5: The Toomes' Life

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"Okay, no more questions." I said, lying down on my bed. Peter was asking me questions for at least an hour, and he aughed. "I'm totally serious. I know what I'm doing for your spot in the Decathlon."

After that embarrassing incident with Flash downstairs, I had to escape somehow. My room was the only option and I can lock it without anyone coming in. I heard a knock on my door and I wanted them to go away, in case it was my parents, Liz, Betty, Ned, or anyone else. I did not want to go.

It was Peter who came upstairs to my door. Apparently, he was pissed as I was when Flash made that comment. He apologized if things got awkward between us and I smiled at him, then asked if he could come inside and keep me company. He started feeling nervous again. Has this boy never been to a girl's room before? Granted, my room is not as girly as you think it is. It's not pink, that's for sure, and it's got a bunch of collectibles on shelves. Some books on a different shelf.

My room was kind of relaxing. Above my roof, I had some window panes, and it looked like I was at a penthouse on top of a skyscraper. The style was white and aesthetic, so it was filled with some plants and a salt lamp on my bedside table. It was a solid 10.

I don't like keeping my room messy, but I think Peter wouldn't mind if some clothes were on the ground.

He and I decided while everyone was downstairs, that he could help me with some questions for the Decathlon. Unfortunately, that wasn't what I had hoped we'd do. "I didn't know you were also a Star Wars fan." Peter looked giddy after taking a look around my room. I noticed he looked at a couple of sabers I had mounted on my wall.

He was wearing the plaid long sleeve shirt tonight with his white shirt underneath, and of course his blue jeans.

I feel kind of bad keeping him here.

"Hey, Peter-"

"Don't listen to what Flash said to us earlier." Peter assured me. "He's always been like this and sometimes you just have to ignore him."

"I get that, but like, I'm surprised you're with me right now." I said, and his eyes widened a little.

"Well, uhm, I didn't...I didn't know where you went 'cause I was worried, so I went to look for Liz, and asked where your room was. Ned's probably downstairs wondering where I'm at though cause I have something I needed to take care of."

"Did you want to do that?" I asked, and Peter looked distracted. He was looking not at me, but elsewhere. He's been acting strange the past few weeks and I didn't have the courage to ask him.

"I'm sorry, Y/N." he said, standing up from my chair. "You're right, I do need to go take care of something. We can try to do this again sometime if you'd like and get to know each other. I'll help prep you up again for the Decathlon, and - oh god, oh no." I looked to where he was looking at and once I saw a hint of blue light in the air towards the window, he panicked. "Y/N, n-n-no! Y/N, do not look out there!"

I looked back at him confused. Once he apologized, he hurried out of my room.

Peter Parker, you're one strange kid...


(Adrian Toomes' POV)~

The crew came back after that failed delivery. In the factory, there were a few people working on the new weapons from the Chituari technology. It was some time ago that I decided to take it in on my account, no matter the cost. Sure, it was illegal, but crossing the borderline between me and my crew going unemployed was not something I had in mind.

"Hey boss," one of the crew members said to me as I flew in with my Vulture suit. It was created with the Chituari stuff. I called it my exo-suit.

We made this suit to it's full potential. From being able to fly to having extra superhuman durability, agility and superhuman strength.

It was good to use for heists when we have to make deliveries. Mason made one helluva suit. I thought to myself. When I walked out of my exo-suit, I was pissed. I was so ticked off that one of the guys had almost blew our deal with some other idiot in Queens.

We could've been spotted above radar.

We could've been taken in.

I could've been taken in and it would've been catastrophic for me and my family. I would be in prison, and they wouldn't see me for however many years they'd sentence me. I wouldn't be able to see (Y/n) grow up to go to college. She was looking forward to it, and Liz was about to graduate as a senior in high school.

"Goddammit!" I roared after removing the mouth piece from my suit. I took off my helmet and I almost punched something close to me.

"Boss?" Mason, one of my engineers called out to me, and I turned to him. Fortunately, for him, the only time he'd ever piss me off was asking to make a new super weapon that I really didn't need him to make. "Your wife texted you."

"You've been looking at my phone?" I grumbled. I took my phone from him, and calmed a little bit more messaging back my wife.

"Your family doesn't know what you're doing, huh?" someone else asked.

I looked over to Herman Schultz, one of the main crew members who do the heists and transports the weapons to and from destinations.

"No, and they don't need to know." I said, straight to the point. "My family is everything to me. Ever since we adopted my youngest daughter, the only thing I've ever mentioned was that I had a side job and that's how my story is going to go. I don't tell them nothing, and they don't ask questions. If they ask questions, I break their hearts. And I don't want to do that. I'm not a heart breaker, and if I ever am, so god, please help me."

"Okay, so what are you going to do when they find out about it?"

"They never will find out about anything." I continued. "There's only one person that knows and it's that Spider guy. He's the one who keeps interfering with my deliveries and I just need him out of the radar. Completely. The guy with spandex. He's the problem."

Everyone agreed with me. "Now, whoever makes one more mistake, you're off this crew." I finished. God, I was so done with these idiots. They think they can do everything without me, and when they do, they do something stupid and they end up causing a scene. In New York, you'll be spotted faster than you can go back under the radar. There is literally no escaping New York with how many people there are, and then there are reinforcements. Reinforcements could be such as Tony Stark and the rest of his team.

He ruined my life, and I'm about to ruin his.

"Herman, I need you to find that weapon that was lost." I said, finally calm. "Okay?" Herman nodded.

I'm not about to ruin my life with my family, and the only thing I need to do is be a good father, playing the role of a simple life, while playing a different role at night.

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