4: Guy in the Chair

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(Peter's POV)

During gym, I was talking to Ned about how I came to be as Spiderman. He kept asking questions, and I was trying to be as blunt as I can with the answers. "Hey, can I be your "Guy in the Chair?" Ned asked as I continued with my sit ups.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You've been telling me so much about Y/N that I kind of just wanna help and you'll never get this opportunity ever again if you don't get the courage to talk to her this year." Ned sputtered. "I get it, you're both nerds and everything, but come on, let me try! You're Spiderman, what if she really digs superheroes like you?"

"Ned, shut up," I whispered after the sudden change in conversation. First, he asked about how my webs worked, and then he asked about the radioactive spider that's been dead long ago, and now he's trying to talk to me about Y/N?

"Superheroes, huh?" Flash jumped down from the rope. "You've got nothing against Spiderman."

"Yes he does," Ned managed to spit out, and everyone was staring at us. The whole gym got awkwardly quiet. I was panicking and I didn't want people to know about Spiderman, the Internship with Mr. Stark, and me having to leave the Decathlon because I was worried about missing a mission with the Avengers. I was lying to everyone through my teeth.

"C'mon Parker, tell me, what do you have against Spiderman? He's smarter and quicker than you." Flash said, walking over. "Stronger. You're not cool enough with any of those traits."

"Except for coming over to the party tonight, I talked to my parents after dinner last night," Liz offered. I looked over to her confused. She invited me to her house? "I'm having people over at my house tonight, you and Ned are welcome to come."

"A p-party?" I stuttered. I was surprised. I don't see myself on top of the food chain in high school so I never thought she'd ask me. I was surprised that Y/N never mentioned this earlier, but maybe she wasn't into these parties. I pictured her in her room by herself, probably studying for the Decathlon, and I'm supposed to be helping her do all that since I won't be there.

"Oh, he'll be there, right, Parker?" Flash raised his eyebrows and smirked, walking away after bumping into me, then he whispered, "I know Y/N will be there too. I guess it's a good thing I'll be there to get to know her."

I was standing there in surprise, while everyone went to go change. The bell rang a while ago, and I looked back at Ned who was just as shocked. "Why is this happening?" I asked, nervously. "Ned, please tell me that you'll be there with me."

The only thing Ned thought about was, "Guy in the chair..." Why is he still so confident about that?


That night, May dropped us off at the Toomes' residence. I was nervous about the whole party and what Flash had said. I wondered what Y/N was doing and if she was in there with everyone else. Maybe she was having a drink or two, talking to MJ, and then decided to head upstairs.

Probably not.

When I walked inside, she and Liz approached us. "Hey guys!" Liz said. Their house was incredibly huge. The house was two stories. When you approached the house, it had window panes at the front. They had a pool in the backyard, and a balcony at the top of the house.

"Cool hat, Ned!" Y/N complimented. She looked at me and smiled and I started having butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't help but think if she also started having feelings for me too last year. I looked and noticed how her and Liz didn't look alike. If I remembered correctly, Y/N was adopted. Her eyes were almond-shaped, not too slanted, and they were a darker color brown than mine were.

She didn't wear anything nice to the party, but I guess because since this was her house, she chose to wear whatever she wanted. I could tell from the look on Liz when she noticed it too, that she tried her best to wear something nice to the party since it was with her peers.

Y/N didn't seem to mind and I smiled to myself, thinking that was okay.

She looked away from me and everyone could feel awkward tension. EDM music was playing from Flash, and it was pretty loud.

"There's food, drinks..." Y/N said, "If you guys want, I'll show you where it is, you can help yourselves."

"That's alright." I said. "Hey, uh, Y/N-"

"Penis Parker!" Flash announced over the mic. "Oh, it looks like you and Y/N have something going on with each other, I hope I'm not interrupting the mood or anything!" Everyone turned to look at all three of us. I turned back to her, but she was already gone from humiliation. Ned looked at me and he tried to give me a smile to support me. I glared back at Flash, hating the guy for making me and Y/N look like fools.

I should probably go check up on her.

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