20: Flight of the Vulture

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(Y/N POV)~

Okay, so....What have we learned today?

1). My dad is an illegal weapons dealer...
2). My boyfriend really is Spiderman.
3). I'm being held hostage against my will just because my dad knew it would lead Peter here.


4). Me and Peter will never get a chance to dance with each other.

Ugh...I thought, looking down at my dress. My dress flowed with the direction of the wind. Thank god I chose to wear flat shoes tonight... I was also glad that I brought a light jacket with me. Dad mentioned it was going to be cold. Wherever we were going, that is...

Peter couldn't keep his eyes off me, and dad kept his hands on my shoulders which terrified me. I was trying my best to untie myself without him noticing. "I needed a little more time to get her airborne." Dad finished and grabbed a device on the table beside him. He pressed a button and I looked away from the explosion. Dad managed to be free of Peter's web with a knife, and I stayed still.

We saw the exo-suit flying towards us, and Peter leaped to dodge it. I saw it coming straight for me and I held my breath. It flew around us and Peter used his webs to dodge its incoming attacks. "Peter!" I said, and dad untied me with the knife. He grabbed my arm, and hauled me away from the chair.

I watched as it went to attack Peter again, and he used his web to lift himself off from the ground and used his feet to bounce off the exo-suit to get some air. The exo-suit was flying by itself and it crashed through the pillars. I felt the ground shake tremendously, and I watched in fear.

"This is what you wanted, dad?" I asked him.

"No!" he said to me. "This is what your boyfriend wanted. I'm sorry, Peter!" Dad said, smiling, and the exo-suit flew towards him again. Peter rolled to the ground underneath it.

"What are you talking about, that thing hasn't even touched me yet!" Peter said, and I just stood there watching. I couldn't do anything. I was Peter's bait.

"True, then again...I wasn't really trying to." We watched as the pillars collapsed around him.

"No, Peter!" I yelled, and dad held me back from going to search for Peter under the rubble. "Dad, how could you do this to him?!"

"Chief, they're powering up the engines." a voice said over the walkie-talkie.

"Okay, okay!" Dad said and he looked at me.

"Come on, come on!"

Dad hauled me out of the way and we were outside the building now. I was struggling to be free. "Struggle again, and you'll end up like him." he said tightly. I frowned as I listened, and his exo-suit flew to us. He grabbed me and the exo-suit attached to him, and we flew towards a billboard nearby. Dad made me watch Peter struggle underneath the destruction.


(Peter's POV)~

This sucks.

Y/N gone with her dad, and we're missing the night of an important night together. Lots of stuff cluttered around me, and the air was too tight to breathe into. I was stuck. I couldn't believe Y/N had to watch her dad execute all of this as part of his plan to thwart me.

And also...I couldn't believe she was there to find out about my secret identity as Spiderman.

I tried to breathe again, but I panicked, I was by myself and stuck under a huge pillar that fell upon me. "Oh god..." I said, trying to remove my mask. "Okay, okay...ready?" I tried to gather up all my strength to push the pillar up, but I fell down again. "Hello?!" I gave up and tried to call out to anyone that could've been around. "Y/N?! - Please, anyone?! I'm down here, and I'm stuck! I can't move...I can't-!" I panted some more.

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