16: Returning to Normal (For now)

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(Y/N POV)~
(Some time after the Battle on the Ferry ended)~

I was at the school gym setting up streamers and banners on the walls with Liz. "Y/N?" a voice ripped through my thoughts. I looked over to Liz. She and I were the only ones left now since Betty, Sally, and a few other people from the committee left. She asked me how my day went, and noticed how glum I looked.

"It's been okay, I guess." I said, hesitantly.

Truthfully, not really.

The school day went by even slower than normal and it was already 4:30pm. We were just decorating. We were almost finished despite having a week and a half to prep for it while dealing with the Decathlon. We had tables set around the area, a stage for the DJ to set up their equipment, and another long table for food and drinks. Plenty of balloons were also scattered around the gym.

"We did enough for tonight, why don't we head home?" Liz said. "You did a really nice job setting up those streamers over by the main doors." She smiled at me, and she heard something buzz. Liz looked confused and walked over to one of the tables close by. She picked up my phone that kept buzzing constantly all day. "Your phone's been blowing up today, you haven't checked it at all? Ned's been messaging you."

"I know." I said, and continued placing up decorations silently.

"Are you going to answer him, it seems really important."

"What could be more important than setting up the homecoming?" I asked, trying not to sound so bitter. I've been in the stage where I wanted to be mad at someone but I can't because it's just not their faults.

"Well, he's saying that he hasn't heard anything from Peter-"

"And neither have I." I said, calmly. "He ditched school today apparently, and me and Ned haven't heard a word from him." Liz looked at my phone again as my phone kept buzzing constantly now. "Who's calling me?"

"It's Peter's aunt." she said. "Ned said that he gave your number to her to see if you heard anything."

I hopped down from the ladder and hurried over. "Hello?" I picked up, and heard his Aunt May panicking. She was asking me if I've seen Peter. She's been trying to get a hold of people who knew him and from the way she sounded, she was worried sick. "Hey, Mrs. Parker, it'll be okay. I'm sure Peter-"

Liz was watching my reaction to the phone conversation, she looked concerned.

"Mrs. Parker wants me to go over to their place." I said, covering the phone. She nodded at me and agreed to take me to their small apartment on 15th street in Queens.


I knocked on the door to their apartment once I arrived. I told Liz I'd call her later if I heard anything back, and told her to let our parents know where I was.

Mrs. Parker opened the door, and her face fell when she saw me, hoping it would be Peter. She smiled at me and let me in instead. "Thank you for coming," she said, and I went over and gave her a comforting hug. I wish I knew what his family was like. She looked so alone, and there was no one else here.

I sat down on the couch and she paced a little more around the apartment. She offered me something to drink, and I said, "Oh, no thank you, Mrs. Parker."

"Please, call me May." She smiled, and we spoke for some time. Finally, 30 minutes later, we heard a knock on the door.

May went over to the door and opened it. We saw Peter standing there with clothes that came from the thrift shop. He looked exhausted, and torn apart. "Peter?" I said softly.

"Hey..." Peter managed to speak. He was more surprised that I was here at his home.

May sniffed and walked away furious. Peter slowly walked in and I hurried over, wrapping my arms around him. "Are you oka-?"

"I've been calling you all day!" May suddenly cut through. We turned to face her, and I felt Peter holding onto me. He knew he was going to get yelled at. "You didn't answer your phone. I called your girlfriend, and Ned and they tried to call you too! I even called Ned's mother!" I felt Peter look at me speechless, and I was silent. "Then this ferry thing happens? I've called five police stations. Five." I nudged Peter softly to go towards his aunt as she kept babbling.

"May..." he said. "I'm fine, I'm okay."

She stopped, and looked at him hard. "Don't tell me that." she said. "Y/N said you cut detention, I know you left the hotel room in Washington." Peter started tearing up again, and I was just listening. "I know you sneak out of this house every night." That part we knew where he went, and we blushed. "That's not okay with me. Peter, please..."

"I lost the Stark Internship." he finally spoke up, and his voice cracked. My eyes widened and we both looked at Peter.

"What?" I asked. "What happened?"

"I just thought I could work really hard..." he started to say but his tears go in the way. "And he could, y'know...but I screwed it up."

I sat down on the couch with him and I rested my head on his shoulder. I just couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I'm sorry I made you both worry..." he said.

His aunt finally came through when he finally explained everything. She offered to give me a ride back home after we settled down from all that panic.


The next day at school, things slowly started returning to normal. Peter didn't come to my house that night he came home and told me he wanted to stay at his in case May went through another breakdown. I understood, and I told him that was fine.

I wasn't mad anymore, I was just shocked.

How could anyone like Tony Stark turn down a 15 year old kid for a bright future?

I was cursing at Tony for being so cruel towards my dad and my boyfriend.

Liz pulled into the parking lot at school and we both walked in silently. She smiled at me and said she'd meet up with me after school to give me a ride back home.

I met up with Peter and Ned before homeroom but I only saw Ned. "Peter?" I asked and his eyes narrowed to the office. We both sat down on the bench by the office and waited for him.

"He's in so much trouble..." Ned said, and I agreed.

"Peter, you're a good kid and a smart kid...just try to keep your head straight." We heard the principal say. "Go on now."

"Yes, sir." Peter said sadly, and we heard him standing up. The door opened and we stood up.

"Are you expelled?" Ned asked. "Are they transferring you to the school on 46th street with the principal that has a crossbow?"

"I'm pretty sure that's an urban myth, Ned." I said, smiling. Peter held his hand out to me and our fingers interlaced.

"And no, I'm not expelled." Peter said.

Ned sighed in relief, "Dude, you are so lucky..."

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