14: The Battle on the Staten Island Ferry

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(Peter's POV)~

I started to leave Mr. Davis by his car with his hand trapped on the trunk. "Hey, that's going to dissolve in 2 hours, tops!" I said, and he called out after me.

"No no no no," he said, "Come fix this."

"Two hours, you deserve that!"

"I've got ice cream in here!" Oh well. You shouldn't have bought ice cream on the day I was going to find you.

"You deserve that, you're a criminal! Byeeee, Mr. Criminal!~"


I swooped in on the side of Staten Island Ferry in the nick of time, activating the wings on my suit. The boat was already leaving. Once I landed, I sighed in relief, and I crawled up to see all of the passengers inside. I saw the people who were taking care of the next deal. "Okay, Karen, activate Enhance Reconnaissance mode." I whispered.

"Sure thing." Karen said, and the suit did a full zoom in on the two men. One was an African American dude, and he was whispering to a white guy behind him.

"He's up front, main deck." I heard the guy I first spotted say. "I hate this guy..."

"It's the guy from the bridge, right?" I muttered. "Who's that other guy?"

"There's no record of him in my criminal record databases." Karen said, as I watched her scan the two men. I saw a picture of Layla who was smiling next. "Incoming call from Y/N Toomes. Should I reroute to your heads up display?"

"I can't talk right now, I'll call her back, I promise." I responded. A gut feeling told me again that this was going to kick me in the groin.

"You seem to be making way too many promises that you can't keep, Mr. Parker." I didn't need to be reminded from an A.I how to live my life.

"Thank you, Karen for the life check." I sighed. I peeked up to the window a little more and my Spider drone crawled on my head. "Hey, Dronie, keep an eye on that guy. We can't let anybody get away this time." I crawled up to the top of the Staten Ferry this time, and saw a bunch of guys gathering around. Karen started scanning the men as soon as I asked her who they were.

"Mac Gargan." she replied. "Extensive criminal record, including homicide. Would you like me to activate Instant Kill?"

"No, Karen, stop with the Instant Kills!" I said quickly.

"White pick up truck." I heard the man from the bridge say.

One of the men started leaving to go check on it. "Dronie, scan the ship for a white pickup truck." While I watched the men on the ship having a conversation with themselves, I was able to watch the monitor of the men at the white pickup truck at the same time. "Aww, this is perfect. They got weapons, buyers and sellers in one place."

"Incoming call from Tony Stark."

Oh, crap.

"No...don't answer!" I started to say, but Karen immediately picked up. Double crap.

"Mr. Parker, got a sec?" he said on video and I was starting to sweat nervously.

"Uhhh actually, I'm at school!" I tried to say.

"No you're not!" Karen tried to tell me, and I started to say a lot of curse words in my head towards Karen.

"Nice work in D.C!" Mr. Stark said and I was surprised. I was trying to not lose sight of the bad men. "My dad never really gave me a lot of support and I'm just trying to break the cycle of shame."

"I'm, uhhh, kind of in the middle of something!!" I tried to cut through. I should've known not to do that. This plan is starting to fall apart. Great.

"Don't cut me off when I'm complimenting you, Mr. Parker. Great things are about to happen...- What is that?" he was confused as all hell when my cover was about to be blown by a loud horn from the Ferry.

"I'm at band practice with Y/N." I started to say. Triple crap.

"That's odd...Happy told me you quit band practice 6 weeks ago." Mr. Stark said, "And he also mentioned that Y/N never was interested in band practice. What's up?"

"I gotta go!" I cut him off again. "Uh, end call!!"

"I'll take those!" I said, shooting a web down towards the guys. I pulled the keys from them and yoinked it away. I jumped down to them and they all looked at me surprise. Oh well, I might as well finish what I started. Showtime. Let's have some fun. "Hey, the illegal weapons-deal ferry was at 10:30! You missed it!" Once the two guys in front of me pulled out their guns, I started firing more webs at them to grab them. The two guys in front of me had been slung forward and I pulled them to the front of the cars head first.

I ended up using that force to lunge forward and kick one of the guys square in the chest. They started to fly off into the ocean, but I managed to shoot out a web to grab him and pull him. His head landed face down on the edge of the ship. Ouch, that had to hurt.

The dark guy who called himself Shocker came over with a fist, and my 6th sense activated. I ducked in time, and watched him punch through the gates and got himself stuck through.

I turned around and saw the men I grabbed first try to crawl to their motorcycle, and I shot my web to capture both of them, and threw them over to the side of the boat. "Are you guys okay?" I asked sarcastically, "My bad, that was a little hard." I turned to the new Shocker who got his arm trapped in the gates. "I gotta say, the other guy was way better with that thing." I started to charge up the web grenade. "I'm honestly...I'm-I'm shocked." Someone started running over and I activated it on one of the cars that were parked. He thought he was going to do something until the grenade unleashed a nice web big enough to cover him whole and stuck him to the side of the wall.

I heard something being struck down hard, and I turned around to see the old man with gray hair. I looked at him, and started hurrying over until the FBI came over.

"FREEZE." there were several of them hurrying on the main deck. "Don't move!" They all pointed their guns at me, and there were even more bursting through the doors. All I could think of was, "What do you mean FBI?!"

"The FBI is the Federal Bureau of Investigation-" Not now, Karen! I held my hands up to the FBI to show them I was a friendly.

"I know what the FBI is, Karen!" I said, panicking, not knowing what I should do next.

In that moment, I knew I was totally screwed. I saw the big guy with wings come out from the white pickup truck, and I thought, "This day is definitely full of crap."

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