17: I Get Asked to Homecoming

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(Y/N POV)~

I just wanted the school day to end. It just feels like I've been doing nothing for the past week and a half.

Ever since Decathlon and dying that day, all I could think about was wanting to try to figure who Spiderman was and confirming Peter really is behind that masked man.

I was only 50% sure.

I had to figure out somehow. Maybe I could get myself captured by the bad guys he was following that night of the heist.

Yeah, but...how would I even find them?

You could always follow Peter, I thought. I could, but then I'd lose sight of him. He disappears so quickly without me realizing he's already gone. Then, Spiderman suddenly swoops in on the night he disappears and ends up on the news heroically.

I sighed, It has to be-.

"Hey, Y/N." Peter called out to me. I stopped walking through the hallway as my heart started fluttering. It was his voice that would make my whole world spin. "How are you?" I watched as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey Pete...I've been okay. How are you and dealing with detention?"

He smiled at me as he nervously fiddled around with the big Hall Pass sign, "I've uh...I've got detention for what feels like forever, so uhm...it's been a thing." We stood there for a long while, gazing upon each other. I wasn't sure what he was thinking, but I could probably guess that we were thinking the same thing. Who's going to ask about the Homecoming dance first?

I clutched nervously at my shirt. Neither of us said anything afterwards, and I just started heading back to the gym.

I started feeling sad. If Peter doesn't say something, I might just end up going alone to the dance or staying home. I wonder if he really did ask anyone to homecoming, and I hope not with my sister, because that would really crush me.

I've been so happy since Peter and I started going out after the weird events at the beginning of the school year, and my hopes are still up there. Sigh. I have so many thoughts racing through my mind. He probably doesn't want to-.

"Y/N?" he stopped me before I opened the doors to the gym. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure." I said, turning to him. He nervously straightened his blue school sweatshirt, and raked his hand through his fluffy hair.

"Let me just say first of all, I really am sorry for everything that's happened. It was very stupid of me, and I just want to make it up to you." he started to say.

"It's okay, Peter." I said. "I almost died, and my biggest fear was losing you that day, so..."

"No, it's really not okay..." he said. "Uhm...I would go over to your house after school to ask you this question, but I'm stuck in detention for forever, so...uhm...I'll just ask you here." I smiled at him, and waited by the doors. Anytime now, Pete... "It's been on my mind for a while, but I've always feared someone's asked you to the dance already."

"No one's asked me." I was ready to start bouncing up and down. "I've been too busy helping Liz."

"Would you uh...like to go with me?"

"Of course I would, Pete. I would like that very much." I started smiling even more. Oh thank god. The dork finally did it. I am now the happiest girl in the school.

"Really?" he exclaimed. "That's great! I'll be the one wearing the tuxedo when I come pick you up~"

"Sounds perfect, I'll be the one wearing a really nice dress." I smiled at him and we started parting our ways. I hurried into the gym after he left and Liz looked at me with her head tilted. "Peter asked me out!"

Her face perked up even more and we started babbling about what we were going to wear on the night of the dance and started figuring out who was driving. I was so excited, but I was so nervous to be the one to tell my parents. Mom and dad are going to flip out.


"The dance, huh?" Dad said at the dinner table. Liz brought it up, and I could feel some awkward tension in the air. "I'm sure both my girls are going to wear something really beautiful?"

"Dad..." I started saying, "Don't start embarrassing us." We started laughing, and I took a bite of chicken off my fork. "And you'll never guess who asked me to the dance."

Dad had a concerned look on his face and I thought, Oh no, here we go. "Oh? Who with, gumdrop?"

"Peter." I said. "Peter Parker."

"Parker?" he said, interested. "The kid who ditched Decathlon?"

"Yeah dad." I said, "We've been going out for like a while now, and I really like him. I know it makes him sound like a delinquent, but he really is not. Mom can vouch for me, and so can Liz." I really hope this doesn't stop me from seeing Peter. Dad is the type of dad that can probably pull out a gun and stop the guys from going out with his daughters if they don't own up to his standards. If he did that to Peter, I'd probably go crawl underneath a rock.

"He's very protective, I'll tell you that much." Liz pointed out. "He's not some kind of criminal or anything, he's just been busy with school and an internship."

"If he's been so busy with school, then I don't see the reason why he left the Decathlon, leaving you girls in danger." Dad said, taking a sip of his beer. Mom frowned at him. "Sorry, I shouldn't be belittling you Y/N. I should be happy for you. I just wanna make sure my daughter is being taken care of." He smiled at me. "Liz, did anyone ask you to the dance?"

"No, dad." she said, after taking a bite of her food. "I'm going to meet up with Betty and Sally anyway. It's girls night for me."

"Ahhh I see, it's just Y/N then with a boy."

"I think we should change the subject about boys." Mom said, to lighten up the mood. Moms knows best. "What are you girls planning on wearing? Make up?"

"No make up." I said, instantly declining it. "But Liz and I plan on going to the mall after dinner and going to pick out the dresses before they close."

"And before the good ones are taken." Liz pointed out. I was already nervous, Dad has been silent, and I wonder if he's just stressed out about his job. And speaking of jobs...

"I can take you both to the dance if you like," he said. "My job wants me to go on a few days trip for an important deal."

"You'll get promoted?" I asked, jokingly.

"Maybe." he laughed. "My flight leaves sometime after you girls go to the dance, and I don't mind bringing you both."

"Well, I have to drive there early, but Peter and Y/n aren't able to drive yet, Dad. Why don't you take them?" Liz said, and I exchanged a look with her. I was shocked that she put Dad on the spot like that. I didn't want him to interrogate Peter! I silently kicked her in the shin under the table and made her wince.

Dad smiled and continued with his meal, "That sounds like a great plan."

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