15: Losing Everything

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(Peter's POV cont)~

He looks like...a Vulture. The metal wings whirred loudly as the boss man activated them. I pissed him off big time. He poked himself out from the truck and started flying towards us. I widened my eyes and the FBI turned from me to fire at him. No... I watched as he pulled out one of the dangerous weapons and the FBI opened fire. 

"Get out of the way!" I started yelling, and some of them did. The Vulture also opened fired with a purple laser and nearly vaporized me again. "Look out, look out! Move! MOVE!" I moved to grab one of the FBI agents nearby in midair and pulled them away from the incoming vehicle.

I got hit from the vehicle from the side and got thrown against a pole. I grunted in pain. Then, I heard a painful scream and I winced. It was from the bad guy I trapped at the front of the boat. I realized he got hit with the vehicle face first and fell into the water. 

The Vulture guy flew over a little away from the boat and faced us with his weapon. He shot again and some of the FBI scattered. "Move!" I said again from down below, hurrying them to safety.

"Get to the top deck!" the Vulture signaled to his crew. "We're getting out of here."

I decided, the heck with it. I fired my web and it latched onto the Vulture's leg and I pulled on him. As I pulled, he used his wings to block the oncoming bullets from the FBI at the top. The winged man fired the purple weapon at them and once more, they jumped and scattered.

He fired two more shots and I could hear passengers screaming on the inside. This guy is crazy!

I decided to latch another web onto the vehicle to help bring him down from the weight. He aimed another one at me, and I jumped upward.

I managed to latch on to one of his wings and I swung over. I was now without ground and I was trying to get back onto the ferry.

I threw a web over and had it attach to the front of the gun.

"Activate taser web!" I yelled, and pulled on it. I watched my webs shocked him, and he grunted in pain. Finally, the boss man let go of the weapon, and I dodged it as it flew over on the boat and it started to fire on it's own while being covered in web.

My next thought was, "Oh no."

It kept firing laser beams and aiming at the ferry, and I tried several times to have it covered up, hoping it'd stop what it's doing. The boss man flew down to me. "You're messing with things you don't understand!" he yelled, and I lifted my arms up in disappointment when he flew away.

The weapon fired some more on it's own and I panicked. The webs trapped at the barrel couldn't hold any longer and I heard a weird, loud whirring noise. All of a sudden, it broke through my webs, purple lasers flying everywhere, cutting the ferry in half.

Passengers inside were screaming more now.

I saw the Shocker escape and when they flew away, there I felt a huge vibration in the air. I listened as the ferry started creaking, and split in half when the water burst through the cracks.

"Oh my god." I said, my eyes widened in fear. "What do I do?!...Karen, uhhh, give me an x-ray of the boat and target all the strongest points!!" I saw her scan the entirety of the Ferry and started getting to work. I attached all points with webs from each side of the ferry, making sure everything was secured and tight. I quickly thought of every possible skill I could use to keep this ship in tact as I flew from point to point.

I was finally resting on the top of the deck, catching my breath as I've finished.

"Great job, Peter." Karen said. "You were only 98% successful."

"Ninety-eight?!" I sighed.

Someone cheered me on until the webs started to break.

"No, NO!" I yelled. I heard car alarms go off and going to the ocean. I watched as people started scrambling to safety but not knowing if anywhere they went was safe. I was so lost, I had no idea what to do and I was going to be the cause of these people's deaths.

One of the webs near me was at the main deck and it snapped. I lunged forward screaming NO and grabbed hold of it. Then I reached for the other side of the ferry. I grunted, trying to pull the ferry together with all my might.

This ferry was so done for....

Or so I thought.

The ferry started coming together and my muscles started loosening. I dropped down on the inside of the ferry, and watched as Iron Man appeared at one of the windows. "Hi, Spiderman~" he said, and the way he said it, I knew I was about to go deep inside my own grave. "Band practice with your girlfriend, was it?" I watched as he had mini-repulsors thrust forward, attaching it to all sides of the ferry. They boosted, and managed to repair the ferry in one go.

I followed Mr. Stark, and he was starting to repair the ferry. He didn't want me to do any part of it, and I knew I had definitely screwed up.


(Adrian's POV)~

I watched as the Shocker packed his bags and it was just me, him, and Mason now. I was losing everything that I had. We were discussing what was really happening. I tried to beg the Shocker to stay, and his one good reason was that we are now under Iron Man's radar and that was enough for him.

He was trying to tell me that I should run too. "You know I can't do that." I said, then turned to Mason. "Mason. Can you build that high-altitude seal thing up and running in time?"

Mason looked at me in surprise. "Seriously?" He stood up. "Yes, you will not regret this." I smiled and turned back to the Shocker.

"You in?" I asked one more time, and he sighed, thinking about it.


(Peter's POV)~

Mr. Stark and I were on top of a building away from the commotion. He was furious at me. Telling me how wrong it was to hack his multimillion suit, and doing the one thing he told me not to do. I was in way over my head...I thought I could do this on my own... I tried not to cry.

"Is everyone okay?" I managed to ask.

"No thanks to you." He said, and I was mad.

"No thanks to me? Those weapons are out there, and I tried to tell you about it, but you didn't listen!" I yelled. "None of this would've happened if you had just listened to me!"

I stopped talking as he went further down grilling me about everything he wanted me to be. He hopped out of his suit and I was in utter shock. I took some steps backward in fear.

"I wanted you to be better." He finally said and I looked away sadly.

"Okay, it's not working out. I'm gonna need the suit back."

"Please...please please please, I'm nothing without this suit." I begged.

"If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it, okay? - God, I sound like my dad."

"I don't have any other clothes..." I managed to say, starting to tear up more.

"Okay, we'll sort this out."

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