The Talk of the Future

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Logan left the sleeping Rory and head to the bar. Dera or Anastasia -they look alike- quickly stand up from her seat and stand by the bar, preparing herself to serve the young Huntzberger. "Scotch, neat, please." He said while sitting on one of the stools. The girl nodded and fix him the drink.

The plane is so quiet. They were all exhausted from the Dubai stopover that was extended to three days. But it was worth it. It was a blast no less. They spent the day in Dubai's touristy area: desert safari, sand boarding, and camel ride on day one and they went to Atlantis Aquaventure the next day. It was the first desert tour for most of them, including Mitchum who surprisingly excited although his heart didn't allow him to participate actively, but he did hop on a camel. Logan couldn't believe that the day he sees his father on a camel was actually happening, he took lots of pictures indeed. Everyone was so excited, even Finn who had to deal with excessive sun light which he was always detests.

The aquaventure was a little calmer than the adventure they had the day before, they were all just amazed by the architecture and technology the place offers. All but one. Yaya, who only knew a world of sadness and loss and grim, was really surprised by how different this world with the one she knows. People look different here, as in happy. She has never seen a world where everybody was carefree and content, let alone seeing a water world and various fish in a giant tank. It was a magical moment for her. She absorbed the delight feeling around her and was practically hopping since they arrived at the Aquaventure entrance. Logan was very proud. She didn't show any fear although the whole environment was very new to her. She's still a baby girl who is optimistic and seeing life as a beautiful place instead of a terrifying one, although she had spent her entire life in a dreadful and hopeless place. Logan made a personal vow to keep this little girl happy and safe, he never want to see her amazing spirit broken. Although Logan and Rory, and the others did claim defeat after what felt like the two hundred and thirtieth slide ride. There's no one who could compare to this little girl's energy, not even Lorelai, who after her second slide quickly went for a nap under the alibi to man the belongings in their rented gazebo.

All and all, their very short escapade in Dubai was the time of their lives. Everybody was enjoying themselves and the other's company. But it was extremely exhausting. Even Finn and Colin fell asleep right before the plane took off. Logan on the other hand, couldn't bring himself to sleep more than one hour. He's just too excited, and has too many things in his head. He thinks about the proposal, which has to be epic as he'd promised Rory, and potentially going to fail as he currently has no idea whatsoever. He cursed his smart mouth. He had oversell it, and now he has to dig his brain out to come up with something. Fast. Because Daddy is waiting for the official proposal.

His mind went back to the dinner in Dubai with his father. The second night they were in Dubai, Mitchum had call his room and asked him to join him in a private dinner. They were staying at the Four Seasons Dubai, and It was a business dinner, obviously. Mitchum has never asked for privacy if it's personal.

"Hi, son..." Mitchum greeted him when he arrived at the restaurant.

"Hi, dad. Sorry I'm late. Yaya had threw a tantrum over her dinner, she refused to eat her broccolis..."

Mitchum smiled and nodded. He handed Logan the menu card, and they went silent for a while studying the card.

A while later the smily waiter came and they placed their order. A nice and chunky tenderloin steak for Logan, which he will eat in appreciation after spending a year in depreciation of decent steak.

"Still couldn't believe I am still alive to see this day," Mitchum commented after the waiter left with their orders.

"What day?"

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