22: Awkward Bathroom Talks With Happy

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(Y/N POV)~

Damage Control came by a while later and fire still burned on the beach. They were investigating on what had happened and carefully looked at every crate and part of the jet that was destroyed. I was surprised they finally showed up after Peter left.

"Hi there," I said, offering my hand out to the guy in a tuxedo. "You must be Happy Hogan."

Happy came over to me and he looked very surprised. "Who are you?" He asked, not taking my hand.

"I'm a very good friend of Peter Parker. He and I caught the bad guy." I said to him, smiling as I sat next to my dad. "I'm sure you have plenty of questions and I can help answer them for you and Mr. Stark, on one condition: to stay with while you guys apprehend my dad."

Happy noticed that the crates were all taken care of and webbed around next to us. Beside one of the crates was my dad, trapped in web.

"Don't worry, dad." I said, as dad smiled at me. "You're going to be just fine."


(Peter's POV)~

Monday, After School: 2:30pm~

"It looked so insane!" Ned said, as we walked through the hallways together at the end of the school day. I smiled at Ned as he went on and on about his part in the fight. "Like, the way that I managed to make it work and saved you?" I listened as he raved about saving me last night with my web shooter and I praised him.

"It's awesome that you saved me." I said, smiling at him.

"Dude, I'm sorry that you and Y/N never had that dance..." He let his hand on my shoulder and I nodded. Things happen for a reason, I guess...

I looked up ahead and saw Y/N.

She looked exhausted from yesterday. She was walking in the school with Liz, carrying a box full of stuff. I noticed that Liz was more upset than Y/N was and they weren't even talking.

"Hey, Y/N!" I called out to her. She jumped, nearly dropping the box as she saw me. Liz was surprised when she was given the box, and Layla ran back out the front doors.

"Y/N!" I hurried out of the doors to catch up to her. "Wait-!"

"Peter..." Liz stepped in front of me. "Whatever happened between you and my sister, you figure it out." I was shocked when she said that. I felt so sorry for their family after what I did. Unless Y/N tells Liz, Liz will never know who stopped her dad from being a criminal. "She's really upset and she won't talk to me. My family's moving to Oregon, and she wants to stay here. Will you please go talk to her?"

"That's what I plan to..." I said, stepping out of her way to hurry out the doors before Y/N got away completely.


Y/N was shuffling to the front of the school and I finally caught up to her. I placed my hand on her shoulder and swung myself around to face her. She tucked her hands in a fist over her sweatshirt. "What do you want, Peter..." Y/N said, tightly. I was taken aback. I didn't think she'd be this upset after that battle.

I surprised her by holding her in my arms, and I could feel her trying to escape from me, but I held her closer for comfort.

She gave up and cried in my chest. "I just wanted to go to the dance with you..." she said.

"I know...I'm sorry about the dance. I wanted to dance with you too." I said, calmly, stroking her hair. "But, your dad...I can't imagine what you're going through. If there's anything I can do to help..."

"Yeah...my dad refuses to have us with him during the trial, even though I clearly insisted against it.." She said. We ignored the awkward staring from people as they walked by. Y/N didn't care who watched. "...I fought with mom and Liz last night."

I looked at her concerned. No wonder Liz was on edge today.

"What happened?"

"They didn't want me to stay here on my own." She admitted. "I just want to stay here for the last two years of high school and graduate with you and then move."

Maybe I can ask Mr. Stark a favor? But that would defeat the purpose for Y/N if she ends up staying in the new headquarters. Her dad made it very clear he resented Mr. Stark for ruining his job, and Y/N felt the same way when she found out I technically lost my "Internship". I would have to see if Mr. Stark would make an exception.

My phone buzzed and Y/N looked confused, her head resting on my chest. I pulled it out and we both looked at what it said. An unknown number contacted me, telling me to head to the school bathroom near the front entrance.

I thought about it some more, and smiled at her saying, "I have a plan."


(Y/N's POV)~

Liz was waiting for me. "We have to go home and pack." Liz said to me and I shook my head. "Y/N..."

"I'm not going home." I said. "I can help you with the box of stuff and load it in the car. Otherwise, I'm staying with Peter for now."

"Fine, I'll see you at home?" Liz said without looking at me. We haven't argued like this before since I started living with her. I felt depressed. It was like going back to my old roots again down my past but she'll forgive me. She wasn't the type of person to hold the grudge, so she'd be able to talk to me again. This was a small problem, and something that can be fixed.

I waited outside the bathroom for Peter once I finished helping my sister, and I heard him talking to someone. "Happy?" Peter said. "How long have you been in here?"

"Long enough to be awkward." Happy said, and I giggled outside.


(Peter's POV)~

"I really owe you and your girlfriend one." Happy said. He was starting to come through to me until we heard a toilet flush. We froze in place. I was fidgeting a little bit as we exchanged looks awkwardly when a kid from the chess club washed his hands and left. "I know she has mixed feelings about you working with us at Stark Tower, but...he wants to see you. She can come too, if you're both not busy."

"Is he here too?" I asked quietly, pointing to one of the stalls.

"In the toilet?" Happy said aloud, pointing out the obvious, "No, he's upstate."

"Upstate...like upstate-upstate?" I looked at him with my jaw dropped.

"Yeah, let's go!"

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