12: Lucky in Love

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(Y/N's POV cont)~

I was hoping to confront Peter tonight.

There's no way there was a connection between him and Spiderman. I had so many thoughts running through my head and I wanted to confirm it with him. Right now, everything that's happened in the past week has helped confirm my case. Peter's got his own investigation with the bad guys, and I've got mine with him. There was no way he can say no.

"No way, of course not!" Peter said, and I tilted my head at him. He arrived some hours later when my family was asleep. Once I heard my dad's car beep outside to lock and him getting ready for bed, I called Peter to tell him it was safe to come up. Granted, he was already waiting outside on my balcony.

"But Peter," I continued, we were lying down on my bed together side by side. I rested my head on his shoulder and he was holding my hand. "What if it's really true? You act like you have a 6th sense. You got me away super quickly when you found out I was right behind you last Friday. Then yesterday during the monument trip. All of a sudden, Spiderman came leaping in like he knew this was going to happen."

He shook his head, "There's no way I'm Spiderman, I'm too weak to be one anyway." Peter chuckled, but from the sounds of it, he was forcing to laugh.

"Then what about the disappearances?" I asked.

"I told you, it was because I had called Mr. Stark's bodyguard and let them know of the situation, Y/N." Peter said, smiling at me. "Their only choice was to go to the safest route and call in that hero."

"And what about anyone else in the team?" I asked, "They could've called in Iron Man, they could've asked for Black Widow, or Hawkeye."

Peter snickered when I mentioned Hawkeye as if Hawkeye wasn't the most important asset of their team. I frowned at him. "They don't really usually call in Hawkeye..." he said, and I continued to frown at him. "Okay, I'm sorry, that was a lame joke."

"You're a terrible person." I said, giving him a playful nudge.

"I'm serious though, just because I have a 6th sense, doesn't make me any better."

"Oh yeah?" I asked, "What's your favorite spider?"

I felt him tense beside me. Aha, gotcha, Parker.

"R-Radioactive spiders..." he said, and we both exchanged looks.

"Really?" My eyes widened. Radioactive spiders were actually a thing until it got shut down for unknown reasons. I remember searching it up on the web before Peter arrived because I was curious about 6th senses. Had he been bitten by one?

"No, I'm just joking." Peter said curtly. He realized his tone and softened it. "Uh, uhm...I mean, it's just something I thought of just now as a joke."

He looked at me and he looked like he didn't want to talk any more about it.

Actually, he looked like he wanted to leave.

"Peter?" I manage to ask. "Please don't leave me."

"I'll still be here when you wake up, don't worry." he said smiling again. "I said I was staying the night tonight, right?"

"I know but...I'm sorry, I sound like my dad. I shouldn't be like this. You're probably telling the truth and I just don't know what to think. It's so hard because when we go back to school tomorrow, I don't know if you're going to forget I exist again."

"I really won't. You just have to trust me, Y/N. I love you."

"Okay, Pete..." I said. I let go of his hand and wrapped my arm over his stomach to cuddle after I gave him a part of my blanket to share. He slid down to also start falling asleep, but I knew he was still awake as I felt his heart beating a bit quicker than normal.

I started to feel guilty asking him what I know, but I have to find out somehow. He can't keep hiding from me forever...


(Peter's POV later that night)~

She knows. She definitely knows.

I started panicking and I wanted to get some fresh air, but I promised I'd stay with her. I didn't want to feel like a jerk leaving her again and breaking her heart. Maybe when she's in deep sleep, I could slip out from the covers and just roam around at night to clear my thoughts and come back to sleep with her before we go to school.

Man...I knew it was going to lead up to this.

I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have someone who won't judge me for me and I'm about to blow it by putting someone I care about in danger.

God, this sucks.

I knew it was my fault for ditching classes, and ditching the Decathlon, and I have sooo much to catch up on, and I am so surprised I haven't been kicked out of school at this point. To be honest, I feel like I don't really need to keep going to school. I could be doing more out there with my life, saving people, and helping Mr. Stark and his team.

I could even travel the world with them and still be doing anything but sitting at a desk for hours!

I stroked Y/N's hair as she slept soundly. She was the only person that cared about me. I knew that if I told her my secret, she'd probably tell the whole world without realizing what danger she put herself into. I also knew that 99% she wouldn't tell a soul, but I can't confirm that. That 1% can mean anything.

I sighed, and kissed the top of her head. "Peter..." I heard her mumble and that caught me by surprise. Was she dreaming about me? "Please..." I poked her softly, to let her know I was still here and I didn't hear her after a moment. I wonder if she was having a nightmare, and probably in a position where I, as Spiderman, couldn't save her.

If I ever have to be in that position, where I couldn't save her, I wouldn't be me anymore.

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