11: Secrets

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(Adrian's POV con)~

"I can finish the next order, but without any of the new materials from that truck..." Phineas tried to reason with me. I placed my head in my hand and sighed in disappointment. All because of that damn spider-kid. I can't believe how close we were from getting what was on that truck.

"We still have enough to make for the next deal after that, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, but then that's it."

We were running low on supplies, and we all needed the money. If we can't make anymore, we're pretty much screwed.

"It's been 8 years. Not a word from anyone...nor the guys up in Stark Tower, and then all of a sudden, the guy wearing spandex in red shows up, and he thinks he can ruin everything I've done." I thought out loud. "So long as he's alive, we won't get anything done. I just need to know where I can find-"

"Spiderman swooped in, heroically saving an Academic Decathlon team from Queens. The identity of the masked hero is still unknown." news reported, and everyone turned to the tv. They saw Spiderman entering the monument with precise timing. The only thing I can think of is, No more heroes in my world.


(Y/N POV)~

I thought I was going to die today. I was the only one in the elevator when it all happened. Everyone else was able to get out safely, and I was 99.9% sure that it was the end for me. That 1% changed everything when someone came to my rescue as quick as they could. It was the guy who wore spandex the other night, and I was familiarized with it's red/blue coloring. I didn't know who he was until I saw the spider on his back when he nearly fell to his own death after some of his webs snapped.

It was night time, and all the parents from the Decathlon Team were already parked at the school's parking lot. Once they saw us drive in, they all hurried out quickly. Some of them were crying as they hugged their children.

I was so glad I was adopted into the Toomes' family, because when Liz regrouped with me, all she was worried about was me. She was fumbling over her words as she held me, and tightly too. She asked if I was alright and if I had any scratches or if anything hurt.

Never in my life had my former parents did anything like that. They made me feel so useless years ago and it made my stomach tie up in a knot. I was overwhelmed with everything.

I reassured her that I was okay, and am still alive. I told her that if it weren't for Spiderman, I wouldn't be here. I found myself admiring the masked man who saved my life. I only heard rumors about him being the Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman of New York City but no one knows who he really is.

We saw mom hurrying over to us and she was about to fall apart. She welcomed us both in a huge hug and didn't let go of us for a while.

Once she let us go, I saw Peter standing by one of the buses. He looked extremely exhausted, but found his Aunt May and she wrapped her arms around him too. "Peter, are you okay?" I heard her say, and he nodded on her shoulder. She was so worried sick as much as I was. I felt like I haven't seen him in forever.

He wore his navy blue hoodie and had the hoodie over his head. He nodded and let go of her when he saw me.

My legs froze in place, and I wanted to run over to Peter so freaking bad. I was still in shock about what had happened and was so scared that fate was going to have me die without him. Mom and Liz nodded to me as if to say I can go ahead to him.

But before I could start walking over to him and his aunt, Peter was already hurrying over. "Pete..." I shuddered a shaky whisper. His arms were wrapped around my head and the back of my waist. He kissed me. "I was so scared, I thought I would never see you again..."

"It's okay, Y/N," he said, cradling me. "You're okay. I've got you."

"But you don't," I said, looking up at him from his chest. Peter's expression twisted into a familiar form of guilt and sadness. I was starting to tear up. "You left me and you never came back! I had to fill in for your spot again. Tell me, Peter, what is going on with you?"

"I'm sorry, Y/N, I just can't explain it right now." He said, after trying to find his words. "It's too dangerous."

"What's more dangerous than me almost dying today?!" I asked. "I miss you, Peter. If it weren't for Spiderman, I wouldn't be here today!" I felt himself flinch.

"I'll make things right with you," he said, more sincerely. "I promise. I really like you, I do. I want you to be with me. I know the past couple weeks have been weird with me being absent, but it's just because of the Internship. If it weren't for the Internship, I would've never been able to get a hold of him."

"You have connections?" I was speechless. I knew being able to be in the Stark Internship meant that he would be working under Tony, but I didn't think he had that kind of connection. "So you were trying to save us?"

He paused, and then nodded. "Of course I was. I'll always be there for you, and I'll do whatever it takes to save you."

"That's a big promise to keep, Peter..." I whispered to him and rested my head on his chest. I stopped for a moment, and let him hold me for just a little longer. "I shouldn't be mad at you...you were only trying to help. I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry for not being there for you all the time. Let me make things up to you in the coming weeks, please."

I asked him instead if he could stay the night with me when we got home, and he smiled and said, "Of course I will."


Once three of us got home after some hours later, we sighed in relief. "Fate really had it for me and you today, didn't it?" I joked lamely, and they both laughed anyway.

"Yeah, I was really afraid you weren't going to make it." Liz said. "That Spiderman guy kept his eyes on you like he really didn't want to let you go. His personality seems kinda familiar, don't you think?"

"I wonder who?" I asked. "It can't be Peter, he hasn't been with us for very long..." I felt a pang of guilt when I said that since he is coming over later tonight, but I wasn't going to mention that.

"Kind of does." Mom smiled at me.

"Mom, you haven't met Peter yet!" I was taken aback.

"No, but the way you talk about that boy, he seems really protective of you. Maybe he could be that masked man. Our world needs a guy like him." She said, and I was going over everything that just happened in my head.

I had the occurring flashbacks of seeing Spiderman at the gas station, how he wore Peter's backpack, and how he saved me. His spider eyes wouldn't keep off me until I safely got out of the elevator.

I remembered the day that Peter and I were in the janitor's closet, how he swiftly moved from the stairs and held me in his arms. I remembered him not wanting to let me go and to be very quiet.

I remembered the time he climbed on my balcony, but then again, maybe he just really liked climbing. That could be a different story.

I've fallen for two people now...but can it really be the same guy?

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