9: Academic Decathlon~

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Chapter 9:

A Day Before the Decathlon.

(Y/N POV)~

Liz and I were up early to finish packing. It was 7am and we were in a rush. We had to be at the school by 7:30am and leave before 8am. The only thing we were worried about is me having to ring that bell quickly.

I mean, I'd get the answers right, but like, my stupid self forgot that the bell existed.

"C'mon Y/N, we have to get this right, I really want to win this competition." she'd say. The only thing I didn't like about Liz was that she was pretty competitive when it came to winning.

"I know, I'm sorry, I'll be quicker next time." I responded. I dinged the bell when she asked about Newton's 3rd Law of Motion and said, "Newton's 3rd law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Meaning that any force can be undone."

"Very good." She smiled at me. I couldn't wait for the Decathlon to be over. I felt like my head was going to pop off from studying between her and Peter after school hours. Except, it's only ever been with Liz. Apparently, Peter's been too busy to study with me...

Mom walked in the door and placed a finger to her ear and rubbed it. "What is that noise, I could hear it from all the way downstairs!" She laughed.

I looked at her and smiled teasingly, and dinged the bell several times.

"You girls ready for the big day?" She asked after the third ring. "I made some breakfast."

"Yeah, we'll just load our luggage in the car and then come back to eat before we go." Liz said, and mom nodded, then left the room.

I frowned, feeling distracted. My thoughts were racing through my mind.

"You're still thinking about Peter?" She asked.

"Well..." I admitted, "He hasn't been here for me since you wanted me to join the Decathlon team. I only had one night  fully with him and that was during the night of the party, and through messages. This past week or two has been really strange, I swear."

Liz agreed, we talked some more about what I've been feeling, and she told me not to worry about it. All Peter really worried about was his internship.

Once I've finished my meal, I started heading for her car. We had about 30 minutes to get there, hoping for no traffic on the way to Midtown. I hoped whatever Peter was going through that he'd be okay since he wasn't supposed to be with us.


I spoke to soon.

"Hey, guys!" a familiar pitchy voice said, and I looked up surprised.

"Peter?" I called out to him as he hurried over to the bus. Everyone grouped up together and Liz was trying to give a head count. I wore one of the yellow uniforms that everyone had on, and felt pretty official being a part of the team.

I was glad that Flash made no comment to me joining, but maybe it's because he's been trying to bust a move on me when Peter wasn't around. He offered before that he'd sit next to me on the bus and everything, and wondered if I wanted to go anywhere else that wasn't on the Decathlon agenda. When he focused elsewhere, or saying hi to someone else that approached us, I'd make an ick face.

I hoped to the gods that I wouldn't end up with Flash at any part of this trip, because I'd probably have to sacrifice an arm and a leg or two to stay sane.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, and he smiled at me. Butterflies formed in my stomach whenever he'd make that small grin, and it made my whole world a bit better than when Flash was there. "Didn't you have to take care of some business with the Stark Internship?"

"Oh, uh, w-well," he started to stutter, while admiring the nice blouse I had on. "I was hoping maybe I can rejoin the team today."

Everyone just ended up confused. Peter and I couldn't help but continue to look at each other. It felt like I haven't seen him in a month since those odd days I've actually spent with him.

"Whoa, no way. You can't just do that, Peter." Flash walked through me and Liz. He seemed ticked off. "You can't just waltz back in here and join like you run the place."

I somehow agreed with Flash on this one, and thought to myself, "Did I really agree with him?" I made another ick face to myself, hoping no one noticed.

"Peter, I was supposed to take your place today." I brought up as everyone started boarding the bus and it was just us two. Mr. Harrington walked over and talked things over with Peter about joining last minute.

"Don't you want me here?" Peter asked, teasing me with a smile as he left. My jaw dropped and felt my hand being taken by him. He led me in the bus and we both sat down together. I had to ignore the look on Flash's face when he saw us hand in hand and I couldn't help but giggle.


"Focus up, everyone!" Liz said, standing at the front of the bus. An hour later, we were already reaching Baltimore. "The next topic are characteristics of property. Which of the following is not one of them? Flammability, density, mass, or boiling point?"

Peter and I quickly exchanged looks as Peter grinned, beating me by a second at the bell. "Mass." he answered, and I pouted. No one noticed, but when we sat down next to each other, our ankles wrapped around each other's to get closure.

"Very good, Peter." Liz said, flipping through her flashcard. I looked at her and she winked at me. I could probably think of what she's thinking about. About how her younger sister finally growing up, or how cute we were together, and I was feeling my cheeks burning already. I mouthed, 'Don't you dare think of anything else.' and she tried not to laugh.

"I'm glad you're back." I whispered to Peter. "I was afraid I might blow this whole competition."

"You're doing just fine," he whispered back to me, and we exchanged smiles.

"What is Newton's first-" Liz started to say, and we felt his phone vibrate.

"U-uhhh," Peter said. "I have to take this! I'll only be a second."

He removed his ankle from mine before he could trip and fall, and Liz looked annoyed.

"Hello?" Peter answered, and we watched him walk away.


(Peter's POV)~

"Got a blip on my screen here." Happy said over the phone. "You left New York?"

How the heck did he-?

"Tracker..." I mumbled to myself. "Uh yeah, no, it's just for school. The Academic Decathlon."

Mr. Stark was too busy thinking about himself that he didn't think about what I was doing to save the world. I knew this mission was dangerous, and I wanted no one but me and Ned to find out. I've been lying to Layla through my teeth.

I was surprised Happy managed to call back after all the texts/phone calls I've given him. I ended up thinking he probably blocked me.

"It's nothing."

"I will be the one to decide whether or not you should go back to New York." Happy said, and I was rolling my eyes. "...Okay, nevermind, it's just a school trip. Peter, just remember, don't do anything stupid."

Is this really happening?

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