

She was laughing again. "C'mon, Y/N." Liz smirked. "I can introduce you to him. I've seen the way you look at him when he's with Ned in the hallways. You're both nerds and have similar interests. Why don't you talk to him after the meeting, I'll put in a good word for you?"

"No." I said, nervous enough as is. "I can't even talk to him when I'm weak-kneed like this. If it's just casual conversation in the classroom during group projects then sure, but other than that, I can't."

"You wanted me to introduce you to him today, though." She said, and I looked to the front to see the school getting closer.

"Good," I said as she pulled in the parking lot at Midtown High School. "Saved by the school. Never thought I'd say that." It was 8am already and I didn't want to be late for my first class.

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