13: My A.I Activates Protocols

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(Peter's POV cont)

"This past weekend, Midtown's Academic Decathlon defeated the country's best to win the National's Championship. Later that day, they also defeated death." Jason reported for the morning announcements. They played the clip that was aired over the news last night and some of the members from the Decathlon team explained their side on what happened. There were a few students who were watching and excited about the masked hero that saved their lives.

I was walking through the school after homeroom ended and was smiling to myself. I was proud that I did all of that by myself. "Dude!" Ned exclaimed, hurrying over to me. "What's it like being famous when no one knows it's you?"

"Crazy, dude," I whispered to him, making sure no one heard us. "...Except for my girlfriend."

Ned was about to agree with me until he stood there frozen in shock. "She knows?!" he asked. Even Ned didn't know what to say to it. "Peter, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I stayed the night over at her house, and she was asking me all these questions last night and started making a connection between me and my other self." I said, feeling nervous from head to toe. "I was so fidgety that entire night, I felt like I couldn't sleep."

He looked confused, and teased a smile at me. "You stayed at her house?" Ned snickered.

"Of course I did," I defended, taken aback. "I almost lost her that day, and I didn't want to go through with various scenes of what could have happened in my room."

Ned started feeling sorry for me, and then we both heard the bell ring. "Dude, come on, we're about to be late for class." he said, and started walking away until I told him no.

"I'm not going to class." I said.

"You're already in so much trouble for ditching the Decathlon!"

"I've figured it out though." I brought up from the night of the heist. "The boss man is stealing from damage control, and what he takes from damage control is how he builds the weapons. I gotta bring him in!"

Ned looked disappointed in me. "We have a Spanish quiz...and we're supposed to meet up with Y/N during lunch."

"I'm probably never going to come back here." I said. "Mr. Stark is moving the Avengers upstate so when I bring this guy in..."

"You wanna be a high school drop out? Y/N's going to be really mad at you for doing all this again."

"I can be doing so much more with my life right now, Ned, and she won't know if I'll be there again tonight!" I said, starting to head back out the doors until I got stopped by my principal. Needless to say, that was not part of the plan.

"Parker, my office."

I spent maybe 5 minutes in detention watching Captain America be our median on our school tv. "So! You got detention. You screwed up." he started to say and I zoned out. I started feeling antsy. I grabbed my backpack, and hurried out of detention without anyone stopping me.

I was hoping no one did anyway since I lifted a part of the lockers and grabbed a bottle of web fluid. I noticed I was near Y/N's classroom, and I started to sneak past it.

She was in English class now and I looked at her through a window. I watched how sad she was for not seeing me all day today, and she was probably already grilling Ned about what's going on and why I was avoiding her. I was going to get an earful when I come by tonight to her house.


Once I got home, I snuck in my house and hoped May wasn't in. I figured she probably went out grocery shopping or doing other errands. I sat down in my room, and talked to Karen. Karen was the artificial intelligence user interface created by Mr. Stark. She was an aid for me, and was similar to FRIDAY that was installed in Mr. Stark's Iron suit.

I still can't believe that I was under the Training Wheels Protocol before I got access to my AI. What was Mr. Stark thinking?

"Hey, Karen." I spoke into my suit.

"Hey Peter, how was your Spanish quiz?"

"Listen, I was wondering if you could help me find the guys under the bridge that night." I said. "I can only remember part of the license plate."

"I can run facial recognition on the footage of that encounter."

"Footage?" I was shocked, what else more can this AI do? I was ready to test out the full potential of my suit since overriding it at the hotel.

"Yes, Peter. I record everything you see. It's called the Baby Monitor Protocol~"

I dropped my pen, and sighed. "Yes, of course." I muttered. "Roll it back to last Friday?"

She started playing back multiple footages, including the ones when I was talking to myself in the mirror. It was when I couldn't figure out how to ask Y/N out. I cringed watching myself.

"Later in the day." I tried to forget what I just watched. "Okay..." I said, as I saw the arms deal footage. "Who are they, the two guys on the right?"

"Searching law enforcement databases. No records found." she said.


"One record found. His name is Aaron Davis. Age 33. He's got a criminal record and an address here in Queens."

"Time to go visit this man." I removed my hoodie.

"Would you like me to activate the Enhance Interrogation protocol?"

"Sure~" I said, intrigued.


I found the man in the garage parking lot. He opened his trunk and I swooped down and shot out a web to trap his hand on the trunk. My spider drone scanned him and he looked up confused. "Remember me?!" I asked in a very low, husky, robotic voice that Karen applied.

Why do I sound so ridiculous?

"Hey..." Mr. Davis started to run but I got him right where I wanted him.

"I need information. You're going to have to give it to me now."

"Alright, chill." He told me. "Wait. What happened to your voice?"

"What do you mean what happened to my voice?" I demanded.

"Your voice that night, under the bridge. I know what a girl sounds like." he said, finally not phased by my intimidation.

"I'm not a girl, I'm a boy!" I defended. This was not how I wanted things to turn out. "I mean, I'm a man!"

"I don't care what you are, boy, girl..." he went back to whatever he was doing with his trunk.

"I'm not a girl!" I said. "C'mon man, look. Who's selling these weapons? Names, something!"

Aaron Davis slammed the trunk on me, and I took some steps backwards in surprise.

"Deactivate Interrogation Mode." I felt a bit defeated. He snickered and my voice returned to normal. "Look man, these guys are selling weapons that's crazy dangerous and can't be out on the streets. One of them had cut Delmar's Bodega in half-"

"You know Delmar's?" he asked.

"Best sandwiches in Queens."

"Sub Haven's pretty good."

"Ahh, too much bread."

"I like bread...The other night, you said, "If you're going to shoot someone, shoot me". It's pretty ballsy. I don't want those weapons in the neighborhood." I have a nephew." he started to say.

"Who are these guys?" I asked. "What can you tell me about the guy with wings?"

"Other than he's a psychopath, dressed like a demon, nothing. I don't know who he is, or where he is. But I do know where he's going to be. This crazy dude I used to work with, they're supposed to be doing a deal." I started going nuts about this. I can't wait to get a hold of their next heist. "Hey, you don't have a location."

I walked over and placed my arms on his car to listen.

"Staten Island Ferry, 11."

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