7: I Confess to Peter Parker

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Ned tried to grab my arm again when I went after Peter. He was panicking and whispered, "Y/N, come back!"

I turned to glare at him. "I'm going to find out what's going on with Peter and you're not going to stop me, Ned."

He stood in his spot in shock and he nodded, afraid that I was going to smack him for keeping me back. I took the same route without trying to get noticed by the two goons that weren't a part of the school staff. Who are they, what are they doing here, and what does it have to do with Peter?

I finally caught up to him and he was crouched low to the ground in the engineer classroom. I tapped on his shoulder as he focused on the two men. Peter jumped and quickly climbed back up the stairs, tripping on his way up to me.

He wrapped his arm around me nervously and wrapped his hand around my mouth. "What are you doing, Y/N?!" He whispered tightly. I was surprised at him and by the sound of his tone, things were getting really serious. I stayed quiet as much as I could, even though I wanted to confront him. Why was he acting so weird this past few weeks? "I told you to stay behind..."

He finally let go of my mouth but kept his arm around me. "I had to do something." I said, "You're keeping something from me so I wanted to find out what was going on."

"Okay," he said. "But you've got to stay low to the ground with me. These guys are dangerous."

I looked over and a dark skinned guy had a scanner. I wasn't sure what he was using it for and it was humming as he searched the room. He was talking to his colleague who just wanted to get this job over and done with. However, they stopped for a moment since they heard us and Peter silently led me back upstairs.

We found the janitor's closet next door unlocked and quickly ran inside. I was completely against Peter, and felt every muscle in his body tense up as he held me. I tugged on Peter's sweatshirt, keeping as quiet as I could, my breath shaky.

"Who are they?" I whispered and he put a finger to his lips. He looked at me and we stayed silent as we heard the noise of the scanner coming towards us.

"What is it?" One of the guys said.

"Probably nothing," a deeper voice said, and they walked away.

Peter and I sighed in relief. I finally realized how close he was to me. "I-u-uhm," I started sputtering. Oh no, great. What has been going on these past few weeks? I can't even English anymore when I'm with him. "Hey P-pete..."


"You're kind of close to me..." I managed to say it while blushing. Good thing we were in the janitor's closet that smelled of mop water and other cleaning things... I wondered if I remembered to brush my teeth this morning.

Thank god, there was no one around us when we went inside. I have dealt enough with being made fun of this week.

"S-sorry, Y/N. I'm not hurting you, am I?" His lips curled into a smile and Peter kept looking at me. I could see beads of sweat dripping on the side of his face.

"No, but you did lie to me last night," I frowned at him and that caught him by surprise. "You went off and you almost drowned in a lake?"

"If it weren't for Mr. Sta- I mean, I-if it weren't for my lifejacket, I would've been toast." Peter defended and got defensive even more. "I'm sorry I wanted to protect you."

"Protect me from what exactly?! Who were those guys you were following and what dangerous thing are you involved in?" I asked. "Peter Parker, you've been acting really weird since the start of Sophomore year, and I really thought you were starting to like me."

The look on Peter was mixed with confusion and guilt and I realized what I had just said. Great job, Y/N, you blew it. I stepped aside from him, and walked out of the janitor's closet.

"I'm going home." I was so disappointed, I left Peter speechless in the janitor's closet. I went ahead to look for Liz for a ride home.

Sigh. Finding a partner that may or may not like you back is depressing.

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