6: Glowy Thingy

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(Peter's POV)~

After I explained to Mr. Stark about what happened with the guy in the Vulture exo-suit, I started heading back to Y/N's house. I was prepared to explain everything to Ned tomorrow at school. 

The only thing that bugged me was what Mr. Stark had told me, and that he thought I wasn't ready for this sort of job. "I don't understand..." I muttered. "There's gotta be something I can do about this..." 

On my way back, I heard something humming at low frequency. I stopped in place and walked over to see a part of the machine from the weapon one of the men used against me.

"Whoa..." I said, rolling it over and picking it up. It had a purple crystal embedded inside the barrel.

My phone rang and I looked at who was calling. "Peter?" a worried voice said.

"Y/N?" I answered. "What's up?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." she said. She wasn't worried, but she sounded mad. I couldn't help but continue looking at the purple crystal inside. "Where are you? Ned came to me asking where you were, and he's more upset at you than I am. You left him behind."

"I'm on my way back to your place, don't worry. " I reassured. No one was going to believe what I did, and I didn't want to tell anyone else but Ned. He was my only bestfriend, and the only guy that knows about my secret life.

Back at the house, I wanted to stay with her, and not worry about who was there at the party. Ned was there too, and I'm sure he would rather be with us as well, talking about Star Wars and what other builds Y/N had in her room.

She didn't answer for a while. "It's okay," Y/N muttered. "But Ned wanted me to tell you that since you weren't here, you kind of blew it for you two. I don't really understand what he means, but I just really wanted to be sure you were okay. Ned also mentioned that you should listen to this, Peter..."

I listened closely to the phone call, and it was filled with a bunch of loud voices. I could just make out who was talking among them. "Parker thinks he's doing something with his life with the Stark Internship!" Flash said in the microphone, and I glared. "He thinks he's got the special VIP treatment and that he's better than Spiderman. I bet you all that Y/N Toomes and Peter Parker are probably upstairs in the bedroom doing some funny business, talk about humiliation!"

In her own home right now, really? With half of the student body, Flash might as well just announce it to the whole world while he's at it. No wonder Y/N sounded mad. I thought she was just mad at me for leaving her in her room.

"Sorry, Pete." She said, more monotonously now. "You should have never came to look for me."

The phone hung up afterwards, and I sighed. Great job, Pete...You made yourself, Ned, and Y/N a total laughing stock.

I put my phone back in my pocket and went back to picking up the machine. It was still humming at a low frequency, and I examined it carefully.


The next day, I was in my engineer class and I fiddled around with the purple glowing crystal. Even though I have no idea what the heck this thing is, I smashed it several times with a heavy hammer. It made several noises each time I hit it, and then something sparked after the third hit. I reached down after I made some progress, and lifted up the plate from it's casing.

It was filled with red wires attached to it. "What is that?" Ned asked. His chunky self walked over to me. He was about to confront me for last night, but I told him something came up instead. He noticed the purple glowing crystal.

"I almost got vaporized last night with it." I said. "It was pretty dope."

"That's awesome that you almost got killed by it last night!" Ned whispered in surprise. I looked at him and my eyebrows raised. "I mean, Peter, what you did was reckless." He tried to cover it up at first to show he was being protective.

"I think it...it's a power source." I poked around with the machine to try and budge it out. Whoever made this knew what they were doing, and I was trying to figure out why they made it.

"Those are microprocessors." Ned pointed at the plate. "See that? That's a conducting charging plate. It's an electric component that does its job, like my electronic toothbrush at home."

"Whoever's using this is combining it with alien technology." I smiled, already going through the process of what's it made from.

"I just want to thank you for having me be a part of your amazing journey..." Ned said, and I banged the power source once more and it finally popped out. It made a loud whirring noise and we jumped and turned around.

"Keep your fingers away from the blades!" our engineer teacher said, while working on a puzzle from his book.

We turned our backs again to look back at the purple crystal. "We gotta figure out what this thing is and who makes it." I said, and we stared at it.

"We'll go to the lab after class and run some tests with it." Ned suggested.



Towards the end of the day, I walked through the hallway after class and noticed Peter and Ned further down. "Oh, hey guys." I said, "What was that all about last night? You both disappeared."

Peter and Ned were against the windows from the chess club and they looked like they saw a ghost. They didn't answer, and I brought my head down afterwards and just started walking away. Peter grabbed hold of my wrist and pulled me over.

"Hey, what's going on?" I exclaimed, dropping my book.

"Shhhhh!" Peter whispered.

"Peter, we've gotta get you out of here." Ned said, and Peter denied it.

"N-n-n-no." Peter said. "We got to follow them, maybe we can find the guy who trapped me in a lake."

Lake?? As their conversation got worse, I decided to protest. "You lied to me?" I started to say, "Peter Parker, I thought you were-" He clamped a hand over my mouth to quiet me down. I mumbled something and I was just upset thinking maybe he went downstairs during the party to go talk to someone other than me.

I protested a little more, trying to get him to remove his hand from my mouth. "Someone trapped you in a lake?" Ned asked.

"It was not good." Peter said. "Y/N, please, listen to me. I don't want you to get involved with this. Something dangerous is going on, and I don't want you to get hurt." He let go of my mouth and I quieted down. He hurried away.

"Peter!" Ned whispered, and he looked at me. I glared at him and he started to cover up by making conversation with me. "Hey, Y/N, it's been a while since we've spoken. How are you doing?" He laughed nervously, and I walked away from him. "Y/N, you're supposed to stay here!"

"I'm just going to follow Peter and find out myself what's going on." I said, "And you're not going to stop me."

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