10: I Investigate the Spandex Guy

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(Peter's POV cont)~

Mine and Y/N's hands were intertwined again as me, her, and Ned strolled in the back behind everyone towards the hotel. "Whoa...this place his huge!" she exclaimed, and we agreed. "Think you could get lost here?"

"Probably." Ned said. "But I'm sure you could spot me from anywhere no matter where I'm at." We paused for a moment and looked at him concerned. "I was totally joking about myself."

"Hey, did you bring your laptop?" I asked him.

"Yeah, why?"

Once we were checked in and everything, we settled in our hotel room. I tried to muster up the courage to give Y/N a peck on the cheek and told her I would catch her later. She looked concerned like she wanted to join us and wanted to be filled in on what's going on. If I'm not mistaken, I think she's starting to catch on to my secret. I really hope not.

Ned and I unpacked everything. We brought a few change of clothes with us, toothbrush/toothpaste, and the glowy thingy. We still need to figure out a better name for it. I sighed, and then started working on my suit. Ned was sitting on the bed and looking through all the protocols on my suit.

"Peter..." Ned started to ask. "Why are we removing the tracker from your suit?"

"To follow the boss man where they're moving and I really don't want Mr. Stark to know." I admitted, fiddling around with the tweezers. Finally, I found the device and stripped it off.


(Y/N POV)~

Later that night, I heard footsteps running across the hallway and my eyes fluttered back to sleep. Then I heard some laughter. I opened the doorway in my PJs and looked over to the team running in their swimsuits. "Where are you guys heading?" I whispered.

"To the pool!" Liz whispered to me. "Get dressed, and get your boyfriend!"

I blushed, "I, huh, boyfriend?" I mumbled, I was stuttering so much that everyone was giggling. "No, I'm not doing that-" As soon as I said that, I saw Peter and Ned by their hotel room down the hall from the team. "Actually, I have a better idea." I said. "I'll catch up to you guys in a bit, have fun!"

Once they left, I grabbed my light sweater, some cash, in case I need a ride back, and headed towards their room. I knocked on the door lightly, hoping next door that Mr. Harrington wouldn't hear. "Ned." I whispered. "Hey, Ned!"

Ned opened the door and he looked at me shocked. "Peter's not here right now."

"I know, where did he go?" I asked.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea-"

"Ned, come on, I have one of the ships from Star Wars that Peter mentioned you never built before that you could start working on with me and him if you tell me where he went." I said. "Peter's acting fishy, and I wanna find out what's up."

"Don't do that, Y/N." Ned sighed, "Peter did the exact same thing with me earlier on his suit-" Ned placed his hands over his mouth in shock. "I mean uh, what ship?"

"The Millennium Falcon." I grinned. "I'm going to ignore the fact you said something about his suit for you."

"But that's got 7,541 pieces!" He was shocked and gave in. "Peter's downstairs now, you could probably catch him if you take the elevator."

"Awesome, thank you Ned. I owe you one!" I said, and hurried to follow Peter.


I'm gonna have to remember that I don't owe Ned anything.

I say this because I couldn't see Peter anywhere!

Yes, I know it's dark outside, thanks for your criticism.

I take that back. I thought I saw a silhouette swinging down the road from me and I couldn't tell who or what that was. I decided for myself to investigate. I looked at my phone and it was about midnight, and I think I had plenty of time to investigate on my own.

I walked for what felt like forever, and I made sure my phone still had signal around so I could walk back to the hotel. You probably thought this was a stupid idea for a girl like my age be wandering out late at night.

Eh, it could be worse, but what could be worse than just wanting an adventure?

I found the strange guy by a gas station nearby. I hid behind the bushes and watched closely. I looked at his strange clothing. Who wears spandex at a time like this? It was red and blue, and I swear I think his butt looked good from behind. I ducked when I stepped on a twig. The man turned around. "Why does he have Peter's backpack...?" I muttered, popping back up from the bushes when he turned back. "Is Peter in trouble?" I watched as he swung forward without getting noticed.

I kept watching him as he propped himself on the sign of the gas station. Is that who I think it is..?

"Whoa...it's about to become a heist..." I heard him whisper. I figured to myself I wouldn't find Peter here, but something tells me that I shouldn't investigate further. I felt like I would get caught somewhere, and I wouldn't find my way back to the hotel room. I decided to call Peter on my phone. It rang a few times, and a few times more. Then it went straight to voice mail. The guy perched on top of the gas station sign was gone, and I sighed.

"Hey, it's Peter! Leave a message!"

"Peter, where are you? I need to talk to you as soon as I can, and please leave out the Stark Internship, I think I know what you're really up to." I whispered in case anyone was nearby. "I tried to follow you, but I don't know where you are. I miss you, Peter."

I decided that I was too far from my destination and decided to taxi my way back to the hotel room. Thank god I had some service around here, considering I was in the middle of no where.


(Adrian's POV)~

"I got eyes on the con boy." I said through the mouth piece. I flew towards three of the big trucks. I was so focused on my job that I haven't seen my family in weeks. I mentioned that this was delivery week and that I'd be getting a huge pay raise from this. "Pulling in from behind the caboose."

"Deploying anchors."

I was actually in search for any more of the alien technology I could use to make more high tech weapons. They've been selling pretty well, so me and my crew have been going out of our way to doing heists.

"Hey, big bird!" A familiar voice said that pissed me off. I stood up. "This doesn't belong to you!!"

He yanked at me, and pulled something away from me. This is so not happening today. I refuse to let anyone get in the way of an important heist. I jumped back up to my exo-suit. Ah...that's better. Spider-boy looked at me and before he could say, "Uh oh". I rushed towards to tackle him. Of course he'd flip over and back on his feet to dodge me. Sly kid.

He shot a web towards me, but it didn't phase me at all. "Suit lady, what was that?!" I heard him say. Did this kid not know what he's doing with his powers? Idiot. He should've just left this whole job to the adults. I would've had more fun with Iron Man, or someone like Captain America.

I was trying to depart, but this damn kid wouldn't let me go.

I shoved at him with my feet, and he fell into the trucks.

I cursed to myself. Great, another heist ruined.

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