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Logan sat carefully in one of the cozy sofas on the terrace overlooking the beach, inhaling the therapeutic aroma of the ocean that never fails to calm him. He sips his hot coffee blissfully, relaxing his old bones for the first time that day since the kids arrived. As much as he loves his children, he doesn't have the energy to keep their young spirits entertained. And boy, he has the most energetic kids. They were arriving today to join him and Rory in their Martha Vineyard's house which is where they had always spent their summers, only this year is special, because it's their 25th wedding anniversary.

Rory wanted to keep it simple, just them and the kids, but Grandma Emily played her old and withering and lonely widow card to "give her reason to celebrate what might be her last time having a party" which she had used several times now. So, tomorrow they're going to throw a party here, in their summer house where they threw their wedding party 25 years ago.

Logan sighed.

What a wonderful 25 years. Rory still excites him after three decades, with her ever growing intelligence and heart of gold. Their marriage is far from perfect, there were a lot of bumps on the road, but they always go back to the promise that they will never leave each other. And look at them 25 years and five kids later, still very much in love with each other.

Soon after their engagement they have found a nice house in Stamford, Connecticut. A really nice neighborhood to start a family. just roughly 40 minutes drive from the City where they both work, and only one hour drive from Hartford where their family resides, add thirty minutes more for Stars Hollow. They had to admit, having their families close by turned out to be beneficial, although it could sometimes be a nuisance. They get to spent more time with their families, gave Richard two years to know his great grandson who was named after him before he passed away peacefully, gave Shira lots of chances to spoil her grandchildren before she deteriorated because of her cancer. And Mitchum, the chance to be a grandfather before he passed away because of heart attack.

Their kids were the source of joy in their family, but also the source of frustration and arguments. They raised their kids differently, and of course not inside the Hartford's society circle or any society circle. Although being the heir of the Hartford society made them had to attend at least the most important ones, and let their children introduced into the society. But their children weren't brought up in the glamorous lifestyle Logan had, with a limo that drove him everywhere and a jet standing by in his expense. They weren't even granted a million dollars trust fund, they had college fund enough to pay for the tuition of any college they want, the ivy's included, and then some for grad school. They were also got housing and transportation benefits that weren't too fancy, and monthly allowance that is enough for them to live comfortably, but still teaches them to manage their finances wisely. Some of them got part-time jobs and summer jobs, some got scholarships, other got internships, while another got real jobs, as real as the internet nowadays.

Rory and him were always wanted a big family, but Rory had a difficult pregnancy, mostly because of caffeine deprivation, and a dramatic delivery, so when Richard Elias Gilmore Huntzberger was born 24 years ago, she swore she won't carry another child. And it was fine by Logan. They had Yaya and Richie (Richard's nickname), and he was already overjoyed.

Two years later on their annual humanitarian voluntarism visit, - this year to Kammuri Typhoon victim refuge center in The Phillipines - they fell in love to a pair of twin baby whose mom, dad, and relatives died in the disaster. Sheridan and Sheldon Lee Gilmore Huntzberger, now aged 22. Complete opposite of each other. Sheridan was a football team captain, exceptionally gifted in all things that require physical interaction, and Sheldon is a clumsy boy who can't even catch a ball from two feet away. But Sheldon was a book nerd, to Rory's delight. They can discuss books like two librarians. And he was the valedictorian of his class too, in high school, and in college. And he's now in Harvard (Lorelai was very happy) School of Management. Sheridan on the other hand, just signed a contract with Denver Broncos after finished college under their scholarship.

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