19: Infiltrating Industrial Buildings

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(Peter's POV cont)~

As I swung my way to the front of the school, I saw Flash driving in with his car and his date for Homecoming. Looks like I'll need some form of transportation if I'm going to have to get to Y/N quick. I jumped down on it, and he screeched to a halt. They both were screaming in surprise. I guess I do look funky with my old costume...

"Flash." I said in a low, husky voice since Karen wasn't here to apply it better. "I'm going to need your car and your phone."

"T-technically sir, this is my dad's car..." he started to say, and in the next second, I was gone with it.

I felt adrenaline pumping through my veins, motivated to save Y/N until I crashed into some bikes. Oops. I veered to the right and onto the main road. I took a quick look in the rearview mirror and snickered to see the look on Flash's face.

I knew I was going to be in so much trouble for stealing his dad's car, and driving without a license. I'm only 15 and I only just have my permit.

Oh well.

I was trying to avoid crashing. I pulled out Flash's phone, and dialed Ned's number. "Hello?!" I said as it sounded like he picked up. "Ned? Hey hey hey, can you hear me?!"

"Go for Ned." he answered, and I sighed in relief.

"Ned!" I said, "I need you to track Y/N's bracelet for me!"

"You put a tracking device on her bracelet?" Ned asked, and I was starting to blush. "You sound like a creeper."

"Ned, just do it!"

"Yeah, but where is it?"

He started typing on the computer as I gave him told him where I think Y/N and her dad would be headed.


(Y/N's POV)~

"Dad..." I said, staring out the window. "Why are we going away from the school?"

I felt something on my wrist tap, and I winced a bit. I stared down at it, and thought it might've been a bug that bit me. My wrists were tied up, and I had no idea why. "Also, any reason as to why am I tied up?"

Dad looked at me, but he stayed silent through the highway.

"I guess I'll never find out." I mumbled, looking out the window. "You've been doing illegal things, haven't you, dad?" I knew I struck a nerve in him.


(Peter's POV)~

"This is creepy. Smart, genius. But creepy." Ned said, as he kept typing on the keyboard. "Okay, they just passed the Gamestop on Jackson Ave."

"Hey, how do you turn the headlights on this thing?!" I asked. "I'm in Flash's car!"

"I'll bring up the information." I heard Ned giggle as I put him on speakerphone. "You stole Flash's car? That's awesome, I can't wait till Y/N hears this."

"Yeah, it's awesome!" I started to say until I saw an oncoming bus and I started to swerve away from traffic. "Get out of the way! Move!!"

"Peter, are you okay?"

"I've never driven before. Only with May in parking lots! This is a huge step up, but if it gets me quicker to her, then this is the greatest thing I've ever lived through!" I heard a car horn coming from my side and I accelerated faster. "Hey, have you gotten through Happy yet?!"

"Uh yeah, I'm working on it." Ned said, as I heard chair squeaking. "I just gotta backdoor the phone system." He typed some more codes in the computer and wheeled away, and all I heard was, "Guy in the Chair!~"

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