Epilogue (Finale)~

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"I am...Iron Man..."


(Y/N POV)~

Please, don't do this to me...

I suffered enough trauma through these years growing up as a teenager. I'm not about to suffer again. Peter returned to me once the mission was over and the look on his face was not what I was expecting. I looked around, "Where's my dad?" I asked. Peter started stammering and I wasn't sure how to react. "Pete...?" I started to tear up.

"I'm-I'm sorry, Y/N." his voice cracked. He came over to me and held my hands. "I couldn't- I wasn't aware..."

We were standing on top of Stark Tower, and the helicopter guided Peter back to me. I was wearing a nice simple dress and had three champagne glasses ready for me, dad, and Peter to celebrate. Unfortunately, those glasses were dropped from my hands and broken all over the ground.

My dress was blowing with the wind and it was starting to get even colder up top. I shivered, and fell down to the ground. "Peter, why did this happen?" I asked. "How could you let this happen?"

Peter winced, and still couldn't find the words to say. He was trying to be strong for me, but his face was puffy and his eyes were red, too. I ignored the cuts on my knees when I kneeled to the ground.

Peter didn't say much afterwards, and crouched down to me. He started wiping the tiny pieces of glass off my knees, and brushed them to the side of me so I wouldn't think about hurting myself with one of them. "Come on, let's get you inside." Peter finally said. I started to brush him off, but he took one of my hands in his gently, and he helped me up on my feet.

We saw Happy standing by the doorway, and he didn't say anything. He was shocked, actually, and didn't know what to do. I lost two dads, and he's lost his best man. I'm all alone, and I don't know if I can even do this anymore. I lived my life with an abusive family, another family who cared about me but stopped when they moved to Oregon, and now I'm all by myself.

It's so heartbreaking. I just want this pain to stop. I thought it was going to be okay, but it's not. It won't ever.

"My dad..." I started sobbing once we sat down on the couch inside the Stark Tower. Peter was beside me, with his arm around me. "He's gone, Pete...H-he's gone..."


Funeral day

I was in the kitchen by myself, trying not to cry again for the 500th time. I was looking out the window without a thought in the world.

"Y/N?" I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned to see it was Peter. "Uhm...E-Everyone's waiting..." He let go and held his hand out to me and we walked to the living room. We all sat down together.

On the table, we saw my dad's helmet. It was ready to play a message to us.

"Let me just begin by saying, I'm so sorry, Y/N, that you have to go through this again. Having to lose two dads within the span of a few years. You're not alone.

Now...this is just a recording in case of an untimely death, on my part. I mean, not that death isn't untimely. This time travel thing we're going to try and pull off tomorrow, it's got me scratching my head thinking about the survivability of it all. Then again, that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end. What am I tripping for, everything is going to work out exactly the way it's supposed to. I love you, 3000."


A week after the funeral~

"Hey, Pete!" I called out to him from my bedroom. It's been a year since everything that's happened, and I feel like I've been good as new everyday. "You finished packing for Venice? We have like a few days left to get everything ready and you know I can't do this all on my own."

I didn't hear a response from the living room in the Tower. I waited a moment and folded a sweatshirt and packed it in the luggage. "Peter?" I called out to him. It was night time and you would've figured by now he would've come back from being a friendly neighborhood Spiderman, considering this is a class science trip. Where the heck could that goofball be?

I walked outside our bedroom and went to the living room to see Nick Fury there. I looked at him shocked and noticed Peter was lying face down on the couch with a syringe on his neck. Oh crap. "Don't even think about calling security up here." Fury said with a gun pointing at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to talk to you, obviously." he said. "You're very straight to the point."

"Well, I kind of have to be. You knocked out my boyfriend, and you made him get cookie crumbs all over the couch!" I complained, letting my hand out towards Peter face down.

"You're lucky I didn't have him face down on the cushion where he couldn't breathe. I could've done that too." he said casually. I nodded in agreement. "Anyways, if I could get to the point, Miss Stark..."

"It's Miss L/N-"

"Under your rules, but in official papers, I call you by Miss Stark."

I winced when he said my last name. I wanted to originally change it back to my very first surname - Anderson, as if nothing happened at all, but obviously, Mr. Fury here didn't like that very much. And considering he had a gun pointed straight at me, I can't resist his requests.

"You're needed in Italy."

"Well, duh, I know that for my school trip." I said, and I know way better than to talk back to the one and only Nick Fury. He'd have me shot on the spot.

"Actually, you and Mr. Parker here are both needed." Fury said.

"Then why did you knock him out?"

"To be honest with you, he surprised me at the front of the elevator when I came up here." He explained. "I wasn't expecting him to be living with you. I thought he was someone else."

"Peter's not going to like hearing this when he wakes up."

"He'll be fine, it'll wear off in an hour or two."

I sighed. "Hey, Friday," I announced. "Why didn't you inform me that Nick Fury was on his way up here?...Friday?"

Friday didn't respond, and I was assuming the A.I just had their sensors jammed.

"If you or Mr. Parker ignore my phone call one more time, I'm going to detain you both." Fury said, keeping his pistol rested on his knee casually. Did he do something to Friday? "And since your school trip is heading to Italy in a few days, you're going in one."

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