2: My Sister's Scheme

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The school day began with the morning announcements. "Rise and shine, Midtown Science and Technology." Betty announced on the television with people looking up to watch a bit. Other kids passed by and ignored it.

"Students, don't forget about your Homecoming tickets! Do you have a date for Homecoming?" Her co-star Jason subtly asked.

Betty smiled awkwardly at that, "Thanks, Jason, but I already have a date..."



I cringed watching that. Jason always tries to be slick around the ladies, but the way he does it is sort of creepy...

I walked through the hall full of students, and I already was thinking in my head. Would Peter be interested? Would he even think about asking me?

I frowned at feeling rejected. What am I thinking, he probably already has a date in mind or a date to homecoming. I wondered if I'll ever be good enough for anyone.

What I should've done was consider Liz's offer, and told her to just do it. Wait. What if she was already ahead of me?

She probably must've ran into Peter already when I left. I haven't seen him in the hallways yet and he's usually here already! I started panicking but I hoped no one noticed how much of a dork I am.

My crush on Peter Parker started halfway through freshman year. I had a few classes with him such as English, algebra, and physics, and I was lucky enough to get a chance to talk with him during group work. Let me tell you though, everytime I'd approach the guy, he would get really flustered and shy.

I have some classes with him again this year. I was very fortuitous and I wanted to get to know him more sophomore year.

Great, I sound like a total doofus. I frowned at the fact thinking I'm out of his league.

I looked up from my locker and saw Liz standing there. "You seem giddy." She said. I noticed her looking kind of concerned. "Something happen?"

"No," I said. "Why are you here?"

She held up a strap and I looked at what she held. It was my backpack and I had to do a double take. I turned around and around like an idiot, trying to figure out what was missing. No wonder my back felt lighter than normal...

"You forgot something, silly. You left it in the car on your way out. Your welcome~" She said, giggling at my forgetfulness. "Oh and, uh, Peter's here."

I stopped in place and she walked past me. How long was he there at his locker? I noticed Ned was there too and had a LEGO figure propped on Peter's shoulders as he put his books in his bag. "Join me..." Ned said in his best voice on Chancellor Palpatine. "And together...we'll build my new LEGO Death Star!"

"What?!" Peter was excited and surprised. Ah, my little happy nerd.

"Ugh, lame..." a few cheerleaders overheard beside them and I stopped listening to their conversation. I let them be, and was going to catch up with them later.

I looked back at Liz who was already walking away from me. Betty joined her and I hurried to catch up to her afterwards.

I didn't want to say it, but during that time I had that conversation with my sister, I couldn't help but feel that someone was watching us.


Hours passed through the school day pretty quickly. It was near the end of our Physics class and we were reviewing for a quiz that's happening in a week. As like any other class, it felt like something died. Everyone just looked completely bored and miserable.

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