18: Disappearances

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(Peter's POV)~

"Game day." May said as we pulled up to the front of the driveway. I was so nervous that I was about to back out right then, but I knew May would be against it. "What's the plan?"

"Tell her she looks nice, but not too much because I don't want to be creepy." I started saying and she nodded. "And uhhh...when I dance with her, I put my hands on her hips. I got this." I took Y/N's corsage with me and opened the car door, and looked back at May before she headed off. "Love you, bye."

"Have fun." She said, and then drove off.

I walked towards the door and drew in a shaky breath. I let it out once I rang the doorbell. It felt like forever since sneaking over to Y/N's house to stay the night after the Decathlon incident. I wonder if she's okay with this. I wonder if this just wasn't her thing, and I thought I might have screwed up.

The door opened, and I saw Mrs. Toomes.

"Hi there," she kindly smiled at me. "You must be Peter." She looked confused when I showed up and was standing there awkwardly with the corsage in my hands. "I wasn't actually expecting you to show up. There seemed to be change of plans. Y/N's actually not here right now, did she not contact you?"


"Did she and Liz go to the dance already?" I asked her. I thought I was supposed to meet her here.

"Liz did, but Y/N had to go and help her Dad with something at his job. It was something only Y/N could do. I'm sorry, would you like me to drive you to the school?"

I would've liked to head to the school on my own, but I actually have no way without my suit.

"Oh, no thank you, Mrs. Toomes, I can get there myself by walking. She might already be there." I smiled at her and she nodded. "Have a good night."

"You too, Peter. Be careful. You and Y/N have fun now." She closed the door on me and I started panicking. Why would Y/N not be here and with her dad? She hasn't answered any of my messages or phone calls either, so what's going on?

I decided to check up on her in her room.

I climbed up the balcony after checking to see Mrs. Toomes go back to the couch and watching TV. She took a sip out of her mug and ended up relaxing. I quietly peeked my head towards Y/N's window and saw that the lamp was still on. I saw how messy her room was, and from the looks of it, her phone was on the bedside table. It was lighting up with a bunch of messages/phone calls missed every once in a while.

Oh crap... I jumped down from the balcony and once I hurried to sneak past the house, I put Y/N's corsage in my tuxedo pocket on the inside, and tossed the empty box in their trashcan. Where could she have gone?

She knows I was supposed to meet up with her here. This doesn't make any sense for her disappearance.

I rang the doorbell again, "Hi, I'm sorry to bother you again, Mrs. Toomes." She looked at me confused. "Would you actually mind taking me to the school? I'm actually late and I don't think Y/N will appreciate me being sweaty after walking for some while."

"Sure thing, Peter. I'll grab my keys."


I was fidgeting in the car on the way to school. We were almost there, and I just couldn't help but wonder where Y/N was. I had a really bad feeling about this. Mrs. Toomes and I spoke to get somewhere and to pass the time, and all of a sudden we were at the school already.

"Alright, here we are..." Mrs. Toomes said, and I smiled.

"Thank you again for dropping me off."

"Anytime, Peter. You guys have fun!"

I walked out of the car and she drove off.

Once she left, I walked through the doors, and saw every one of my peers there. They were all dancing and having a good time and I was just here panicking. I looked over and saw Ned, MJ and a few of our friends from the Decathlon. Ned waved at me.

I didn't see Y/N with them.

"Hey." Liz said, catching me off guard. She looked confused to see me alone. "You forgot to bring my sister with you." She said it as if that was a joke. "Oh, that's right, she was helping my Dad with something. It's almost 8:30pm, and they're still not done with the electrical wiring?"

"Electrical wiring?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, something about a suit, they didn't say what they were working on exactly."

"Exo-suit..." I muttered to myself, looking away.


"Nothing, I've got to go, I'll see you around, Liz!" I said, hurrying out of the gym. I ran through the balloons, and took off my tie to give myself some room. I went to my secret lockers and lifted them to grab my backpack full of my old suit/extra web fluid.


I burst through the doors and made my way through the bus yard. I pulled my red hoodie over with the goggles on, and started to put on my web shooters.

It was in that moment that I ended up getting clocked in the face with a hard fist. My pair of web shooters ended up flying away and I fell to the gravel and rolled.

"Well well well..." a familiar voice said. "She knew you were going to do this."

"What the hell..." I muttered, trying to get my vision back on track. It was so blurry that I couldn't focus as I tried to get up. Once my vision returned to normal, I managed to look up and saw who I was facing. It was the dude from the bridge on the night of the first heist!

"What's with the crappy costume?" He activated his gauntlet again and I looked over to my web shooters that were some feet away from me. I scrambled to grab them. I heard the explosion from the gauntlet and the bus nearby me crushed right into me. I yelped, and got thrown into another bus behind me with windows breaking.

"Whoa!" I managed to say, and saw the Shocker kick my web shooter away.

"I wasn't sure about this at first." he started to say, admiring his gauntlet, "But damn this thing packs a punch!"

Everything hurt like hell.

I held my head in my hands and tried to stay upright, but instead he attacked me again and I was thrown into another bus. I crashed through the back windows and fell to the floor of the bus inside.

I looked over to see gum underneath the seats, "Oh, gross..." I mumbled in pain. I found myself rolling with the bus as the Shocker punched it.

The bus landed upside down, and I was covered in glass, and I managed to crawl towards the emergency exit.

I started feeling something warm and wet in my suit, and I knew I was bleeding. I grunted, and tried to catch my breath. "Where is she?" I demanded, "Why did he send you here?"

"Guess you'll never know." he said. The Shocker started to raise his fist, and I knew I was done for if it weren't for Ned. Ned held one of my web shooters and trapped his fist with it.

I saw Ned. He was standing there in shock as he finally figured out how to work the thing. Ned breathed heavily and I acted quickly. "Nice shot!!" I yelled, I grabbed the web that connected to the Shocker's gauntlet and yanked down.

I took the web shooter back from Ned and pulled the gauntlet off the Shocker's hand. I shot a huge web and trapped him against the bus behind him. "Yes!" I cheered, and hurried back to Ned. "Ned. The guy with the wings is Y/N and Liz's dad and he has Y/N hostage!"

"What?!" Ned exclaimed. I thought his hat was going to fall off then after all that happened.

"I know, I gotta tell Mr. Stark!" I said. "Call Happy Hogan. He's Mr. Stark's head of security! And uhhh, get a computer, and...track the bracelet that I gave Y/N after the Decathlon incident!"

"Are you going to be okay?!" Ned asked. "When did you decide to gift her?"

"Hurry, we gotta catch him before Y/N ends up in even more danger!" I yelled, swinging up to the light post and swinging my way out of here. I'm coming for you, Y/N , just stay calm.

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